Inside the mind of the ENTJ

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As an ENTJ, I can say that we're constantly in a mental breakdown, but instead of stopping, crying and doing whatever normal people do when they're having a breakdown, we just keep going, we simply don't stop, and that's quite problematic


So I graduated and I had my 5 seconds of happiness and then yeah nothing. Lol being an entj is difficult.


pretty sure the expression "work hard, play hard" was invented by an ENTJ.


My friend is an ENTJ (she was “too busy” to take the test). She graduated as a Physical Therapist Assistant, was a model for a gun magazine, then started renovating and selling up to 10 properties at a time while working full time as a PTA during the week and traveling out of state to an accelerated Doctor of Physical Therapy program on weekends. And she loves to travel on “free weekends” with her mother who has completed over 100 marathons around the world. I can’t even make this up


ENTJ's get a bad rap for being ruthlessly goal-oriented but have you ever picked on one of their friends? Then the goal is to ruthlessly protect. I'll always stand up for my friends and sometimes even voice the concerns of others when I know they won't stand up for themselves. We definitely have the "Nobody picks on my friends but me" attitude lol.


Also ambition is our greatest curse and blessing


"They often push themselves at the expense of their physical health"- darling I had a panic attack at a professional scientific debate and started bleeding through my nose- I told myself to "suck it up", stuffed Kleenex up my nose and gave my speech against people's advice. Went home with the best speaker trophy nonetheless. Health? Haha nothing in front of my GOALS


"The moment one goal is achieved, it's almost instantaneously replaced by another." Actually, as we approach the end of one goal, we are already planning the next one, so the actual point of achievement is sort-of a let down, because mentally we have already moved on. But another excellent analysis!


Entj's can be self sacrificing in the pursuit of their goals. They can be relentless towards others because of this. Many do not realize this about them. Great video, thank you!


Your eyebrows are like LARGER than LIFE. Nice eyebrows tho bro


Me being accepted in one of the top medical schools in my country
"I’m in!"
Doesn’t have another immediate objective in life
"Why do I fell like a failure now?"


It’s crazy my ENTJ father tried to teach me that I have to go through life as if I’m playing a game of Chess. Strategic and almost Ruthless without caring about anyone because everyone is out for themselves.
Dang he’s a pessimist. My ENFJ mind loves just chilling with everyone.


"they may not always have minions they can delegate to"

I feel personally attacked 😂


Napoleon wasn't wrong, an empty throne always temps me too. Thank you for the honest depiction of ENTJs without harping on emotions, refreshing! I am now subscribed.


“or rearranging the living room furniture” dang, why are you calling me out like that... ~ ENTJ


Its scary how accurate these videos are damn


The biggest problem with me being an ENTJ is the damn friends department, they all like to chill around and then I start to freak out because I'm not doing anything which makes me feel weird. I'm NEVER satisfied with anything(many people have said this to me, and I at time agree) which makes me feel weird... struggles of being an ENTJ.


I am an older ENTJ woman, which I understand is quite rare. I related to your FI explanation of careers in mid life. I had that exact feeling. I wish I had known my powers as a young woman, but growing up in the 50's and 60's, my independence and big picture view just was not at all encouraged by my WWII generation parents. I am not that goal oriented, but I organize everything! for efficiency, even how the kitchen is set up! And I try to help people but end up coming off pushy and not kind to their feelings. It has been my goal to change that and let down my armour!


My main problem as an ENTJ is the constant bombardment by everyone saying I don't grasp other people's goals or intentions. You're wrong.

I am very good at noticing and understanding these things, I just dont bother to discuss them if I see no interest or point in them. I'm not on the "Notice me senpai" train, and I'm not sorry for that, but GOD does this shit annoy me sometimes.


I'm a ENTJ, and I believe that the "ignoring feelings" isn't really accurate. If we need to get something done, we have to keep in mind that people have feelings and do our best to understand them for these feelings to not be a problem in the future, disturbing people's management. Those who can't feel empathy are just emotionally immature, in my opinion. However, people might not always realize that we did care about their feelings when we made certain decisions and that's because we're trying to be fair and effective, not nice.
