Why Tithing Doesn't Work?

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Stop giving Tithes?
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Check your heart when giving too. Because you can give all you want, but if you have the wrong motive, intentions, or give hesitantly that will not be rewarded.


Give money to the poor, helpless and Homeles.


Thank you for this. I never understood giving 10% of your earnings for your entire life. I had some serious medical problems and it devastated us financially but I was still expected to tithe. But yet I was sick and thinking wasn’t my tithe suppose to prevent what I was going through. As I laid in bed I opened my Bible and did a deep study about tithing. I stopped tithing reluctantly and became a cheerful giver and things changed drastically financially. Paid off debt and built up an emergency fund. Christians, please do a deep dive into your Bible about tithing you’ll be surprised.


I have been paying tithe and giving a free will offering for 45 years. This supports the ministry and missions. I have never lacked. The Bible says your bread and water will be sure.
I do not give to receive but am obedient to God and am blessed spiritually not materially


One of the best teaching on the doctrine of tithing I’ve heard.
Clear and most importantly,


Pastors has taught for years that you give to get and that it’s stupid to give and not expect anything in return from God! They teach you’re not blessed and you’re cursed because you don’t give what they think you should give. I just never saw tithing in the New Testament, but did so anyways because that is what so many pastors were teaching, but mainly because I wanted to please God! They also teach, your offering should be above and beyond your tithe! Some of things I just don’t see in scripture! One day I asked the Lord, why can’t I give just because I love You!! Not because I want something in return. Giving to get is not right even when you’re dealing with people! I give because of the love of God inside of me! I have given to individuals because their need is so great or am I suppose to give that to the church? So many questions and confusion surrounding this subject of tithing, giving, offerings, first fruits. I appreciate your YouTube ministry!!


My church calls it a tithe but I think of it as an offering to help keep the lights, air conditioner on, to pay the church staff including the pastor) and keep missionaries fed, clothe and shelter.

It would be good if the pastors stop calling it a tithe. I’m sure everyone would understand it better and feel better about giving.


It works when you give from the heart to those who need it. A fancy building doesn’t mean it’s a church. And a big mouth doesn’t make a true preacher.


Nicely put Corey!
*God is not our resource, He is our source*
🙌🏾 Hallelujah


If your spending habits and mindset doesn’t change then you will forever be broke and stuck. Giving is a matter of the heart.


God loves a cheerful giver not a cheerful investor. Giving is when you want someone to have something, investing is expecting a return.


My Jewish friends and Rabbis laughs at Christians who tithes under the Mosaic Law when the temple been destroyed since 33AD. The Jewish people don’t tithes they give. What modern day churches teaches is another way of idolatry by tithing. We should give or financially support our local ministries and nonprofits causes and never look for both God and people to give us something in return because of our good deeds. God has given all of us more than abundance through His son Jesus Christ. That is eternal life! Great job Brother Cory!


Everything came from your heart No one can force you even pastor doesn't even want to preasing I have never tithed under any compulsion and I will continue dones I will continue donate 10% tithe to the God for the rest of my life to the poor and wherever my heart teel me


I don’t give money to the church I give money to the homeless and disabled people, I help people, and I live paycheck to paycheck, but when I give I give cuz I want to help people, the people I help really need it cuz they don’t have much, and I’m happy to help, I give what I can


i give to my local church and to ministries. God loves a cheerful giver! IT'S ALL HIS


My husband and I tithe and do it joyfully. We don't look to get something from it, but we are always being blessed in some way. God always takes care of all our needs and more! We also give alms for those in need and we give offerings for other things plus we support missions. We are blessed over and over.


It's sad when people are exploited by a false doctrine. When tithing is taught as a mandate for all today it victimizes the less fortunate, and that's exactly who we should be helping. God isn't a mob boss or a slot machine. We're free to give, not bound to pay.


Amen, great Biblical teaching. We can never outgive God be it 10% or 100% of our earnings. Whatever we give we give with joy in our hearts not out of obligation.


In Malachi 3:10 the Lord promises to pour you out a blessing if you tithe. He didn't promise to pour you out MONEY necessarily (I learned this the hard way as I have continued to have trouble financially from time to time, but I cannot deny I have been blessed (way beyond what I deserve). He hasn't given me all I want...but has supplied all my needs.


Corey my brother in Christ Jesus it’s a blessing to hear you preach&teach it saddens me that the church’s of today not all don’t get me wrong but the ones I attended were all about the money. I moved on, Glory to God this is my church right here. May the good Lord Bless Ya and keep ya and put a smile on your face😊
