Help! My Package Is Being Held At Customs

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We ran into a big issue this week. Gina's work laptop stopped charging so she had to return it to the US, but the replacement laptop is being held at customs! It's been a nightmare.

#digitalnomad #customs #livinginmexico #betterlife #lifeinmexico
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I appreciate your predicament but love your humility and honesty.


I feel your pain. It is what it is at this point. I hope your job will continue to recognize your value and will work with you and help you.


Much love to you both, i truly hope everything works out for you. Liz and Romy are the best xx


A tough situation. As always much respect to your openness and reality check that not everything is a bed of roses when moving to Mexico. So many others give the false sense that everything goes without issues. As your site becomes more popular someone at your current job probably would have seen your videos anyway. A new opportunity will happen should this issue not be resolved.


So sorry Gina, hope it works out. Much love to you. 😢


😔😣 ohhh nooo!! Praying that you get it back Gina and/or things go your way with that company. I agree with you 100% though, I don’t understand why the companies won’t let fully remote employees work WHEREVER they please so long as they are doing what they are supposed to!! 😡
Best of luck Gina and I can bet something AMAZING will come out of this!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


so sorry you are having to go through this


First of all I really enjoy your channel and content, secondly your following your passion and the universe will honor your passion and lastly this is not a setback but a setup to an unexpected blessing and outcome 🙏🏾 keep you faith and keep moving forward


Omg guys…this is rough. So frustrating! I always try to go with the mindset of…things happen for a reason and generally the reason is, is because there is something better on the horizon. You said it in your video that the job ended in May and you had multiple enquiries. Perhaps one of those will be the icing on the cake! Or perhaps your current employer will look past it all due to your work ethic and all will be out in the open and no more fibbing about it? I promise things will work out as there is a reason for all!! Hugs to both of you!! It will be ok ❤❤


I still a few minutes left to watch..but man, I'm so sorry. I agree; it shouldn't matter where you are if you are in a remote position and you're doing a great job. I hope it all works out.


This is why I love you guys so much... like Ernie says NO BULL! Hugs and much love... thank you for sharing!


Im so sorry this has happened to you. I wish you the best in figuring it all out


I’m so sorry!! 🙏 I know it’s not much consolation right now, but I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and praying all works out well. ❤


Good luck with the conversation today, Gina. I really hope you can work something out by coming clean, being contrite and standing on the quality of your work thus far for the company.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you.
I pray everything works out for you . ❤


I’m so sorry you are going through this. It’s crazy what we have to do in order to have a better life outside of USA. I had 2 large Dell monitors, docking station, laptop and keyboard that was loaned to me by a company I was contracted to out of Overland Park. B&V.
When my contract ended I had to pay to ship all of it back. Lol
They emailed me after they got it and said oh my gosh are you in Mexico? 😂
I said yup.
You GOT this lady. It’s going to be ok with this job or finding another great one asap with your skills.
I’ve actually got my own client now and just got my LCC.
Keep us posted please.❤ Big hugs


Apologies for not responding earlier. Customs can hold up shipments as they collect duties. Typically, FedEx handles importing and charges you the fees upon delivery, or a company like Amazon charges you to manage the duties. After watching the entire video, it seems the issue is likely due to the laptop being used, which complicates determining its declared value. If it were new, the value would be straightforward – the purchase price.

A customs broker is needed because they compile the necessary paperwork to provide customs with a declared value and assist in paying import taxes. Indeed, the process can be complex, and it would take a lengthy conversation to fully explain it. I've dealt with Mexican Customs and customs brokers before, and even seemingly simple matters can become complicated. We can discuss the process in more detail later.

The software aspect also affects the value. For instance, a $200 computer with $3, 000 worth of software could be considered worth $200 or $3, 200. SAT sees it as $3, 200, hence the need for a customs broker to argue the actual value, which could increase the cost tenfold. The 30, 000 pesos you mentioned might be even higher depending on the duties assessed by SAT.

Regarding W2 versus 1099 and remote work, I believe I can clarify. As a W2 employee, you work directly for the corporation, which is legally required to report all employees working overseas to the US government. This is why HR permission is needed to work outside the country. Corporate implications often result in denial, although there are exceptions based on factors like the company's international presence and operations in specific countries.

With a 1099 arrangement, you're an independent contractor, essentially operating as your own company. The corporation contracts your services, so they don't need to report you as an overseas employee. This is essentially outsourcing, so your location doesn't matter.

Why do most companies prefer W2 over 1099? Numerous factors come into play, including the cost of hiring contractors versus regular employees. Contractors are often used for short-term projects, where paying them more can save money in the long run. However, for long-term work, hiring an employee and providing benefits can be more cost-effective.

I hope the company you're dealing with can accommodate working in Mexico. My sister-in-law received permission to do so, but she works for GM, which has a global presence, making it easier for HR to report her work in Mexico despite her team being based in Austin.

It's unfortunate that this happened to you. Sharing your experience is important, as many digital nomads might be unaware of the need to seek permission or may try to bypass the system.

I just wish you hadn't been the ones to deliver the bad news. 😢 Prayers, things work out in the end🙏


I hope everything goes well. Please let us know. We love you guys. Sorry could not get it released from customs and praying for you. 🙏😥


Sorry to hear about your problem. The same happened tome you need to be honest with your employer, they can help you very well they have influence,


I am so sorry to hear this. I will be a digital nomad too so you have given me a lot to think about
