What to expect for an MRI Scan!

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#greenscreen What to expect for an MRI Scan. #mriscans #mrianxiety #radiology #hospitalvisit #healthcareexperience mri scans are loud #shorts

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let’s make it a little more accurate and less scary for those anxious about one 😭

- mris are loud but won’t bother you as you’ll be given earplugs and over ear headphones through which you can listen to music

- the length will be dependent on what they’re scanning, an example of a short mri would be the knee at around 10 mins

- you don’t have to change into a gown provided you are wearing loose clothing that doesn’t contain any metal

- you can’t move and will be in the tunnel unless you are having lower body part examined but if this makes you anxious, you ask the radiographer to talk to you from time to time and if not then you can also ask for sedation. in most hospitals around the world you’ll be given a buzzer which you can press at any time during the examination if you want the scan to stop

good luck 😊


Had one today for the first time...y'all, my heart almost thudded out of my chest when he put my head in that cage. I had to breathe, pray, and tell myself "mind over matter." Afterwards when the receptionist asked me how it was, tears filled my eyes. I was so relieved it was over.


Hello! I just had my MRI this morning so here’s what they did for me:

-put my head into this cushioned block to make sure I don’t move.
-give my some headphones so I can listen to music (Melanie Martinez ofc)
-my scan lasted about an hour because I had a full length spine scan
-I was also given ear plugs to block out the noise of the scanner
-I had the option to have my mum in the room with me and I chose for her to be in the room
-the staff were so kind to me and made sure I was comfortable
-I was given a squeezy thing to signal if there was anything wrong
-they also gave me a blanket because it was quite cold!

Good luck!


Those machines are a living nightmare! I felt like I was being buried alive in a coffin.. Never again for me!


I wish they could invent an MRI that takes 1 minute.


i hate my regular brain MRIs

because EVERY time i get a really itchy spot and i cant move for like another 30 minutes

I still prefer it over a CT with contrast fluid every time tho


I got a foot MRI and here’s my experience!:

1) I put on two gowns due to the cold temperatures in the room
2) I got put in only halfway, just enough to take the scan of my foot
3) I got headphones, but the machines noises were too loud to hear the soothing music.
4) the machine (most times) will tell you when it’s starting a new scan in order to prepare you for the new sound it’s going to make
5) most of the time the sounds are all going to be different
6) the table will most likely move during the scan
7) prepare to feel as if you exited a fridge


Im having an MRI today for my knee, quite nervous


Just had my first mri today, lasted 40 mins but for me it felt like 10, almost fell asleep in there was actually quite soothing


I went for a MRI but I was anxious so my mom requested the radiographer to talk to me throughout the scanning session and she was kind


I had a scan that was two hours and then we found out I needed a different one 😂


I am very claustrophobic and i needed anesthesia for my mri💀


I almost got up and run out ... the loud noise which I was not aware of not give earplugs only noise defenders listening to some music could have helped
The cage like device put over my face without pre warning or knowledge as my eyes were closed when I opened my eyes I had a panic attack as I felt trapped.. I'm wondering if they do it unpurpose because on the phone I actually mentioned I have anxiety and also that I am afraid of small tight spaces ...
Felt dizzy throughout the process and my migrane then got set off .
More awareness should be out there and extra info and video explanation especially for people who have anxiety etc ... I really did want to rip the whole cage and run out of there I keep having flash backs ... so I am searching youtube for videos to help because I don't think I want to redo this 😂


I had mine done today! Brain MRI with and without contrast. Lasted 40 minutes. My advice: keep your eyes closed at all times! Do NOT open them! I was given earplugs and the noise was tolerable. Not to mention I had a really sweet MRI tech.


My adhd ahh getting one this Tuesday:

Ohhh no no no no no


I went to a private clinic and I didn’t have to wear a gown. I think that the only important thing is that your clothes don’t have any metals on them! I highly recommend cotton clothes bcs they are the most comfortable


I was able to get an MRI on my shunt in 18 minutes, including contrast time at the end. Didn't have to change into a gown, just wore a t-shirt and sweatpants. 3T machine though, not the basic 1.5T that most people experience.


I am so nervous for my scan bc i CANNOT SIT STILL


Some scans can be like five minutes while the entire MRI itself may be longer you can kinda breathe for a minute between scans.


With my luck I'll probably start having foot and leg cramps
