Planet Fitness 30 Minute Circuit (PF EXPRESS WORKOUT WALKTHROUGH!)

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PLANET FITNESS 30 MINUTE CIRCUIT (PF EXPRESS WORKOUT WALKTHROUGH!) // Want to learn more about the Planet Fitness 30 Minute Workout Circuit? In this video, I go over the circuit set up, explain each of the exercises (10 Planet Fitness step cardio exercises and 10 strength machine exercises), and share my review on the experience.

0:00 Intro
2:12 - Station #1: Basic Step
2:26 - Station #2: Chest Press
2:41 - Station #3: Alternating Toe Touches
2:57 - Station #4: Seated Leg Press
3:10 - Station #5: Over the Top
3:21 - Station #6: Lat Pulldown
3:36 - Station #7: Straddle Down
3:47 - Station #8: Shoulder Press
3:59 - Station #9: Lunges
4:19 - Station #10: Leg Curl
4:33 - Station #11: Mountain Climbers
4:47 - Station #12: Bicep Curls
5:04 - Station #13: Burpees with Step Jump
5:24 - Station #14: Tricep Extensions
5:39 - Station #15: Squat Jumps
5:56 - Station #16: Leg Extensions
6:07 - Station #17: Plank Jacks
6:21 - Station #18: Seated Row
6:31 - Station #19: Knee Lifts
6:43 - Station #20: Abdominal Machine
7:01 - Personal Thoughts About the Planet Fitness 30 Minute Circuit

#planetfitness #workout #circuittraining
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Thank you for this! I have crippling anxiety and bought a membership and have left the pf building because of the anxiety of not knowing what I’m doing so I’m going to start here


Thank you this was so helpful! I’m new to planet fitness and have been sticking to cardio only bc I’m intimidated by the strength machines but I think I’m going to try this circuit to get more comfortable using the machines! Very much appreciated 👍🏼


Great video. The only think missing for newbies is all the adjustments that can be made on each machine. And my PF doesn't have anything numbered either! GAH!!

While I don't use this room the way that it was intended, I do 2 sets of 15, clean and move on to the next machine. I would never stop anyone who was obviously using the room as it was intended. It is so FRUSTRATING that folks come in here and just sit on a machine forever. Get on their phone, stare off into space, talk on the phone, act as if they are the ONLY one in there as I get closer and closer. And I hate skipping a machine, so I'm the one that will ask you if you are almost done! I remember 15 years ago when gyms were so much smaller and equipment was at a minimum and EVERYONE got off the machine when they were done with a set to let anyone else pop on if needed - or work in sets together. STOP BEING HOGS! Do your set and get off the machine if you can see someone is waiting! BE CONSCIOUS AND CONSIDERATE :) THANKS!


I use this circuit every time I go to PF but only the machines. I go late at night so nobody is monitoring the area lol. I am glad you made this video so I can see how you use the platforms as well


I’ve been using the 30 minute circuit for several months, it is the best workout in the place if you do it right. As far as the weights go, I set the weights high enough so that I’d hit failure just before the 60 seconds are up. For the knee ups try to balance yourself on one leg for 3 seconds and lean back a little bit to strengthen your core stomach area. You can do some great modifications to get the best out of this work out. But please do the circuit as you’re supposed to do it AND don’t use it like your personal couch at home and sit on the machine for 15 minutes looking at your cell phone every four minutes… oh yeah and I’m 58… no excuses


So helpful & exactly what I was looking for! Today was my first day at planet fitness & am planning on doing the 30 minute workout tomorrow!


Extremely helpful. I very much appreciate the step demos plus the possible modifications. Thank you!


Thanks for providing this helpful video. I always see this circuit but always been intimated. Now I'm gonna try this out.


I joined two years ago: July 2022. I was intimidated by the workout. As of today, I've been on the circuit twice (Last week and yesterday). Last week I did 5 weight machines s and 5 step routines. Yesterday, i did all 20. 5 and 5, rest, then the other 5 and 5. I'm ready to include this twice a week hoping to do all 20 with no extra break.


Anyone watching this, don’t mimic his leg press procedure. You should never fully extend your leg on a leg press. Push out slowly until your knees are just slightly bent then slowly return to start position. Never push out hard to your locked knee position or your legs can quite literally fold backwards


I started using the 30 minute room. I don't use the blocks. I like the order of the machines. I do light weight high reps. Normally nothing over 20 lbs but I do it 50 times. Anything with legs. I do 50 lbs 50 times. I go twice a day..once in the morning for weights then after work for cardio.


Thank you very much. This video is very helpful. I'm not a beginner but have trouble going to the gym knowing that I have a 1+ hour workout ahead of me. So, I decided to try this express workout. I have the problem you mentioned of people not having a clue how to do a circuit and so interfering with my workout, resting on equipment in this area because it's away from the other machines and interfering with my workout, etc. I do ask them politely to move but Planet Fitness needs to do a better job of explaining to patrons that the area is for circuit training ONLY. I also agree with you that the workout may not be challenging enough. I'm out of shape now so this workout is OK but I can already see that when I'm in better shape I'll need to get a more challenging workout. Thanks again for this helpful video!


Thank you so much. This was really helpful. I am new to gym life and this gave me great instructions on the 30 minute workout. I wish my PF had a trainer like you.


This is a great video, thank you! I’m a beginner and this is SO helpful!


Ty 4 Sharing your planet fitness 30 minute circuit workouts. 💯👏👏 I'm new to planet fitness and I thought it could help me with my skating ⛸️. I recently picked up ice skating again after being off the ice for over 25 years. When I saw you doing lunges in the 30-minute workout session.🤔 I knew immediately that this is going to improve my overall health and skating techniques ⛸️💃
Once again, thanks so much for sharing💯 🤜


I joined PF this week, it’s new to our area and I’m looking forward to trying this out. Thank you!


Thank you so much. I have been going to PF for several years and basically just using various machines. I often go back to the 30 minute version for lack of knowing what to do. I use the machines but have not used the steps. Now will do both I need cardio to work on increased lung function as I have COPD.


Thank you! I knew how to operate the machine weights but had no idea what to do with the step platforms. I will be playing this video at PF next time I go!


Thank you so much for this! That room looked so intimidating so I’ve never even walked in there, but I will definitely try it out now


Thank you for this video. My husband and I recently joined PF and on Friday I do the 30 minute express with a trainer for the first time in years. I am extremely out of shape, looking to get into cardio and weight training. Thanks again!
