What Is The BEST Food Farm In Minecraft?

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What Is The Best Food Farm In Minecraft Survival You Should Build? Testing out 5 Most Popular Food Items and Comparing Their Hunger and Saturation. The result may be surprising...

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Golden carrots are more efficiently farmed with a cured villager and infinite emeralds.


golden carrot is by far the best in my opinion, because you can easily get them with a melon/ pumpkin farm and villager trading. And with them you have to eat the least.


If u ask me you could easily use a fire aspect sword or use flint and steel to directly get cooked food and if u use looting 3, it will be much better...so yeah saving your fuel
Also you could easily trade emeralds for golden carrots...


Loved this video but something about wattles cow farm is just how quickly you can get it running in a survival world. This ease of access on top of the fact that you are building a stockpile of leather for a full enchanting setup makes it pretty worth as an early game farm.


The hoglins farm is awesome as well because of the leather you also get. really simple to make and very early. rarely need any other food farm afterwards and I can make a ton of books


For when you’re around your base, milking a mooshroom with a bowl for mushroom stew is a great option. You can’t run out, and if you put the bowl in a hopper + dropper or item frame, it doesn’t even take up room in your inventory.


This tipes of videos comparing farms are by lot my favorites. You're doing really great guys!


Everybody is talking about Trading with Cured farmers for Golden Carrots. Instead I prefer trading with butchers for Cooked Porkchops. You don't even need to cure the villager as you can get almost a stack of cooked Porkchops in less than 10 emeralds.


For the steak, you must try the lava-based mooshroom farm, which is one of the most efficient food farms in both BE and JE


saturation also let you regenarate faster wich makes golden carrots extremely good


I think the golden carrot is still the best advanced game food, just to flex a little. But, you should try the suspicious stews that are made of yellow flowers, unfortunately unstackabble but one of the best food in the whole game.
Nice video, thanks for the farm ideas.


Wow, including Wattles and Xisuma in the video sure puts a smile on my face :)


You guys should make a video about what farms you recommend to make in order from when you first start your world


Golden carrots can be obtained from trading with farmers .
Trading sticks to fletchers then golden carrots from farmers is so efficient


May you please make the next video on "how to win a war in your smp".
I am your regular viewer and subbed


I have already build the hoglin farm and it was SOOOO GOOD. We were always having trouble with the hunger, but after 30 minutes of AFK we have never went there cause we got more than enough food of what we will ever need :)


I like to get golden carrots from villager trades as my main source of food and for a secondary or just early food source, bread because of how densly you can store it. You just need a crafting table to turn 1 stack of haybales into 3 stacks of bread.


Great video! (as always) here's my personal rankings of the foods presented here and the ways to farm them in ascending order
5) Baked Potatoes: the amount of effort isn't justified by the efficiency of them as a food source
4) Steaks: Just not automatic and requires quite a bit of effort, good food source though
3.5) Pumpkin Pies: Surprised it's not included here. It gives 8 hunger points but only 4.8 saturation points, meaning you'll be munching on them quite a bit, and it requires 3 different farms (Pumpkin, sugar cane and chickens for eggs) plus crafting but I like using it
3) Cooked Chickens: Fully automatic which is great but I don't like it as a food source because of the saturation points
2) Golden Carrots: Really good saturation value and the farms that require it aren't that hard to make, not to mention that with a villager trading hall and a good source of emeralds it makes for probably the easiest food in the game to get (aside from the repetitive task of trading with villagers)

1) Cooked Porkchops: Easy farm, great saturation and hunger values and fully automatic to get. The best imo


Golden carrots if u use elytra much, cooked pork chops if ur in a smp that elytras ain't allowed(while flying u almost don't lose hunger)


Honestly, golden carrots can be acquired simply, by just trading with villagers. Cured villagers plus any wheat/carrot/potato/beetroot farm is golden carrots easily plus a little extra xp as well.
