Faithfully Tithing But STILL Struggling? Tithing | Financial Breakthrough | Biblical Wealth | Money

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If tithing does work, why are many still struggling with money, debt, and financial problems? This video explains the keys to tithing and Biblical wealth so you can have your financial breakthrough.

Learn how to build financial freedom through a bond with God!

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Yes, I know. I was faithfully tithing and still struggling. But God always made a way. I stopped sometimes, but I would start back again because I just didn’t feel right. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽❤️


I have been tithing all my entire life but still struggled financially but one day I came across of one preacher who taught about giving the poor and the needy and I said to my self let me try this out I did it and guess what I had financial breakthrough and salary increase I have been praying to God for all along I was remembered I decided I give my money to the poor and needy that to the pastors


After tithing for over a year, I was so preoccupied with The Lord that time flew and all my bills were paid debt free. I wasn't use to all my income and no bills. I fell into the world and back in debt just not as severe. I'm definitely more blessed when tithing.
Be blessed family ❣️🙏💛


My struggles with Tithing is that I've been a tither for decades and even though I thank God daily for my blessings, it's hard when I'm a tither, still struggling, and have to watch others who don't tithe get breakthrough after breakthroughs and don't even thank God . But yet when I tithe and tell God exactly what I want, I still struggle and get knocked 4 steps backwards.


Tithing doesn't work because it's forcing you to pay.

Give instead. It comes from your heart. You don't have to just give to a church either. Help others in need. And don't expect anything in return.


Thank you, for this video, it has encouraged me to tithe more. Not to have a break anymore, it has reminded me to have a reason to tithe again. You gave me the confidence to trust my God more than before. This video was meant for me. This is what i needed to hear.

Thank you.


I literally just gave my tithe and was surprised and grateful at how much I can give now. Like you, my tithe was so small. Now after watching this video, I’m going to give that tithe more of a purpose. Thank you for the timely word.


Tithing is old testament. Paul said give what's on your heart because God loves a cheerful giver. He meant give to other Christians to help them survive. The offerring was divided among the Christians so that none went without. All we have to do is read the Bible to know the truth.


Malachi tithes was food they gave in bible. Churches have flipped it to money. God is more happy I think if you give to someone in need than give to someone who don’t need it.


I’m already prosperous! Amen. Thanks for sharing Mario


I don't tithe anymore because monetary tithe is not biblical. The Bible told us that the priests could not own land. That's the reason for the tithes. Tithes was everything from the land. The other 11 tribes would farm and raise cattle etc. Then bring 10% to the levites who stayed in the temples praying and interceding for everyone else. Etc. Today every pastor has or had a job just like the ppl in his church. Most preachers today have mansions. The priests didn't own anything. The message in this video suggests that God already have our riches stored up so why does it take a special way of asking in order to get it? He already knows how much u need and why do I have to pay God money for him to give me money?


The reason that the tithe doesn’t work for people is because either they are indebted to others and haven’t repaid the debt or because the tithe is being misappropriated by the church. When you study the Word, there are more Scriptures about money and the management of it than any other subject in the Bible. God has so much more to say about money and wealth than the tithe. If we’re applying the Word to our lives properly, we don’t have to tell God what we want Him to do with the 10th….His Word is already specific on what the tithe is FOR and what happens as we tithe. But again, you have to pay your debts first. He says it is a wicked person who doesn’t repay their debts Psalm 37:21. Pay your debts first, management your money properly, invest and bring a return and then give and God will honor it.


Growing up in church we were never asked too do any tithing. All the church did was take up mission offering and general offering. It wasn’t until the 70’s when you started hearing about tithing.


If you give all that you have he will bless you a hundred times fold he gives me more than I deserve thank you Jesus for never leaving my side ! You had pulled me out of some fires that I had got myself in and some trenches too thank you Father God for loving me unconditional no matter what 🙏🥰😘


The issue with the modern churches view of tithing is that turns people's relationship with the Lord into a transactional relationship. I obey, tithe, make disciples, do all these things that we think that God wants from us, then we get mad at God when it doesn't happen, because he "owes" us something all because we "tithed". If people would just read the scriptures in context, a lot of these sorts of problems could be avoided.


A renown preacher Apostle Joshua Selman once told us the more the problems the more the reasons to tithe just a guide to us all.


yes God will BLESS you , do not say he will not


I tithe because of Hebrews I don’t remember the chapter the top of my head, but it proclaimed Jesus lives to receive our tithes so I tithe because he’s alive and he’s my source. You nailed it, my friend.


Most people are expecting Tithing to come back to you in the form of an increase in your income. You can't limit GOD. # 1 You have to Tithe into good soil ( meaning the right Storehouse) (if you are Tithing in a Church or ministry that is NOT operating and Teaching in line with ALMIGHTY GOD'S WORD) then you are wasting your time.

I know Tithing works. I there was a situation when I was on unemployment after the 2008 crash. I Tithed on my unemployment. I ended up 2 years behind on my rent NOT to mention the favor of NOT being evicted so you can't tell me this wasn't a result of my Tithing. The entire past due rent was completely wiped away before I moved out.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


The Jewish Synagogues have not tithed for 2093 years since the Temple was destroyed by Titus in 70 BC ending the provision for tithing. When the Romans burned the Temple and killed the Levites for whom the tithes were given ending the provision for tithing.
Today Jewish synagogues charge a fee for membership rather than tithing which is unlawful without the Temple in Jerusalem.
Malachi was written in 500 BC and the Temple was burned 430 years later ending the provision for tithing.
