What does the Bible say about Tithing?

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I realized I was wrong about Tithing, and decided to make this video to correct my errors.

We want to challenge you to dig deeper into God's Word, and help you to remove your lens of interpretation, so you can let the Bible interpret itself. We are a Christian ministry that believes and teaches the whole Bible. We want to be like the noble Bereans who studied the Scriptures daily to know the truth.

Our Vision is that people will learn to let the Bible interpret itself.
Our Mission is to cause people to dig deeper into the truth of God’s Word.
We Value the Truth of God as it is revealed through the Holy Scriptures.

UNLEARN the lies with Lex Meyer

#unlearn #lexmeyer
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The problem with modern tithing is that it goes to people who were never chosen by God to be ministers. 99.99% of modern preachers/pastors do it as a source of income/career not actual calling and they always hear the voice of God when it comes to asking for money but they never hear the voice of God when someone is in need.


I gave a tithe when i had work. I was out of work and needed work from a large church and they told me "i can get kids to paint for $7.00 per hour." I was finished with the church.
I love Jesus ❤ and study diligently.


Lex, you had it right the first time. One of the problems with this presentation is the assertion that all 3 tithes were universal, eternal commandments. Biblical, systematic tithing was facilitated through ceremonial and civil ordinances under Mosaic Law. These existed to support the Old Covenant system of sacrificial atonement which is now obsolete. None of the tithing ordinances were amended to include money as a tithe deliverable. There's no such thing as a tithe received from earned wages that's paid to a religious organization. Not New Testament, or Old.

Another problem is that the book of Hebrews is about a change in Priesthood, not a change in tithing ordinances. No one can literally, materially "tithe to Jesus" today. He isn't physically here and now our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The metaphor of "tithing to Jesus" represents acknowledging him as our High Priest forever. It's not about paying money to a religious organization, although there's nothing wrong with doing so as a form of systematic giving.

1 Corinthians 9:13 says nothing about tithing. The comparison of those who spread the Gospel and the Levitical Priests is not a "how to" analogy, rather it places the importance of spreading the Gospel on the same level as that which the Priesthood served. Those who spread the Gospel are worthy of the support, financial or otherwise, but there's no connection there to how tithes were received under Mosaic Law and how ministers today are supported. The Priests only received 1/10th of the Levitical tithe and it was always consumable items. We support ministers by providing them wages and financial gifts from discretionary offerings. Today's version of tithing from earned wages bears no resemblance to the practice of biblical, systematic (required) tithing.

The narrative in the book of Malachi was limited within Israel (Malachi 1:1), and further narrowed towards the Levitical Priests in Malachi 1:6 and 2:1. The tithe indictments in Malachi 3 cannot be universally applied either historically or currently and they had nothing to do with money. So no, God isn't encouraging "us" to test him. It was an indictment to the Levitical Priests to carry out their full duty to bring all of the tithes rather than being selective in what they keep for themselves.

There's no biblical guide to any minimum or maximum set for giving money, to a church or otherwise, only that we give not grudgingly or under compulsion, as put forward in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Sorry, but the lies that were unlearned in the first video were reinstated with this one. Blessings.


You had it right the first time. Malachi was referring to the priest that started keeping the best for themselves. The Priest were the only ones allowed at the alter for the sacrifice. Only the sons of Aaron could be priest. There also was never any money exchanged or given as tithes or offerings. Paul also says to give out of the goodness of your heart, not reluctantly or out of compulsion. When he was talking about taking care of those in ministry, he was referring to giving, not tithing. When some Christians were demanding that the gentiles be circumcised, he basically told them that was the old law and not part of the new law. If you want to follow the old law then follow it wholly, not just the laws that you pick and choose. But then you are trying to negate everything Jesus did on the cross. The old law regarding tithes and offerings also demanded they be prepared and burned on an alter. So if you want to accept and preach tithes and offerings then you must fully comply with the rest of the requirements. You see, this is why the OT Law was fullfilled by Christian’s. The new commandments are now Love God and love one another, and to be a cheerful giver out of the goodness of your heart and not reluctantly or out of compulsion out of some law. Also, when Abraham gave a tenth of his spoils of war(not wages), he gave out of the goodness of his heart. He was not compelled by the priest or God. Also when the Israelites brought a 10th to the festivals, they didn’t give that 10th to the Levites. They ate it themselves and gave some of it to the Levites.


Can anyone provide one biblical scripture of New Testament Gentiles tithing; or the church tithing all three of the types of tithes?


I appreciate the video. I’m still in agreement with your original as this video was very far from convincing, especially the aspect of recognizing preachers as Levites.



Please provide the example where the church gave or brought a tithe?


The levites had no inheritance, if you or any other pastor would like to give up your property that you own, your investments and retirement, or income from youtube, books, speaking engagements or the like that would be fine to expect a tithe and remember it was not money but a portion of things from the land. We follow the Law and there are some things that cannot be followed because no temple on earth exists today that we can bring it to. Churches are not the new temple with leaders being the new levites.


The modern day pastors are more like Eli's sons (Phinehas and Hophni; 1 Samuel 2:12-34). They are greedy and care not for the people, only what the people can do for them and what the can get out of being in the position.


I will continue to work for a living and offer my online ministry for free. In my opinion Pastors and ministry workers should humbly accept donations but not expect someones tithe. I would suggest to anyone If it’s on you’re heart to give then give at any amount as a cheerful giver. Don’t fall back into the guilt trap of tithing. Can you Imagine if your father shook u down for 10% of your allowance and then said your a sinner if you don’t give it back? A loving Earthly Father would never do this let alone your Heavenly Father. This simply cannot be the case nor can it be applied today as it was in the Levitical system. The answer today is indeed simply be generous and surely you will reap what you sow. I have not tithed in many years and haven’t felt guilt nor have I been cursed financially. On the contrary I’m blessed beyond measure in so many areas and give myself away in total freedom.


How many of you have been tithing for years but still have empty rooms in your house? When scripture said “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing” do we not understand it said “A BLESSING”? It never said blessings. That blessing was rain, nothing else. Not money, wife, husband, car, house, children, etc.

“And I will rebuke the devourer”. We should go ask any farmer whether isn’t is the devil that destroys their crops or pests.

Malachi 3:10-11
10   Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11   And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.

How anyone can read this and interpret it as giving 10% of their money is shocking. We think God protects us, blesses us because we give him 10%?


I'm sorry lex I love you but you are erroneously teaching something here that was specified to be for the Levites.
I love your ministry and would support you in a heartbeat wherever I can because I believe you mostly teach truth but don't do this, this would be adding to the word shalom.


What happened? You had it right the first time.


It’s nonsense to equate the office of a “pastor” or elder to a member of the tribe of Levi. There is zero exegesis that can substantiate that.

According to the New Testament ALL Christians are priests. I’m a Christian, have been for a long time, when do I receive the contribution from tithes? I’m obviously being facetious, but you see the problem with claiming the Mosaic tithes holds outside of Levitical context, which was clearly ended when Jesus Christ died on the cross.


I do not tithe as i no longer work due to my disabilities but i give over 10% of my monies that God has blessed me with as an offering to God every month.


A tithe was NEVER money... It was always animals and agricultural harvests... (I made a video on this)


Stop crucifying Christ all over again.


Brother Lex, God has never commanded us nowhere in the bible to apply a principle on obeying His commandments. The bible tells us in Proverbs 3:5, to lean not on our own understanding. This is what always gets us into trouble with God. We apply our own principles to His holy scriptures instead of simply obeying Him. When we apply a principle on a commandment then we actually change the commandment itself. Giving IAW 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 is what we should be doing brother and cheerfully at that. The video you taught previously was perfectly fine because you were simply teaching the holy scriptures in their true context and did not add to them like you are doing now. I am not going to lie; what you said sounded really good; but it adds to the word of God. I have no issue with members supporting their local church building, fellow saints or even their church leaders. Please keep this in mind thought, the bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, if a man does not work then he does not eat. Everyone who has the ability to get a job/career should work to earn their wages. Now if they want to go full time in the ministry and be supported by their members then it must be done in the form of freewill giving and not from tithes of money, which is no such law according to the bible. Apostle Paul was a tent maker. Jesus was a carpenter. All of the Apostles had jobs/careers. None of them demanded anyone to give them tithes of money because there is no such commandment. Everywhere you see in the holy scriptures that reference tithing is referring to food or goods. Not money and they had money during Jesus time in the flesh all the way back during Abrams time. The bible is not even clear on what other tithes Abram gave to the Lord even though we know he kept His laws and decrees, Genesis 26:5. The only thing we know is he gave a tenth to Melchezedek (A type of Christ). But, he also gave the other 90% to his soldiers and kept nothing for himself. There are many pastors out there who work regular jobs and does not require their members to support them through tithing and their ministries are being well supported through freewill offerings (IUIC, etc.). But, if church members want to support their local church leaders then I don't see anything wrong with it as long as their leaders are not telling them they must do so. To tithe money today, you would have to apply a principle, which is a violation of Deuteronomy 4:2, and Revelation 22:18-19. Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's tithe all ties into the nation of Israel being established later. In fact, the last commandment given concerning the tithes of food was for them to go to the Levites who also had to give a tithe. Then you had the festival tithe and the tithes for the poor. Guess what? They were food, which had to be eaten or stored away for later in the storeroom inside the Temple. God penalized those who wanted to redeem (buy back with money) their tithes by charging them 1/5 in money. When you change the tithes from food to money, you simply change the law, which is a direct violation of Deut. 4:2 and Revelation 22:18-19. Those who does so knowingly will have their place in the lake of fire. Lex, I have seen you and 119 Ministries change your stances on tithing when you had it right the first time. Stand on exactly what the law of God says concerning the tithe (food) and not allow someone to influence you otherwise. I heard someone who I dearly respect say we don't have farmers today so this is why we give money for tithes. Actually, we do have farmers today and none of them give tithes off of their livestock and they are still prospering and not cursed with a curse, per Malachi 3:9. These are the people who the grocery stores get their food to sell to their customers from. Lex, the tithe was food and not money and they had money back then, which started from Abrams day all the way to today's time. Tithes were never money. They were always food, which was last commanded to be given to the Levites. We cannot identify who a Levite is today. So we use money today in the form of freewill giving, which I highly encourage.


Paul said in one of the epistles give how the Lord has prospered you. Plus the tithe was 3 tithes plus offering for the widows, the fatherless and the Levitts.


Old Covenant = Tithing as a Command. New Covenant = Generous Giving as a Believer. Huge difference.
