The Most Important Shoulder Exercise You’re Not Doing

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Shoulder instability is a major part of many shoulder issues, leading to things like shoulder impingement, labral tears in the shoulder, and shoulder tendinopathy. But traditional rotator cuff exercises simply aren’t enough to stabilise the shoulder. So, here’s an amazingly effective, but easy exercise to help fix an unstable, painful shoulder. (And if you have anterior shoulder instability, it’s also a great shoulder dislocation exercise.)
In unstable shoulders, the head of the humerus tends to move forward and up within the glenohumeral joint, impinging and damaging structures within the shoulder, so it makes sense that an exercise that holds the head of the humerus back and down within the joint will help. In fact, if you have a clicking, clunking shoulder, it’s a good indication that you should do this exercise.

How to fix shoulder capsule tightness:

How to strengthen the other important shoulder muscles:

0:00 Intro
0:52 Exercise 1.
2:58 Exercise 1. Alternative
3:54 Progression Exercises
5:39 What else do you need to do?

#bodyfixexercises #shoulderrehab #shoulderpain
Рекомендации по теме

Oh my god this is gold, thank you so much! I didn't know option 1 was the equivalent of option 2, this literally changed my day and I'm not exaggerating 😮


Anyone get frustrated with doing basic rotator cuff exercises for ages and not getting far?


We need those videos that you referred in the end, too. Thank you sir that you are sharing your knowledge with us.


I discovered your channel just yesterday, and watched a few of your videos and shorts. They were all very helpful to me, particularly the ones related to shoulder issues. You've gained a new subscriber!


How did you know I needed this😢 I cant lift my left arm. Received a cortisone injection today, git some pain relief in my neck and shoulder. My shoulder is still stiff and I will do this exercises tomorrow. Thank you!


Thank you sir! From the top of my head to the end of my toes there's always some excellent exercises for what ails me.


Thankyou ill add these exercises to the others you gave and let you know results couple of weeks


Marvelous filmings, .. great .. lots of and all of perfe ct techniques I need to learn.. full heart tks to you.


Definitely trying this, thanks! Question: Could you also do the first exercise sitting down, with your back against a straight backrest or wall?


liked the blooper reel 😂... great suggestions as always, interested to know more re: why don't keep your shoulder blade 'retracted' as you overhead press... why is that exactly?


I am going to PT twice a week for my shoulder. It has been bothering me for over 20 years . When I went to the doctor 20 years ago they said arthritis and nothing was done about it. Now my range of motion is very limited and about 4 or 5 months ago started having numbness and tingling in my shoulder so i went to some specialist and right off they want to do surgery.
But my insurance company said i need 6 weeks of PT first. Im in my 3rd week of PT and the things that they want me to do hurt. Im 65 years old and have arthritis everywhere.
Ive already had to knee replacement. Can you recommend some good videos for a old man that doesn't want surgery anymore. Thanks


Thank you for the helpful shoulder rehab exercises. Do you have an opinion about pull-up bar hangs for shoulder health?
Thank you


This seems similar to what you would get from a rowing machine. Can you comment/compare on each ones benefits?
