35 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect
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At week 35, your little one isn't so little anymore. Weighing about 5 ¼ pounds and measuring up to about 18 inches long, that's a foot-and-a-half, or the size of a bunch of Swiss chard. Some babies come in smaller or larger packages than others, and that's normal. Growth will gradually taper off when it comes to length, but your baby will continue to pack on weight until birth with a whole pound or two to gain before delivery day.
Something else your baby will be packing on in the last few remaining weeks are those brain cells. Brain development continues at a mind-boggling pace, making your brainy bundle a little on the top-heavy side. Happily, while baby's head is hefty, the skull won't be fully fused until age 2. That makes it more pliable for delivery and gives babies their trademark soft spots, or fontanelles.
As your baby fills out and your uterine confines get tighter, movements will feel less like individual kicks and punches, and more like slithers and rolls. By the way, keep counting those movements twice a day. Don't be surprised if the shape of your tummy suddenly changes from time to time. It's not an alien you're gestating, just your baby shifting position. Braxton Hicks contractions can also bunch your belly up, making it super tight and possibly painful.
Speaking of positions, most babies have settled into a heads-down, bottoms-up position in mom's pelvis, ideal for delivery since it allows baby's biggest part to exit first. But last-minute flips are possible, especially if baby is on the smaller side, and a few bundles may opt to ride out pregnancy heads-up, also known as breech.
If your little one is still in a breech position by week 37, talk to your provider about your range of options to ensure a safe delivery. And remember, no matter what, you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms in just a few weeks.