Should Christians Support The Chosen?

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I’m glad to have the ability to have a balanced conversation with good friends over things we disagree on.

One of the reasons I enjoy doing the Tuesday Night livestream is for this very reason. Bringing forth ideas that need to be discussed, but discussing them in respectful ways that still get the point across.

If you haven’t seen the discussion and are interested search YT for “Honest Youth Pastor The Chosen”
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I watched one episode on a whim. After that, I started reading the Bible regularly for the first time in about fifteen years. One year later, I'm now joining a local church and am getting involved in all of its ministries. I won't speak for everyone, but The Chosen turned my life around for the better.


Here's the key — don't think of it as scripture


I never recall watching a series that keeps me crying literally. That being said, the show empowers me to understand what it is like to be a human and a follower of Christ.


We can all have our opinions about the show. But if it brings more people to Christ I’m all for it.


To think that the bible contained the details of the daily life of those in the New Testament is pretty stupid, I think. What I see The Chosen doing is asking the question "what conversations did the apostles have during Christs ministry"? and how did the Romans, Pilate, normal Jews, Pharisees, the people who were healed all perceive Jesus? The writers then filled in the blanks that the Scriptures don't address and lay out possible scenarios of how people may have responded to Jesus in that day. The Chosen doesn't say that their thoughts are the only way things could have transpired and the things said by various people in the show are the only way it could have happened. The problem as I see it, and why people are so offended by what you wrote is that you are a modern day Pharisee who says that it's sacrilege to even try and imagine how life for the different players may have been like in Jesus' day because the Bible doesn't specifically go into great detail of peoples day to day experience with Jesus. Your in the minority with your condemnation of The Chosen because obviously you've missed what's happening with this show. People feel the Spirit of God behind The Chosen and are drawn to the Gospel in a way that you will never approach on your best day, which wasn't found in your original post. In stead of drawing people to your "truth" you've driven them away. Rather than rejoicing in the fact that The Chosen has reopened the Gospel to people who have shut it out of their lives you cry and weep because it's not preaching the Gospel in a way you would have done. You probably spend more time finding fault with other faiths and how they preach the Gospel rather than glory in their preaching of Jesus Christ. Dude, that's just sad.


Yochanan responded, “Rabbi, we saw someone expelling demons in your name; and we stopped him because he doesn’t follow you along with us.” Yeshua said to him, “Don’t stop such people, because whoever isn’t against you is for you.”
Luke (Luk) 9:49‭


I have a catholic brother in law who stayed with us for a few days because of marital problems. I talked to him about being a christian and let him watch The Chosen. The next thing he did was to download the KJV and NIV bibles into his phone. Before he left, he promised that he'll continue reading the bible. ✝️✝️✝️

It will be best to watch The Chosen with a bible in hand to iron out anything that you doubt. Also remember that its just a tv show and it will never be sufficient to replace the bible.


Did people not read the the disclaimer in the first episode? ITS INSPIRED by the word of God.... Everyone is a critic and it's sad. In a world where the media Is filled with sex, death and lies we NEED Christian content...

People expect perfection when they themselves aren't.


I love this show. It's about time we have something wholesome to look at. I love Dallas Jenkins and Jonathan Roumie and their portrayal of Jesus and His life.


it's all so odd and childish... the division, the nitpicking. we act like Pharisees when a man is delivered or healed during Sabbath.

every single Sunday, pastors all over read the Word, interpret the Word (hopefully through the Holy Spirit) and then they teach/deliver the message based on what they feel God has told them/led them to say. Their message is based on scripture and they add their "take" (for lack of a better word). We literally sit through this delivery method every church service we attend, but when it's done on a tv show, now there's an issue?

people are being ministered to, people are turning to or turning back to the Lord, they are encouraged and or compelled to read the Bible more (some for the first time). what's the problem?

"We need more Christian entertainment!"
we get one, it goes global, we slap it down.
sometimes, many times, most of the time, we are our own worst enemy and least effective witness.

even if i'm wrong and i'm missing the point, the bottom line is.... if you have the time and energy to criticize the show (or any Christian production) i wonder if you have spent equal or more time and energy ministering and leading individuals to Christ?


Here's how I resolved the 'adding to' question for my own needs: Every song in the hymnal, lesson plan in class materials, set of sermon notes, devotional, volumes of commentary, etc., are all similarly telling the story of Scriptures, without being 100% Scripture themselves.

In fact, that last one is probably the closest example of what it's like watching The Chosen. We're experiencing, in an audio/visual way, show creator Dallas Jenkins' commentary (with that word referring to a reference book we often use alongside Bible study), which he has written not simply out of his own head and study, but along with a panel of experts in hermeneutics and exegesis, history and archeology, recruited to give as accurate a view of first-century life and Bible interpretation as this old country boy has ever seen on the screen.

About this point, my fellow fundamental literalists will say, "But it isn't Scripture." Very true, and they'd be in good company in saying so, because Dallas likewise says that about it -- The Chosen isn't Scripture. In order to be Scripture, each episode would need to be someone reading Scripture aloud for the 50-some minutes. But what it _is, _ is a particularly-effective _commentary_ on Scripture, bringing out some really worthwhile themes, that we'd all do well to consider, whatever our existing familiarity with the Word.


I love it. I have shared it with a few folks. One whose life is falling apart, and it is helping. Dallas Jenkins literally says to follow the Bible, this is a tv show. Better than other movies or shows that are out there...


Many souls saved due to God using the The Chosen to reach more lost. God's I got nothing negative to say.


I support the show for a number of reasons. One main reason is because God uses it consistently to minister deeply to my heart and it evokes more hunger for Jesus in my life.


What is divisive is not the show. It's Jesus, and He stated it Himself. The Chosen is meant to bring up the story of salvation and have people discuss it in a world that is far from God. I think it totally does what it was created to do.


I love ❤️ love ❤️ love this show so much thx 😊


The people that hate this show is exactly what drives people away from
Christ. This show is amazing.


This show brought me back to Christ and is giving me the courage to re-enter Catholicism, being hungry for Mass and scripture. It showed me like no other adaptation of the gospel that God did not hate me, and so I slowly stopped hating God. I don’t care what anyone says, God reached to me though Dallas’ work and anything that can do that to a person like me surely is Blessed by God.


It has brought me to Christ! There’s so many skeptics about the Chosen that remind me of the Pharisees. Its ringing light to many that need it.


Love this show anytime Jesus is on he brings me to tears ❤❤❤❤❤❤
