The Cruelest acts of Maegor Targaryen Explained Game of Thrones House of the Dragon ASOIAF Lore

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The Cruelest acts of Maegor Targaryen Explained A song of ice and fire/Game of Thrones/ House of the dragon Lore

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Aerys II Targaryen- hold my wildfire.
Meagor was cruel but still his actions against the faith militant saved the Targaryen dynasty, while Aerys was pure insanity and we all know how that turned out.


Maegor: Im gonna construct some secret tunnels and go through all the trouble of keeping it a secret by killing all the workers
Generations later
Daemon: oh sweet, a map to the secret tunnels! :D


It should be noted that Maegor had one line he didn't cross: he refused to take arms up against his brother, Aenys, whom Aegon I had named as his successor. He had all the chances to do so, but he did not do it, instead accepting position as hand of the king. Even when Aenys exiled him, Maegor just accepted it.

Whatever reason he had for not usurping Aenys, it didn't extend to Aenys's son.


It kind of made sense why he turned out this way, he was the only child from Visenya and Aegon that too out of duty not love. Visenya was also one badass woman, she brought up Maegor with thoughts of destiny and duty to become the next king even tho Aenys was heir. Maegor grew up with a pure hatred for weakness and mindset of being king and ruler of the realm


I wouldn’t say the best king 🤴, although he made sure House Targaryen would be secure, he was by far the most Old Valyrian King of Westeros by his actions alone


Maegor is the King Henry of the Targaryen dynasty in the GOT universe. Especially since he started a war with a religion that said he can’t remarry again.


Maegor First of His Name, rider of Balerion and weilder of Dark Sister and Blackfyre, had 6 wives, ruled for 6 years and 66 days and died on the Iron throne.

*His reign began with blood and ended in blood as well*


"The Wrong King for the right time" is the best way id discribe Maegor. He was a piece of crap, but his actions, one way or another, did keep House Targarian around as long as it was.


“What a Sigma”
-14 year old tiktokers


NOT ONLY did he killed and usurped his nephew, he ALSO married his nephew's wife which was Maegor's niece( Queen Rhaena I Targaryen) making her one of his black brides. He then adopted her twin daughters, because he couldn't have children, even making one of them his heir. 😶😶😶 Talk about adding insult to injury.


You forgot he also brutally tortured his other nephew viserys to death. Poor boy. I'm glad Maegor's line ended with him


Say what you want, but he saved his house..


Maegor is a great example of why a King should be ruthless, but by no means should any true leader be cruel. If someone is as cruel as Maegor they should not rule bc if they're that cruel they most likely aren't sane or anywhere near stable enough to rule.


I agree, that he is really Insane. But he is not necessarily the Bad king. I'm pretty sure Maesters propaganda was involved a lot here just like in the Dance of Dragons lol...


Maegor was cruel but not senseless, he killed his nephews because Aegon rebelled against Maegor, Maegor has no intention to murder all of Aenys descent after Maegor seize the Iron Throne, Seven Kingdom and House Targaryen in crisis after Aegon the Conqueror death the rise of the faiith militant and Aenys children is to young and to weak to rule clearly they are not the best choice for a king when the realm is in Crisis, Maegor only did his duty as a King to rule and to secure house Targaryen position as the ruler of Westeros.


In the 48 Laws of power, there is a law which says destroy your enemies completely, without a chance of them coming back to haunt you. He played that law well.


Incorrect, he didn’t kill his nephew to sit in the iron throne. He kill his nephew, because he was foolish enough to not understand. He wasn’t strong enough to keep the iron throne, his vassal, and the church we’re aiming for the Targaryen extinction if it wasn’t for major of the great the Targaryen in the last of the Dragon riders would’ve been wiped out. He protected his brother because that was his brother so he submitted to his brother the same way Stanis submit it to Robert not because he was right for the job not because his cost was just, but because that was his brother and the younger brother must submit to the older brother, which is normally what happens between Targaryen brothers unless another sibling interferes, and then you get a war


I love the Skyrim shot for the underground tunnels 😂❤️


Cruelest act of Maegor.
Presented by Maesters and Priests.


Maegor was always hot-headed, but only became really cruel after his Trial of Seven where he fell into a coma for 30 days. I blame Visenya's and/or Tyanna of the Tower's black magic for his cruelty
