Can Christians Watch The Chosen?

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Thank you for showing Dallas’s comments, most YouTuber critics ignore them and stick to untruths.


As Christians, we are expected to plant seeds, help water and the growing comes from God. All the best The Chosen, thank you for all you, all blessings from God. Amen


Jesus said “This Gospel will be preached throughout the world, and then shall the end come”. Dallas Jenkins and his Chosen films are doing just that and reaching billions all over the globe. There is no need to post comments like this, since all know that these actors are only human, and to think that Christians would actually worship these actors is utter stupidity. I find it extremely difficult to believe you would in any way criticize such a wonderful way to reach all people with the Gospel of Jesus.


I have been a Christian most of my life. I have read the Bible 2 times front to back. I have trouble reading sometimes and miss it. Since The Choosen has come out I have seen season 1and 2 9 times. I get something out of it each time. It has brought me closer to God and wanting to read the Bible again. God bless The Choosen


The more Jesus the better. This sick and darkening world needs the light of Christ. Keep it coming.


It’s easy to pick this to death. The Chosen is a amazing show and it will make you understand the steps Jesus took to the cross. It may not be 100. % what happen but it’s put together in a way that if you say hey that’s not exactly what happen then it gets you to research your Bible and that way your not second guessing the truth. I for one enjoyed what I’ve seen. … God bless everyone that took part in it. Thank you Dallas …


Let them be skeptical. So many millions will be drawn to Jesus because of this awesome show. It's so brilliantly written


Oh, please. Who complained about Charlton Heston in "The 10 Commandments?" "The Passion?" Any other biblical movie? Who doesn't have an image of Jesus/God in their head? If you can't trust your sense making, then you have a bigger problem than a biblical TV show.


Absolutely love the Chosen! The message of Christ is what this show is all about and if that message touches people’s heart through the art of media, then it is a powerful way to in spread the good news, which was Christ’s whole mission.


I have seen many actors over the last 50+ years play Jesus, not to mention countless drawings and paintings of Jesus throughout history.
I never mistake the faces of the actors or those images for the true face of Christ Jesus.
I'm just waiting for the blessing of the one fine day to come when I'll finally get to meet him in person. ❤️


The Chose understands and reveals something the church has lost for The heart of God. The Chosen promotes spiritual freedom - freedom from sin, from guilt, from self-hatred. In The Chosen, the actor who portrays Jesus is joyful and light spirited - Jesus was the most joyful person to ever walk the earth ... do you feel those godly qualities when you attend your church?


Love The Chosen! Keep it coming! God bless you 🙏🏻


I've seen multiple testimonials (mine included) that say "The Chosen" brings people closer to the Living God, The bible, and Jesus, not farther away. I've never looked at the actor playing Jesus and desired to worship the actor. He's an actor playing a role. It does help me to desire to be closer to my Lord though.


Millions of Christians can watch it, do watch it, and will continue to watch The Chosen with no problem because they see and understand the bigger picture. The bigger picture is this show is drawing millions of Christians who are young in their faith and non-believers into reading scripture more in depth, or reading scripture for the first time. They are also hearing Scripture in The Chosen and if you are not aware "So faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17. There are some Christians who may have problems with The Chosen, so they should not watch it. I for one really do not like how Jesus is depicted practicing for the Sermon On The Mount...Why? Because Jesus is the Word of God, He only spoke what he heard from the Father, John 12:49-50. Having said that I personally give Dallas and The Chosen writers a pass as Dallas is flawed, the Chosen writers are flawed and I am flawed. However I love and support Dallas and The Chosen writers and the work they are doing in promoting Christ. The bigger picture is more important. The Grace of God is beautiful!!


EVERYONE should watch The Chosen! I think we're all smart enough to know it's not the Bible neither are the commentaries we use.


this show has me reading the Bible again and working on my spiritual life


We have had so many actors portraying Jesus. They are movies. Now all of a sudden, portraying Jesus is wrong ? No. Thank you Dallas Jenkins, and all the Cast and Crew. 💕


I feel that the show makes me think about things that I've never considered before. I never thought about their lives outside of the group. They had families; they had friends. I run to my Bible to get more information. When I have more thought and want to do more research, isn't that a win?


The chosen is an amazing visual treat, it will surely help the people to see and understand the gospels in a new perspective and it gives a good feel and more touching experience than just reading the gospels . The problem i think with this is that Jonathan Rumies face will pop up first when ever we pray.


After I watch the show, I started read and love the gospels... Because I want to see what Jesus really sad.
