i quit my job.

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so, i made this huge life decision: i quit my job... and it was the scariest thing i've ever done aahhh. are we ready for this new phase in my life?

spotify: @iriswellen
vinted: @iriswellen

about me
living in: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
working: innovation & strategy agency, Strijp-S
vlog camera: Canon PowerShot G7X Mark II and Sony ZV-E10
what do i use to edit: final cut pro x

music used in this video:

subcount: 39.2K angels thank u💌
FTC this video is not sponsored
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this was so scary aaahh!
very excited for this next chapter🤍
i love you !!!


Hello Iris, yesterday I quit my job, and this is my last week of work. It was something I had been pondering to do for MONTHS, and tried to find another job before quitting because obv that's the most responsible thing I should do. I haven't found anything yet, but decided to quit anyways. I just couldn't take it anymore. Everything you said resonates with me so well..the commute (i take the bus each way for an hour), the 9-5 burnout, trying to make time for everything and you do but at the end of the week when it comes time for Monday you are STILL exhausted. A part from looking for a new job during this time, I really want to find myself again. I feel like these past few years of working in such a toxic environment on top of everything else, I really became a shell of who I used to be. It's comforting to hear that someone else made a decision for similar reasons.




Your situation pretty much describes our generation, however, not in the way as the previous generations think. You could experience that many of us quit job or uni after a shorter time, or many don’t even want to start a typical 9-5 job. Elder people usually say “this a lazy and spoiled generation” but this is not the case. I think we rather started to rethink the meaning of life and interpret the sentence “you live only once” a bit differently, we can say, in a more “human” way. So don’t worry, you are not alone, and at the end the things always figure out themselves!


I am so fucking proud of you for recognizing that you are near burnout and for being so brave! I went through a burnout and it took me two years to get out of it and im a biggest advocate for resting and taking it slow when you feel like you need it! 💕 im excited for fun things that are coming and you can do it all, beautiful things are happening for you🥰


Are you me? I recently quit my job as well. I don't have a crazy commute time like you did, which sounded exhausting, but I'm tired of the workload and just the type of work I do in general. I'm also entering my next phase, which is do nothing! Well, not exactly do nothing, but I will focus on my hobbies and take some courses for when I'm ready to job hunt.

I'm glad you have supportive people around you who encouraged you to quit. My ex-colleague told me that no job is worth feeling miserable. She'd rather work part-time if she needs money, than to stay at a full-time job that sucks the soul out of her. I think it's the right mentality.

Looking forward to your future vlogs :)


Hey Iris! You made the right decision, I'm sure about that! For some people (including me) it's hard to fit in a 9-5 job and all its limited belief. Anxiety comes because wants to tell us that we're focusing too much on things that don't make us genuinely happy. Pursue happiness and serenity and everything will align at its own time :)))❤️❤️


I quit my my job as an RN last two years ago after almost 16 years in the field. It was not an easy decision, but life is too short to dread going to work everyday. No amount of money can buy real happiness, but friends I'm not asking you to resign from your job or abandon your business but be wise!


Got suggested your channel and then randomly found this video. Currently commuting 2 hours one way so 4 hours everyday. Been feeling exactly how you described- just hit a year at this job and am so fatigued by it. But It's so hard to make the decision to leave, even when better opportunities are available, since it's a smaller business and I feel like I'm betraying them by leaving. Thank you for sharing your video ! It felt so validating to hear your story!


Great job in your bravery Ms Iris. I feel many people like you struggle with the dichotomy of what’s going on in their inner world and what’s happening in their outer world. Many times it doesn’t match up, creating this discord. 
I just want you to know, Congrats on having the bravery to listen to your own intuition, even if it doesn’t make sense to the brain. When you’re following your heart/intuition, your brain will chew you out the whole way, “what are you doing? Are you crazy? You’re going to fall in your face etc”. But to live within the confines of the brain is to be dead. Life is a rebellion of the HEART that is meant to be lived, and that involves risk.  
Kudos to you in your journey. Thank you for sharing as I have made this move myself about three years ago and it has been a wild ride of learning to detach from the ego and listen more to Intuition. Remember, fear is an illusion. Fear comes from the ego as a means to stay in control. What if the fear you were experiencing is actually excitement?? 🤓


I did just the same thing about 3 weeks ago ❤ we're in the same boat! I'm so proud of you for taking the leap and wishing you amazing results from this decision 🎉


Hi Iris, I totally relate! I did the same a couple weeks ago and I can definitely feel the sense of relief and fear that comes from taking such a huge step. I have not planned on anything, but I want to take some time for myself too. Honestly life is much more than burnout, mental exhaustion and 9-5 jobs. We should grant ourselves the chance to live at our own pace. Wish you the best <3


So happy for you! It is such a hard decision to make because of external things outside of ourselves. I dealt with burnout after being in a "good" paying job for three years until I noticed I was getting terrible back pain from long hours at a desk. After a year of tending to that, I learned so much to not allow my body to ever get there again. Hope you get to take it slow and enjoy being present <3


i know i would've had the same problem than you, being scared of quitting to not cause an issue or a conflict, so this video is so reassuring and useful ! it's really great that you had the courage to do this ! i'm very excited for you for this new journey !


I quit a job for almost all of the same reasons. I was physically sick with anxiety from a toxic workplace. It gets better for sure ❤


ahh sending you big hugs! so proud of you for finally making a decision and choose you, and i believe that whatever path you take, more opportunities and door will open up according to that! it will be a huge change and there will probably be moments of uncertainty but always believe and take pride in the path you choose❤ sending you warm wishes and best of luck!!


Proud of you for making this decision Iris! You're completely right, you're still in your 20s, the perfect time to take a risk! I couldn't relate more. I used to commute for about 3 hours even more for my old job and i ended up quitting too. Honestly for people who are creative it's not easy to be stuck in a non creative job. Ever since i quit I'm so much happier and I started working as a freelance video editor while still posting on my channel. I'm truly so excited to see all your upcoming videos and all the travel content aah!! PROUD OF YOU ❤


Iris!!!! I am so happy for you. I can relate to this on a personal level, and as soon as I quit the sense of relief was so overwhelming, but in the best way. Life is for living and living how you want, so congratulations on this new adventure 💙🦋


Iris, I'm quitting my job tomorrow for similar reasons! It's scary to leave the stability and break your routine, but this is definitely the right decision. Burnout destroys you and it's so important to listen to yourself. ✨


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 11 months ago about self development. Now I have 2, 110 subs and > 2k hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
