32 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect
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At 3 ½ to 4 pounds and 16 to 17 inches long, about the length of a celery stalk, your baby's legs are tucked up into the fetal position, which makes sense when you realize your little passenger is running out of leg room.
Not to worry though, baby's completely comfy in there, even if you're not quite as comfy out here. Your uterus is sitting about 5 inches above your belly button, crowding your diaphragm and lungs and making it more difficult for them to fully expand. The result? Some shortness of breath.
But this should make you breathe easier: Baby's getting an uninterrupted supply of oxygen, courtesy of the placenta. Now would also be a good time to learn some breathing exercises, but for you, not for baby.
Meanwhile, your tiny one is hunkering down to ride out the last few weeks of gestation and may even be settling into the most common birthing position, head-down, bottom-up. Anatomically it makes sense. Baby's maximizing what little space is left in your womb by dropping the heaviest part of the body, the head, into the bottom of your inverted pear-shaped uterus.
Baby's also prepping for that big debut by honing the skills needed to survive outside the womb, from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. Another big change this week: Your baby’s skin is no longer transparent. As more and more fat accumulates under the skin, it's finally opaque, not see-through, though the final color won't be revealed until after your baby's born.