15 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect
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Your baby is tipping the scales at 2 ½ ounces and is around 4 inches long, about the size of a pear. And amazingly, your baby will double in size over the next few weeks, so be prepared for your belly to do some serious growing of its own.
And on that swelling bump, you might be starting to notice a dark line forming under your belly button, if you haven't already. It's called the linea nigra, and it's brought on by your surging pregnancy hormones. In fact, the skin all over your body becomes hyperpigmented during pregnancy, so you might also notice dark splotches on your face, called melasma. Melasma is especially common in Black and Asian moms. Sunlight can be a trigger, so don't forget to slather on that SPF before you step outside.
There's lots going on with your body right now and even more with your baby. Ears have finally found their way up from the neck to their proper position on the sides of the head. The eyes are shifting from the side of the head to the front of the face. More Botticelli, less Picasso.
By now, your baby has the coordination, strength and brain power to wiggle the fingers and toes, and even suck a thumb. And although it's still unlikely you can feel any movements this week, your little acrobat is getting a workout, kicking, flexing and moving those arms and legs.