Jordan Peterson - The Biggest Reason For Failure

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Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson says that the biggest reason why people fail is that they don't ever set the criteria for success. It can be a daunting task, because setting goals also means to set the criteria for failure.

Dr. Peterson's new book is available for pre-order:

If you want to support Dr. Peterson, here is his Patreon:

Check out Jordan Peterson's Self Authoring Program, a powerful tool to sort yourself out:
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I absolutely cannot stop watching this guy


"Imagine that you were taking care of yourself like someone that you actually cared for..." Holy Shit.


Since I listened to this advice I decided not to commit suicide until I've tried all the options and started to implement professor Peterson's suggestions and only months later my life has become worth living again, and I have come to realise that the sky is the limit . Thankyou Mr Peterson for a real life line.xx


Suffering without meaning is what depression is.


“Since success is a very narrow line And very unlikely, the probability that you’ll stumble upon it RANDOMLY is ZERO” ouch


In the recent days I have noticed that comments (mostly memes) are getting deleted. That's strange because I don't have moderators and if it was automated they would land in my spam folder, so I assume it has be people with global moderator status. So if my assumption is right, here is my open letter to those people:
Stop deleting comments. Don't touch the memes!


"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need" -Jagger/Richards


Hours upon hours of videos from 'guru's', on self help, how to find, where to find, etc etc...

This 6 minute video is pretty much the entire industry, summarises beautifully, concisely and easy to understand.

Amazing video!


Does anyone else find these videos terrifying? Sometimes I have to force myself to watch his videos because I know I'm not going to like what I hear.


This one video helped me pull out of depression over failings in the past. I now say to myself daily, I am going to manifest my self in the best possible manner in the world. I would like to do this. What would this be? What do I want? Who can I serve? What can I sacrifice? Why not me, why not now? Thank you Dr. Peterson for expressing the wisdom of the ages in Jesus words and Socrates as well.


When I first started watching JP videos I’ll admit I got pretty lost at times. However, the more I watch, the more I start to recognize common themes and ideas and I start to draw connections between all of his points. I feel like the words he’s saying are finally starting to reach my soul.


This is so, so true. One of the biggest fears I found was actually getting what you want, because you then realise that you have no idea of what you actually want.


I’ve just started university after a long bout of depression. I’ve turned it around and ready to make something of myself, thank you for telling me what I was desperate to hear professor Peterson


this might be one of the most important things I've ever listened to


My problem isn't knowing what needs to be changed but rather actually changing. Why is it so hard to get out from under the rut and actually be productive. I learn new things and tend to excel at whatever I put my mind to but I have such a huge problem with being motivated enough to actually learn new things, or go out and be social and get a job. I just lost my job and I don't know what I'm going to do about it. There are so many regrets that I have in life and I want to rectify that but I have this mental blockade stopping me from doing what I need to do and I don't know how to stop it. It's an awful position to be in. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I hope everyone experiencing something similar finds their way out. I hope you thrive in whatever you choose to do and I hope that you may help people in similar situations one day. Much love to you all.


"what remarkably stupid things am I doing on a regular basis that's screwing my life" you can't be any more sincere to yourself than that! 💪


That's a new concept to me. Caring for myself like I'm someone else I care about. It kinda makes sense. Some people find it easier to care for someone else than themselves. Conceptualizing yourself as separate can make the regard you have easier. In other words, treat yourself like a real person to to help you help yourself easier. That made more sense in my head.


I still stand by the greatest quote I've ever recieved and it's by this guy.

- "if you actually want something, you can have it"


This seems like a variation of the best advice I have ever gotten from a friend. He told me not to waste a second thinking about what you don't want, but think hard about what you do want. It's funny how many people do the exact opposite.


Forget paying 100 of Dollars on Psychologists. Just listen to this great man for free. And please donate to him. We need him.
