27 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect
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Welcome to week 27. Now tipping the scales at about 2 pounds and 14 ½ inches long, your wonderful work in progress has doubled in weight in the past month and is roughly the size of a head of cabbage.
Here's an interesting fetal factoid: Your little one's tongue is covered in more taste buds now than it will be at birth and beyond, and they're being put to good use. With every gulp of amniotic fluid, your baby can taste different flavors, and sometimes will react to them. For instance, some moms report that their babies respond to spicy food by hiccuping, or by kicking when they get that spicy kick. The amniotic fluid also serves as a two-way radio, thanks to the conductivity of fluid.
Sometime between now and week 36, your provider will likely recommend a Tdap vaccine. This shot protects for two, baby and you, against pertussis, also called whooping cough, as well as tetanus and diphtheria. That's right, the antibodies that this shot helps you build will be passed along to your fetus. They will protect against serious infection until your newborn can get a first dose of the baby version of Tdap, the DTaP, at 2 months. If your doctor or midwife hasn't mentioned the Tdap, make sure you ask for it by name.
You already know that your little listener is all ears when you or your partner or an older sibling talks to your belly, but it goes the other way too. If your partner patiently presses an ear against your bump, it's possible to hear that most precious sound of all, the thumpity-thump of your little one's heartbeat.