Was MAEGOR THE CRUEL a NECESSARY EVIL for the Targaryen Dynasty

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Maegor the Cruel, a tyrant in Westerosi history, ruled with unparalleled brutality, instilling fear through gruesome violence and savage terror. While his reign saw widespread torture and massacres, some argue that it was a necessary evil and they suggest that his harsh methods were crucial to crush rebellions and eliminate threats to the Targaryen regime. In this video, I try to delve deeper into this topic and explore the effectiveness of Maegor’s reign.

Tell me if you agree with my takes down below in the comment’s section.

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00:00 – INTRO
15:54 – What do YOU think?

*ART CREDITS (order of appearance)*
Maegor I by Amok
Zombie King by naomimakesart
Maegor crowned from The Rise of the Dragon
The Trial of the Seven from The Rise of the Dragon
The death of Tyanna from The Rise of the Dragon
Maegor in furs by naomimakesart
Tyrion and Young Grif from samartworksblog
High Septon by Doug Weatley
Maegor I by Doug Wheatley
Aenys I on the Iron Throne by Magali Villeneuve
King Aenys by Doug Wheatley
King Aenys I by [Unknown]
The Vulture hunt from The Rise of the Dragon
Torrhen Stark kneels to Aegon I by Chase Stone
Harren the Red by “Joff” from Amino Apps
The melee at Harrenhal from The Rise of the Dragon
Riverrun by Ted Nasmith
The Fall of Harrenhal by Rene Aigner
Temerian Army by Bizzipo
Knights of the Vale by Fadly Romdhani
The Vulture King from The Rise of the Dragon
Lodos and his followers from The Rise of the Dragon
Jaehaerys and Alysanne by Doug Wheatley
The Faith Militant by 1oshuart
The Poor Fellows by Stefan Kopinski
Dragonstone by Philip Straub
Visenya on Dragonstone from The Rise of the Dragon
Aenys and Maegor by Elena Stripe
Maegor arrives at the Eyrie from The Rise of the Dragon
The death of Aegon the Uncrowned by Doug Wheatley
Aegon and Aenys by Jota Saraiva
Medieval army outside castle by [Unknown]
Liberating Dreamfyre and Quicksilver from The Rise of the Dragon
Balerion the Black Dread and Quciksilver by [Unknown]
The death of Aegon the Uncrowned from The Rise of the Dragon
The Warrior's Sons by Andrew Bosley

*Note:* All materials in this video are used for the purpose of enhancing my opinions on the topic discussed, not to plagiarise or bastardize any of the intellectual property used. This falls within the guidelines of fair use and so no copyright infringements were intended.

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Maegor had to happen for the Targaryens to keep power. Reading the sections with King Aenys in power were so frustrating, it was embarrassing. Jaehaerys knew that being seen as an Aenys would threaten their power and influence again. Young Jaehaerys made it a point to make sure he wasn't just competent but an excellent warrior in his own right. Speaks to how wise King Jaehaerys was knowing he needed an even amount of Aenys AND Maegor to be an effective leader. It always irks me when people just paint Maegor as a terrible person. He served a purpose and did it well, just not how I wanted. But you can't deny the result.


Keep in mind these facts:
Fire and Blood insinuates that Maegor was born using dark magics.
Maegor did not attempt to usurp his brother's throne while he ruled but helped him quell the uprisings that were sparked during his reign.
Then remember that Maegor was betrayed by almost everyone close to him, this includes one of his wives, Tyanna, who allegedly revived him using dark magic after the Trial of the Seven.

I feel that the circumstances of Maegor's birth, his eventual revival at the hands of Tyanna using dark magic and then all the betrayal he had to suffer drove Maegor mad. Otherwise, his actions before all this could be termed as cruel yet necessary to secure Targaryen power.
Furthermore, recall that the histories of Westeros are mostly penned by Maesters of the Citadel who have a great dislike for magic and dragons. It is only obvious that these Maesters would attempt to slander Maegor.


All the wife(s) stuff aside, I'm willing to bet that Meagor didn't do anything that Visenya wouldn't do in his position. I think she's the scariest of the Targaryens.


Aenys and Maegor were important as they established both the benevolent and agressive side of House Targaryen. They both paved the way for Jaehaerys to be the kind that would shape the 7 kingdoms and who would rule benevolently but who also would show aggression if called for, living up to his title as conciliator.


Id argue that it was really Visenya that was the real ruler, while Maegor had just been for the sake of legitimacy. He didn't last long after she died.


Interesting topic. Yeah, I guess Maegor’s reign was effective for the Targaryens, but I'm not sure if it was effective for everyone else in Westeros. As you said, many people were tortured and killed. Maegor wasn't a stand up guy, but he did secure Targaryen power. Awesome video once again. More please. 🤗


Worst part is he wasn't really mad, just a psychopath


Funnily enough maegor never usurped his brothers line until aenys was dead.


Here is my take, and it's a lengthy one, so be prepared:

Visenya chose to paint herself and Maegor as the villains of history so as to secure the continuation of the Targaryen dynasty. In time however, the pantomime villain Maegor BECAME a true villain.

Aegon managed the realm, Visenya kept it quelled through fear and might, and Rhaenys won the hearts of the people to their favour.
When Rhaenys died, so did the security Aegon's rule operated through. The final 20 years of peace in Aegon's rule was not peaceful through choice, but from the Ruler's fear. They no longer had their most popular sibling.
Robert is the shadow-Aegon, a brave warrior who becomes a King, only a drunken lech who craves for war again.
Stannis is the shadow-Visenya, militant, cold and deeply caring of family, yet easily led astray by others.
Renly is the shadow-Rhaenys, popular and inspiring at court, yet a total airhead.
Rhaenys was anything but stupid. Her war was one of culture, and her loss put the dynasty in a bind, as the Church gradually re-established its dominance over Westeros.

Aenys, of course, was a good-hearted idiot, who would not listen to Visenya's warnings about the Church. This caused fissures between them - the true conflict, since just as Stannis loved/loves his family, I believe Visenya truly loved Aenys and all her nieces and nephews. There was never true bitterness over who should seize the throne. She simply feared how easily they were being manipulated.
When Aenys was dying, it was through poison from his maestor, and Visenya quickly cured him causing his short recovery. After this however, I believe Aenys STILL didn't listen, and Visenya made a terrible choice. She killed her Nephew for the good of the dynasty, and summoned her son, to whom she confided her plan. They became a necessary evil for their House's survival. Villains of history that must do what MUST be done.
Not long after however, Maegor would die, and need to be resurrected, forever altering him. The brutish but dutiful son became increasingly unhinged and unpredictable. It greatly saddened Visenya, but also worked perfectly for the plan she was concocting...

You see, Visenya was grooming Prince Jaehaerys for King and Alysanne for Queen secretly throughout this entire period.
It is noted briefly that she kept them prisoner, yet oddly very little else is recorded of this most famous power-couple as children.
I strongly believe that much of Jaehaerys and Alysanne's early achievements and great wisdom beyond their years such as the solution of Targaryen Exceptionalism alongside their insistence that they married each other was all due to the guidance of Visenya.
She recognised that of all her nieces and nephews the two youngest were not only the brightest but also the most maluable and impressionable.
She placed her bets on them becoming the future of the House, and showed them the path to greatness. But before they could take Reign, first the Faithful had to be taught how to kneel.

When the Black Bride, Elinor Costayne, proceeded King Jaehaerys preaching Targaryen Exceptionalism, it's said she spoke of Maegor's cruelty and Jaehaerys and Alysanne's greatness as contrast.
This was precisely how Visenya planned it to be.

Maegor, tragically, was not born a monster. But under his mother's instruction pretended to he one, and in time, his soul was chipped away through magic and misdeeds until he became the monster he once pretended to be.
I think Maegor was Visenya's sacrifice. The price of a son for a dynasty. A great man, who became a monster.


Maegor definitely was unnecessary cruel and was a terrible human being, but he was needed to help secure the realm under the Targaryen dynasty and make it respected and feared. Great Video topic btw


Maegors treatment of the faith: reasonable and necessary
Maegors treatment of his fellow Targaryens: unnecessary and ruinous


He was actually a good king. He built King’s Landing and the Red Keep, he defended Targaryen tradition from the Faith Militant, he was strong and even Jaeherys waited for Maegor and Visenya to die before making his move.


Maegor the Cruel was definitely a necessary evil for the Targaryens. You're right, he got rid of their enemies and left the Targaryens ruling for hundreds of years unchallenged. However, I would also add that Jaehaerys also strengthened the Targaryen line, especially through the laws that he put in place while he was in power. He reigned for a long time and he reigned peacefully, so I think that that counts for something. However, I totally agree that Maegor doesn't get the credit he deserves for ruling effectively. He was mad and cruel, but he was effective. I think that he was the right ruler for times of war, but not the best for ensuring peace. Again, Jaehaerys was best for that. Anyway GREAT VIDEO!!! ❤


Maegor was cruel ruthless tyrrant, but House Targaryen stood because of him, he weakened the faith, and yes in the end many houses turned away from him, but, the Faith, and many Houses grew to fear house Targaryen somewhat, Jahaerys even though wise ruler himself, wouldnt have survived if Aenys gaved the crown to him (i mean if Maegor didnt existed)

Maegor Targaryen was necessary evil

Great video man, you earned a subscriber


Maegor was a terrible king but actually pretty effective Hand if you read the stuff he did. Aenys biggest mistake was actually exiling him because I do think Aenys had right idea. Maegor was a brute & psychopath but he was necessary to balance Aenys weakness. I do think Aenys had the right idea that him & his brother made an effective team & would rule together. Because I do believe Maegor was loyal to Aenys simply because they shared same father. This didn’t extend to his nephews but I do think he acknowledged Aenys as the rightful ruler.

However he was terrible he lost everyone towards the end nobody really wanted to be king & he really wasn’t making progress with Faith. Killing religious figures just creates symbols. I do think he made everyone entirely hungry for him to be gone allowing Jaherys to slide in.


People say Maegor's actions saved House Targaryen but I'm not so sure. Let's not forget that he killed two of Aenys sons and would have killed the third had he gotten the chance. That would've made House Targaryen go extinct had he succeeded, fortunately he failed which is why the Dynasty continued to survive afterward.


When they ask maegor if the evil was necessary he replied " very " 😂


This is a truly excellent video. As for my own thoughts on Maegor the Cruel, he was definitely ruthless beyond measure and was definitely sick in the head- as he had killed several kinsmen, so he is a kinslayer. Was he a necessary evil? In my honest opinion, yes, he was, as he did bring stability to Westeros overall, albeit through some very vile means.


Behind every Tyrant, there is always a weak indecisive brother justifying their act 😅


Aegon's sons took both sides of his character. His kindness and temperance to Aenys amd his ruthlessness and strength to Maegor. Aenys should never have dropped Maegor from being his hand. Visenya saw it correctly. This mirrorred duality is reflected over and over in Targaryens history. Viserys and Daemon, Aegon the 2nd and Aemond one eye. Deiron the good and Daemon the 1st blackfyre. And finally, Jon snow and Danearys.... that is the Ice and Fyre the story is singing about. Aegon was the perfect balance of both... but the king is dead, and the realm is the poorer for it.
