25 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect
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At 25 weeks, your uterus is about the size of a soccer ball. A fact that's probably pretty obvious if you're still trying to zip up your old jeans. Bouncing around inside that ball is your baby boy or girl, now 13 inches long, the length of an eggplant, and weighing a pound-and-a-half.
And get ready to feel plenty of kicks from your little striker, who will be more active over the next three weeks than any other time in your whole pregnancy. If your womb had a view, you'd see that regardless of what baby's skin color will ultimately be, it's currently taking on a pinkish hue, a sign that the fetal vascular system is maturing. Capillaries are forming under the skin and filling with blood. By the end of this week, air sacs lined with capillaries will also develop in your baby's lungs, getting them ready for that first breath of air.
Speaking of breathing, your baby's teensy nostrils have been sealed up until now, but this week, they're starting to open, enabling your little one to begin taking practice breaths. Occasionally, those practice breaths will lead to hiccups, which will bounce your belly inside and out with a repetitive rhythmic motion sometimes lasting for several minutes or more. Some babies have bouts of hiccups several times a day, while others barely hiccup at all.
Not to worry. They're harmless and unlike adult hiccups, they don't bother baby one bit. But if all that shaking is throwing you off your rhythm, try a change of position, take a stretch or just have a drink of water. Or sit back and enjoy the hiccup show. And stay tuned for more.