How Being Betrayed Changes You

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Betrayal can bring on a complex mix of emotions within people. It often leads to feelings of deep hurt, disappointment, anger, and sadness. It can create a sense of vulnerability and skepticism towards others. Betrayal may also trigger self-doubt and a questioning of your own judgement of people and relationships. Coping with betrayal can result in emotional distress and a sense of loss.


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It’s not the knife in your back that hurts. What hurts is when you turn around and see who’s holding the knife.


The worst part is ruminating about the betrayal and not wanting to think about it or talk about it but it just comes back at anytime ...


Jeez, this is like a laundry list of struggles I've faced growing up. My heart goes out to everyone who has gone through this. You are not alone.


Having been betrayed by my family has been the worst thing that has happened in my life. It's been 12 years and my life has never been the same. If you can't trust your family then who can you trust? I'm definitely not the same person I was before the betrayal.


I live alone and will from now on. I don't trust my ability to identify people who wish to destroy me. Relationships cause too much anxiety. If a man is not nice, I don't want to be around him. If a man is nice, I don't trust that he's sincere and not just setting me up. It causes too much anxiety. I don't expect anything from anyone. Yes, indeed, I lost my faith. I will never be the person I once was.


Once you figure out human nature youve got it made. Been betrayed more times than i care to remember, family romantic partners and more.As a senior on the autistic spectrum Im done with people, got a dog, best decision ever 🐕


I have experienced betrayal 4 times . .. I have become super resilient. No emotional ransom works on me. God is awesome 👌


If you stay objective, really, the disappointment factor is so pervasive, you can't even look at someone whose thrown you to the wolves, especially if it's been intentional or has surfaced as a pattern. Once you see that level of disingenuousness exposed, you cant bear to even look at them because you don't want to see the dark hole in thier soul they they initially hid. It's heart breaking to see the beautiful shell that fell away in hindsight, with every falsehood they spoke. But, they have to live with who they choose to be and thankfully you don't.


This is more than your partner, this can go back to being scapegoated by your family.


Buying unnecessary purchases may be a way to get access to things that will remain. The purchases may represent things you enjoy but also things that you hope to use when you regain your ability to be creative again. Those items are sitting there for the time when things get better even though they may never actually be used. They can represent a desire to feel again because they are connected to things that you remember being enjoyable.


I know it has definitely changed me! I am slow to let people in my life and quick to cut them out! I have no family ties!


The worst part is it severely damages very important people who devote their lives to helping others. It’s crazy it’s truly like there is evil out there trying to crush good. The damage has huge implications on brain structure and function. I know as a neuroscientist and psychiatrist. I treat patients all over the country and there just aren’t enough good doctors out there combining therapy with treatment. The damage is very real and it has to be treated for recovery.


If you never get over the betrayal and you let it change you permanently, they win! You are strong enough to not let that happen...


My mouth was hanging open that i could relate to all except the sexual abuse part. I deal with people if i have to, but i will choose animals over people any day.


It's devastating. You'll never be the same .


I've been cheated on and then left for another woman twice from my last 2 significant relationships. I recently realized it was an unnatural ending. I was left mourning the loss of both of these men but they never mourned the loss of me. It has hit me differently since then.


It’s been 18 months, and I don’t know if I’ll ever come to terms with what she’s done. My Confidence is in the gutter, I don’t socialize or even call my friends back. I stepped back from running my business, and nothing seems to excite me. The only thing keeping me going is working out in my basement gym *alone* so I can collect my thoughts. Things have gotten a little better since the initial shock, and I feel like I will eventually turn a corner thanks to my faith. 🙏🏼


Those who betray are the one's with the problem, so don't take it personally, it's about them

Being betrayed teaches you how to spot a betrayer, so learn, be discerning, and only trust those who have shown you they're trustworthy

Actions speak louder than words


I have suicidal ideation but then I remind myself I'm free. All those years, 25, of settling for a marriage that was awful in a quiet desperate way. He left me penniless. He left when I couldn't work and my savings was gone. But I'm free! I have most of these symptoms that were listed. I live for my pets. They need me. I struggle to feed them. My most helpful phrase I is what it is, accept it. I'm older and don't have much hope in ever being happy or secure again. I find moments of joy with pets and nature. Life is hard. For everyone.


The shame is often overbearing - feeling ugly, boring, uninteresting, etc. Then you withdraw into yourself and stay there.
