How Maegor the Cruel Brought Terror to Westeros

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Aegon the Conqueror ruled Westeros from 2 BC until 37 AC, and fathered two sons. They were Aenys and Maegor, the Sons of the Dragon. Aenys I Targaryed reigned five pathetic years from 37-42, at which point his brother Maegor usurped the Iron Throne after Aenys's death. Over his six year reign from 42-48 AC, he became known as Maegor the Cruel, a violent and cursed king. This video tells the story of Maegor's life and his terror, and discusses whether he was mad like King Aerys II, or just evil.

Art in thumbnail:
Maegor by Naomimakesart
Balerion by Ertac Altinoz
Maegor with heart by Kieran Yanner
Aegon I by Shen Fei
Black Brides by Kieran Yanner

0:00 - 1:05 Intro
1:05 - 15:10 Maegor vs Faith Militant
15:10 - 18:53 Maegor vs Aegon the Uncrowned
18:53 - 22:07 Maegor vs House Harroway
22:07 - 27:33 The Black Brides
27:33 - 31:43 Maegor's Downfall
31:43 - 33:32 Cruel or Insane?
33:32 - 34:50 Last Words

#asoiaf #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones
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Maegor is quite literally Henry the eighth. He had six wives. He broke with the faith. And his behavior started to change after a traumatic injury. George R R Martin did say that he looked at British history for inspiration for game of thrones


Maegor starts his story at the prodigal saviour of House Targaryen. An undefeatable warrior riding the largest dragon his family ever possessed, wielding both ancestral swords, returning from exile to save his House from collapse after his father worked so hard to solidify their power and committing the necessary violence to quell rebellion. But as time went on, he became the very monster people believed him to be.


Maegor woke up and let every intrusive thought win


"His reign ended after 6 years and 66 days" George R. R. Martin knew what he was doing there


In all honesty, Maegor was a truly cruel man, but I can't help but be so intrigued by his story. He took the throne at arguably the most pinnacle time of Westeros's history while the Targaryens were still trying to solidify their claim/dominion (that shit takes decades when things go in your favor instead of the latter) over a massive continent with several different cultures that made it hard to rule. He was definitely bloodthirsty for sure, but sometimes, when you're a king with a massive fuck-off dragon, you're gonna have to use it to keep people in check.


For all the credit fans give Maegor for crushing a belligerent Faith Militant, in the end it was not his problem to solely solve. It was his nephew's, Aegon the Uncrowned. Despite his inexperience, as demonstrated when Maegor struck him down, he obviously had more resolve than his father Aenys I had shown, since he was actually willing to mount his dragon and fight back. If Maegor truly cared about securing the Targaryen dynasty, he could've helped his nephews consolidate power as a Hand or at least a general.


Maegor always gives me real "Caligula" vibes. He (Caligula) becomes emperor, and really gets off on the right foot he's popular and competent. Then he suffers not a head injury but some kind of brain infection and it almost kills him. He was in a coma for a month but miraculously survived. But when he returns he's changed he's become a vicious, cruel and sadistic lunatic. I wonder how much of Maegor was inspired by Caligula.


Honestly, the Targaryen Dynasty wouldn’t have survived without Maegor. The Faith would have taken them out. I hope they do a couple HOTD seasons on this whole time period. I’ve heard it’s supposed to be an anthology series, so I’m sure they’ll do Aegon the Conqueror at some point. I have a feeling we’ll be much more sympathetic to Maegor if/when it comes out


Maegor appearing above Aegons dragon with his nuke Balerion the dread and unleashing chaos on them both must be horrific for the Aegon side loyalist who witnessed this. Maegor maybe cruel but Maegor had the qualities of a the Valeryian dragonlords which lacks in many other dragonriders in the dynasty.


Props to Dick Bean, what a loyal follower!


Maegor’s rule is pretty much a glimpse at what Joffrey’s would’ve been had he not died at his wedding


Maegor's madness was likely caused by the head trauma that almost killed him. He was very against kinslaying before that. Much less violent, too. My theory is that the blow damaged the impulse control part of his brain, hence why he made such rash decisions during his rule.


I think Maegor was the man that was needed not the man that was wanted, he also seemed loyal and sane enough before his Coma, afterwards though things started derailing, much like Dutch Vanderlind from Red dead 2 after he hit his head on the trolley


Brain injuries have been known to trigger lower impulse control. Always think about that when this guy comes up.


The High Septon from Old Town: “Lol you suck Maegor”
Visenya: “The Riverlands must burn for this.”


I wish Visenyas bloodline didnt end with Maegor


Sure he was horrible, but he was legendary. Imagine being the one to build the red keep AND the dragon pit 💀 I didn’t know visenya was so down for that many war crimes LOL


Would love to see this series continue through the line of kings


the more i learn about maegor the more obvious it is he's heavily inspired by henry viii. also his first two wives closely matching catherine of aragon and anne boleyn.... elinore costayne is catherine parr


House Harroway: *Exists*
Maegor: You fucked up
