Why I Stopped Watching The Chosen

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This is why I (a Christian) stopped watching the chosen. THIS VIDEO IS MY OPINION! I won’t judge you if you watch the show. Just don’t let it replace your bible.
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1:59 you can’t make Jesus ‘too human’ because He is fully and truly human. the problem is when you downplay His divine nature


a quote from my mom " Chosen is a show that you should only watch if you have a indepth knowledge of Bible and are watching for entertainment not for learning"


Bro the last line "I love JESUS a whole lot more"
When u said that now you are my fav christian content creator


Tbf Before the series starts it states that people are still encouraged to read the gospels for themselves


Very good points you have made. I was never interested in watching the series no matter the rave reviews from my Christian friends. Anytime you try to dramatize Christ's story there is risk involved. Plus, they use all sorts of artistic license to entertain the people. The key word being "entertain." I don't spend time in scripture to be entertained. I spend time in scripture for intimacy with my God. I could also see how this might confuse new believers. In the same breath, maybe it may put a fire in their hearts to want to read and study the Word of God. Thank you for your commentary. It's good to think about these things. I pray for discernment for all.


i love Jesus too. that is why none can replace the Bible. but to see His human side represented as such... because... He was 100% human as well... and for others to be touched by this Series is a blessing in and of itself. for long time Christians like me, anything I put in, i take with a grain of salt as humans or anything human made are bound to misrepresent Jesus at one point or another... hence the Bible as our Ultimate Reference and source material #justmy2cents


I have shared some of the same concerns, because a lot of this show is side story, and backstory that isn’t in the scripture. However, the show isn’t meant to be a replacement for scripture. It never claims to be the infallible word of God, or anything like that. It is made for entertainment, it is made to give you a visual representation of what the time, and what the experiences may have been like. there’s also no overt references to Mormonism, and it doesn’t push a Mormon narrative. And I think, if anything, we tend to dehumanize Jesus too much. Because what we tend to not grasp is that he was fully man.
“Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭
He was as human as you and I, while also being God. He was tempted at all the ways that we were tempted, he felt all the emotions that we have felt, but while doing that did not sin.
And we tend to see him as some kind of stoic figure, who only spoke in these big important moments. But he had normal conversations, he told jokes, and flushed out thoughts just like the rest of us.
I am not saying that anyone has to, or has to not watch the show. I am just saying that as these people work on this show with people who are not believers, with people of other faith, with people living in sin, that maybe they are doing exactly what Jesus would do. And maybe through the show just like so many have already, maybe they will come to follow Christ.


I've not struggled to NOT watch any episode of The Chosen. From the start I recognized the dangers of portraying THE PERSON of Jesus with that much "creative liberty" from ppl who do not read the same Bible.


In their defense, because of this show I’ve been more attentive to my Bible and really started to strengthen my relationship with God


Every time i see one of these videos, i remeber episode 1 before the show even kicks off. A disclaimer saying how some dialogues and things have been changed or extended…. The show, before it even starts, encourages you to pick up your bible and read it. Not replace scripture or just rely on the show itself. It gives you *that warning*. If you remember or watch the disclaimer then you instantly realize it will be flawed. Of course it’s flawed, it’s being portrayed by *humans*.


The Chosen is indeed a blessing. I’ve been a Christian all my life. I’ve never seen the Word of God portrayed in a more beautiful and relatable way in film. In Jonathan Roumie’s portrayal of Jesus, I feel Jesus’ divinity and humanity. Jesus’ teachings and indescribable love and mercy are always conveyed in The Chosen. He points all works back to His father. The Disciples are relatable- human, flawed, redeemed, and ultimately faithful to their Lord and Savior in word and deed, sacrifice everything of this world to follow Jesus. Dallas has always made clear that he is presenting the Gospels, but this is a show. It’s not going to be a literal interpretation at every moment. The Chosen brings me closer to Jesus, and I’ve learned even more about the Bible now in studying scriptures that the Chosen has encouraged me to read again. The Chosen touches every human emotion through its representation of the life of Jesus! It’s a shame you allow some imperfections to block the blessings.


Even though I understand your points, I must say that I have to disagree with them. Because in my opinion, it's taken out of context.

So first of all what we need to consider is, that The Chosen is an independent media, that is just published through Angel Studios. Same with Sound of Freedom. Dallas Jenkins is an evangelical Christian and I think Baptist. Even though I also found it weird that Jesus' baptism and his battle with Lucifer in the desert was not shown, I can understand why it might not be shown, at least for now. In an interview they also said, that they might not have done Jesus walking on water, because they didn't know how to technically do that and they didn't wanna do a bad job at it. So in that sense I can understand that they don't wanna use bad CGI for the dove in the sky or the appearance of the devil.

When it comes to the "Law of Moses" part, we all must ask ourselves the question. Isn't it partially correct though? The 10 commandments show the personality of God, who he is. He is of course way more than the law of Moses, but the law of Moses is a part of him.

When it comes to the pride flags, Angel Studios said that they are not going to commit cancel culture against the people working there. Not every actor there is even Christian; there aren't simply enough Christian actors in the world to fill all these roles. Some people just fit better for roles than others.

When it comes to Jesus asking them about the Sermon and the ideas, it's more like that he wants to encourage his disciples to think about the Godly ideas for themselves, so they can embrace it.

Of course we also have to consider that "The Chosen" is an independent media, an interpretation of how things could be, but not how things were exactly. I think "The Chosen" is a good medium to get non Christians a bit to Christianity and help Christians understand that God isn't simply a robot. It actually encouraged me to know more about God, because well. All the emotions that we feel, pain, suffering, joy, love. All those, he felt. And he still feels them. God laid those emotions to us. And I'll be honest. The show helped me a lot to strive for God and find out who he truly is. Even though they don't interpret everything 100% correctly, it still gave me that strive to seek Jesus more. And if a show can lead you to do that, reading the bible more, because you have that thirst after God, then there's indeed a blessing on the show.

However man, don't watch it if you have the feeling it is against your convictions. If you get the feeling, then either try to research on if the conviction is justified or just let it be. However, man, God bless you!


Watch "The Passion of the Christ" it is the greatest movie made by Christians ever.


I love that you made this video, what we need is more people talking about what Jesus means to them and I believe this to be the mission of The Chosen until they make a move that will change my mind. Something that may help you, knowing there is no way I can possibly tell you all that I know, is that there are two verses in which Dallas Jenkins may have derived his "I am the law of Moses." I loved that line too, and it is because of what I believe, have read in the bible, and lived out in my life. Take for example another movie I like, "An American President, " the President's final speech he says, "I am the President." I live in the homeless community and was formerly a Chief Compliance Officer in the finance industry and so the resume God has given me has put me squarely in the position where I can and do say, "I am..." The "I am" comes from Exodus 3:14, "I am..." is how the people of Israel will know me, and if we are born in God's image and we take up our cross like Jesus tells us to (if we want to be his), Matthew 10:16-42, then there comes a time when the evil one will not listen to your final no, I won't (Matthew 5:33-37) and what will spring from your soul is the "I am." Couple this with the Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus Teaches about the Law, and you get "I am the law of Moses." But, to your point, Mormones do not get the entirety of heaven, they are their own organ within the body of Christ and they will need to fight to maintain the integrity of their purpose or Jesus will cut them from the vine, John 15. As I see it, I will not put anyone between me and Jesus; I will never fear talking directly to him, and Mormones, Christian Scientists, Catholics, anyone who feels they require a pastor, priest, or nun, give up this relationship with God in my opinion. So, perhaps it will help to know Galatians 5:1-6 and Colossians 3:23-25 (which Dallas Jenkins said is a foundational stone in his faith while the LGBTQ threatens to set up a sacriligious object in Angel Studios which will bring down the house like HIV/COVID), to keep yourself free and fighting for the true Master.


"Jesus in the chosen is not the same Jesus I know and Love" Very well said bro❤


In the beginning, where you said "I wanted to be entertained more than I wanted to be closer to God". I have had my reservations about the Chosen from the beginning, and yet I watched it; mostly for this exact reason (not entirely consciously). I would watch it and told myself that at least I am watching something Jesus related. I completely agree with what you had to say about the pressure, there's so much pressure involved in trying to portray a piece of history that we don't know completely and a being that we know so relatively little about, but who's life was so important.

The visual media requires so many extra details to be added for it to be actually entertaining (some of it's unimportant while others), but if any of those extra details mislead someone away from God, while they think that they are doing right because they learnt it from "The Chosen", that's scary, and hopefully God will guide them to Himself, because their hearts are in the right place.

I just think that The Chosen fall into a similar category as modern Christian music does: we make the mistake of thinking that it replaces the original methods of praise, worship or reading the Bible, which it doesn't. Not everyone falls into this trap, but I'm sure many do, even if not completely. To better explain, the other Mike Winger (a YT Christian apologist), made the mistake in his video on why polygamy is wrong, saying that when Adam named the animals, they came before him as two of each kind. He made the mistake because decades earlier in his life, a youth pastor mentioned this in a sermon. Imagine that, such a simple mistake based on a small assumption or piece of misinformation. Now imagine the scale at which something like the Chosen can do this, where there are thousands of small details which we can pick up on which may lead us astray, without us even knowing.


I love the Chosen. And couldn't tell you how very much I love Jesus and yes there are things said that aren't in the Bible but many things are so I'll keep watching. God bless you if you can't watch with an open mind.


"I am the law of Moses" is not from the book of Mormon. As one reviewer put it, it is a summation of Matthew 5:17.

Now, you could argue and ask, why summarize it instead of quote Him directly? But that it a far different, and more honest question, than to say it comes from Joseph Smith.


You explained that very well and I was watching this show with my aunt and we were very confused because we don't recall reading some of the scenes the Bible and I guess it was just a little strange.


*I stand firm in my faith, trusting God's plan. Grateful for blessings, I thank Him for prosperity. My family's happiness is restored, and retirement brings unexpected abundance, $57k weekly returns, a life transforming miracle after past struggles*.
