Jordan Peterson - Failing A Class

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Psychology Professor Jordan B. Peterson talks about hitting unexpected obstacles in life. What does it mean to fail a class? It's a remanifestation of things you had considered irrelevant.

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The thing is. No one talks about the camera man or women who follows him around during his lectures. Thank you mysterious camera person.


Just got a D (52%) on a test I studied so hard for. Hurts even more because I felt that I knew the topic inside and out and I believed that the test went really well. Guess I was wrong.


Imagine the feeling of failing a course that teaches you how not to fail.


Imagine failing a class with a subject that you will never use in life just because that's what the system requires.


I just failed my calculus class today. I was very confident that I would pass my final, but I completely fumbled the bag. Weeks of studying and got slapped in the face with an F. I’m still in shock, but I won’t give up. Still can’t believe I failed my first class 😢


One thing I learned as a failing student to a A plus student is that intelligence isnt based on your test scores. Intelligence is the way you combat your internal emotions and the way you challenge thos challenges into making better outcomes with critical problem solving skills.

The way I went from failing to passing is practice, recall, analyse, and just told my self to do it. If others can do it you probably can to. Dont let your gaurd down. And dont beat your self up.


I was hoping this was a video showing Peterson announcing that he was giving everyone in his class a failing grade.


He absolutely nailed my point of view on life, if you've got a problem the solution isn't giving up, it's working harder. Literally anything that's causing stress, find it's source and do anything you can to get rid of it


Dr. Peterson does a great job of generalizing very personal feelings. Its nice to know that everyone goes through the same feelings when confronted with difficult opportunities. If you convince yourself that it is a special circumstance, you may be inclined to "make an exception" for yourself. Recognizing that everyone goes through the same conflict may just help you push ahead of it rather than throwing in the towel preemptively.


every uni orientation should speak about this. not about singing and partying


I had to repeat a year of college. The entire experience was horrific. At that stage in life I was still low on meaning, drive and purpose in life. I was still bouncing walls. What I can tell you is that I managed to remount myself and finish my studies and what I learned on the way is more important to me than the knowledge taught in the classes. I learned about things in life that straight A students maybe will never know because they will never be in a situation like that.
Not saying you should flunk your exams, I'M saying that being in such a low point in life and managing to climb your way out of that makes a person stronger.
Beware that the saying "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" is wrong or better say incomplete. I might've as well raise my arms and quit and who knows where I might've end up. Just by getting out alive from a bad experience is not enough. There are people who can't recover from something bad that happened to them and God, family, friends or doctors can't do anything for them.


I'm failing microbiology right now and I'm stressing out so much. The drop date already passed so I can’t drop it, so it all relies on my final test grade now. I also want to go to med school so failing a class will really ruin my chances. I'm so down right now


Crazy how that “micro-failure” can derail your whole education process....


A very smart man once told me, "Failure is the greatest teacher you will ever have." He was speaking about learning through failure in BJJ but I think that applies to anything in life.


Is it bad that I am amazed by his lecture, but even MORE amazed by the sound he makes at 3:00?


I dropped 4 classes while I was a biotech major and stayed in classes and got Fs. What this guys says is right. Surrendering yourself to chaos is scary. It just created more problems for me.


I was actually kinda fucking scared when I clicked this because I was feeling anxious about my failed class I am taking again and he starts analyzing *EXACTLY* my thoughts as examples.
I have never heard anyone even acknowledge that these are common thoughts, and he just went through my thought process in exact detail as an example. It fucking blew my mind.
The thought of just "fuck it, I don't wanna deal with all this anymore, I don't know what I can do/I don't feel prepared to do it" is exactly what I feel, and just as I clicked this I was in the process of visualizing suicide again. He absolutely nailed it.

I still have no idea what the fuck to do though.


I had a major college failure over ten years ago that still haunts me over ten years later. Every now and then it gets brought up when someone wants to put me down. I need God's help to get over it and am praying I will be healed from that shame and disappointment of not being good enough when I had the chance to follow what had been my dream through even though I tried so hard


This came up on my recommended and I’m happy it did.

Last semester, I took a precal course and my first exam was a 57%, I felt so ashamed of myself and I was filled with anxiety, especially since I had just started my first semester in that college (I graduated from a 2 year community college). But then my next exam I got at 69% and with some extra credit I got a 5% boost. Third exam I got a 90, and the second around an 80. I always dropped the course and fell into a pit over that first 50, but then I ended up getting a B.

Now I’m in calculus and I just got my first exam, 50%. Thanks for the YouTube algorithmic system for recommending me this. I’ll keep pushing forward.


I’ve maintained a 4.0 for 9 weeks in chem and I just failed the 3rd test really bad. All the hard work about to not count
