Is Calvinism Heresy?

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Is Calvinism Heresy? In this video I consider a somewhat strange but common enough question.
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Very first word: "No".

I absolutely love it lol!!

Will watch the full vid but appreciate the upfront ness and transparency. God bless!


Well said...I'm so tired of people misrepresenting calvinism. It's truly ignorance.


Hi, I’m Sim from Singapore ... I was once under word faith movement and that’s heresy ... I’m now a Calvinist after following Pastor Matthew‘s teaching ... Thank you so much pastor.


So many of the objections to Calvinism are based on false assumptions or simple, humanistic beliefs, like when people say “well, the God, I worship wouldn’t do that.“

I often wonder how they interpret 1 Corinthians 3:6–7 where Paul clearly states that God is ultimately in charge of salvation, when he says, that the Lord “gives the increase or growth” after Paul and Apollo’s play their parts in evangelism.


You are historically correct on the Calvin/Servitas affair. Calvin did not pull the strings on that, he was only a witness.


Well said Matt. Anytime I mention predestination or "the elect" around other Christians, it's almost like a trigger word or phrase for them. I really don't understand it other than the fact that these Christians it bothers, simply believe that "everyone" should have the chance to be saved. All I can say to that is it is up to us as Christians to preach the Gospel and let God take care of the rest. With that being said, we can't simply ignore scripture because it makes us feel uncomfortable and doesn't seem fair to some. God decides what is fair and who is saved by Grace. That is not our responsibility.


My thoughts on the dismay with Reformed theology is the humanistic side of us as creatures...the propensity to think we in our own strength of will choose God and that which is good. I believe reformed theology, thru Jonathan Edwards has taught me that left alone to my own choices of will alone, without the intervention of God himself through the Holy Spirit can only end in sinful choices or at least to say all things that fall short of God's Glory. The ONLY way I can choose God and live a Christian life is through the direct intervention of God himself thru hearing the Gospel preached and the Holy Spirit changing my cold heart of stone. This is not of myself, but a gift from God. No one can come unto the Father unless he draws him. John 6:40-51


Thank you, Matt. I enjoy your videos a lot and I learn a lot from every one I watch.


I'm not a calvinist but calling it heresy I think is going too far. The themes of the elect and predestination are in scripture the Calvinist just understands these truths differently than I do. I pray we could all be charitable to each other


Great video, pastor. Thank you for making these videos on reformed theology.


It is sad that Calvin who gave the "freedom of religion" and "separation of church and state" to the world, but so misunderstood and vilified now.


Just started re-reading Calvin's Institutes (on your recommendation). Last read 1991. A most refreshing thing to get Calvin from Calvin himself rather than from someone else.


Limited Atonement is heresy. There are mutliple scriptures that clearly present that Jesus died for the whole world.


Hi Matthew and those who view his channel,

Calvinism or Reformed Doctrine claims to be the least man-centered, and the most God-gloryfying and most God- centered.

Yet this doctrine intrinsically is taught by men, and these men are hailed as "heroes." (McArthur, Sproul, Pink, Calvin, Augustine, Bauchaum, oh the list goes on.)

What make maketh ye of this?


It has been my long experience that most of the most vile enemies of Calvinism have no idea what it actually teaches. For those individuals, I highly recommend the book, "The Doctrines of Grace, Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel, " by James M. Boice and Philip G. Ryken.


thanks firstly for the definition of what heresy is. That helped. Struggling with the whole elect v's free will thing, being honest.


Do Calvinists evangelize like they believe calvinism? Do you let potential converts know that you will preach the Gospel, but they cannot be saved if they are not one of the elect and were predestined by God for destruction?


I actually mean this charitably. You say by no definition. Well from an Eastern Orthodox perspective protestantism was actually condemned as heresy by an Orthodox synod in Jerusalem. This synod adopted the responses of Jeremias II to the Lutheran professors from Germany. This would include much of what Calvinists believe including their understanding of the Trinity and the Nicean Creed. I'm not trying to start an argument. Just pointing out that you cannot say from any charitable perspective. There is no cruelty in my tone.


I do appreciate this video, though and it's good to hear from a Calvinist. I was asking myself this question just earlier.


Thanks for your videos, brother. They are such a blessing. One question: Is the NPP(New Perspective on Paul) heresy? If so, why?
