6 things you might NOT know are ADHD related...

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Let's talk ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - in this video I'm talking you through 6 things you might not know are actually ADHD related. Essentially these are some of the ADHD signs and symptoms that you may not realize are signs or symptoms of ADHD. So if you ask yourself, do I have ADHD or how to know if I have ADHD, this video may be a good start in seeing if you can recognize any of these ADHD behaviors or symptoms. Some of these may also happen with people who have ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder. These are things with ADHD that may happen in adolescence, someone's teenager years or in adulthood - and they can happen to both men and women! What about you? Did anything in this video surprise you? Anything you didn't know that were ADHD related and now you do? Let me know in the comments!

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If you’re reading the comments while simultaneously listening to the video, you probably have ADHD 😆


1. Taking risks even when unnecessary
2. Being forgetful
3. Talking quickly and over other people
4. Difficulty going to bed at a reasonable time
5. Picking fights with others because we are bored
6. Having trouble making decisions unless they are done impulsively


One thing I actually didn't know was ADHD related until I started taking meds was that it can affect communication. For me it happens for two reasons: my brain moves faster than I talk and I will lose track of what I'm saying because by the time I'm halfway through what I'm saying I'm already two thoughts ahead, and my brain just feels like a garbage heap and sometimes it can be difficult to find words.


Anyone else with adhd get frustrated when people are having a slightly boring convo and you feel like you’re ready to add your 2 cents to spice it up a bit, so you try your best to wait your turn and not interrupt but by the time they’ve finished, you totally forgot what you wanted to add- some people need to be interrupted I swear😅


The other problem with "waiting our turn" is we'll either forget what we were going to say, or we fear we're going to forget what we are going to say. In either case, we're likely not listening to the speaker to begin with. ☹️


ADHD: having to reheat your dinner 3 times because you're constantly distracted.


I don't talk over people because I'm bored, usually it's because I'm so excited to engage with people when I'm interested in what they're saying


I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with ADHD. Spent my whole life fighting ADHD. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


I never realized just how much my adhd really affected me. Since I don’t present with the hyper aspects of ADHD, I think most people, including myself, just thought that I was lazy, rude, selfish, and irresponsible. The truth of the matter though, is that I care a whole lot, and I’m so tired of every day life just feeling so hard to navigate through. In truth, most days I feel paralyzed to do basic tasks, so guilty, and so tired, depressed, and anxious. I just wish my brain would work normally, and that it wasn’t all so dang hard.


It’s important to note that there are as many types of ADHD as there are people with ADHD. It often manifests itself differently between men and women. Women tend to be better at masking ADHD. IQ can also play a part, so the higher your IQ the better you will mask the symptoms. For example, I’m always early for things because I over-compensate. Although I’m impulsive, I don’t take risks often because of my ADHD-fuelled anxiety. I don’t often speak over people because I’ve learnt not to. And for some reason I over-sleep and use sleep as a coping mechanism. But oh yes, there are lots of other typical ADHD things I struggle with - chronic procrastination, self esteem, addictive personality and more. We just need to be careful in saying that certain ADHD symptoms affect everyone with ADHD.


I feel like with talking over others (which I am actively trying to work on) is more of a case of wanting to make a point towards what the other person is talking about, and needing to say it asap before it's gone again. And I am so focused on trying to keep it there I end up not paying attention to what the other person is saying.
I also find that if I am telling a story about a certain thing someone mentioned, I talk super fast and often go off on a tangent and forget what the initial point of the story was. 😰


Things I didn’t know were ADHD related but that I’ve found just talking to other diagnosed people:

- sensory issues: craving certain senses or rejecting others. Aka having 5 pairs of the exact same shirt bc the fit and texture, are perfect.
- always having a song in your head at any given time
- getting things done but not knowing how they got done
- having conversations with multiple topics all at once
- having to say or write a thought immediately or it will be gone. Like trying to focus on one car speeding down a highway, thoughts are incredibly blurry and short lived
- exhaustion. Constantly needing to be at 110% to function in the world is extremely tiring, and I feel ADHD’ers often put themselves down for being tired, not taking the time to recognize they are working much harder than neurotypical peers on the same tasks.

Two quick notes:
1. I personally agree they ADHD is not a mental illness, just a different way of functioning.
2. I actually found out about my ADHD due to memory issues, which I find fascinating as memory is not always talked about as a symptom. I found that with a proper trigger, I could recall obscure movie quotes and recite them almost like “muscle memory”, but I can’t remember much of my own past. It’s like anything more substantial, or that requires thought manipulation, just doesn’t spend enough time in my brain to get recorded properly. I now take a lot of photos for that reason :)

The most annoying part of ADHD is not being able to hold and manipulate a thought… it’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube that’s covered in soap.


". . . can make more mundane tasks feel more difficult -- even painful. . ."


I’m so curious if there’s a correlation between ADHD and circadian rhythm disorders. We often talk about how those of us with ADHD struggle with insomnia, time blindness, and being night owls, but for me and those I’ve known who also carry this diagnosis we tend to run on a clock that’s not 24 hours.


For the interrupting and speaking over people aspect...For me it isn't so much that I'm trying to stay engaged, but more that I will forget what I wanted to say if I don't say it right away.


Thank you for this video Kati. Good to see serious content on this.
I'm a 35yo female with ADHD. It's so good that ADHD has been brought up in the public discourse online, but I'm a bit worried about how it's getting framed as quirky and funny by many people. ADHD can certainly can get you into some funny situations sometimes, but it is NOT fun to have. My whole life, every single day has been a struggle. Trying so hard to keep up with everyone else. Trying to hack my brain into doing what's important instead of just chasing dopamine. The depression that comes with the constant failures is so crushing that I find it hard to start my days. All the people who are hellbent on telling me I just have to get my shit together instead of asking how they can accommodate for my disability.. It is a battle to choose to keep going honestly. But I will.


I’m 37 and have been undiagnosed for years. Mainly because my late father kept telling me to not go to the doctors as it would mean I’ve “ruined my life” due to being “mentally challenged”

2 years after his death I have been working on removing his mental programming, seeking help from the doctors and have been in touch with an adults with adhd, autism and Tourette’s group after being referred. The journey to finally trying to get help has now begun :)

Wishing health and happiness to all :)


Being forgetful, difficulty to go to bed early, losing track of time, trouble making decisions, these are so relatable for me.. I should really get my self checked...


Another way to look at ADHD that I find more useful than the “focus” and the “dopamine reward” explanations is looking at it as an Executive Function Disorder. I can focus to the point of hyperfocus.


#1 Taking risks even when unnecessary (1:23)
#2 Being forgetful (2:22)
#3 Talking quickly and over other people (3:07)
#4 Difficulty going to bed at a reasonable time (4:13)
#5 Picking fights with others because we are bored (4:51)
#6 Having trouble making decisions unless they are done impulsively (5:36)
