Inside the mind of the ISFP

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#isfp #intp #mbti

I dont understand ISFPs, here's the video to prove it...

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You know what’s fun, being an ISFP. You know what’s even funner, being a turbulent ISFP. Man I’m a mess.


I'm an ISFP and the constant conflict is that I want intimate relationships but know that I have to open up to people to get those, and I'd so much rather not do that 😭


What I think about ISFP they have the most unique sense of style when it comes to creativity.

ISFP type

They actually love to spend their time alone.
Really reserved personality.
They are a timid person.
Sometimes demure personality.
Patience of at least after 10 years.
(The most calm and patient MBTI.)
A person of few words. But when you engaged yourself to be friend and become BFF with the ISFP. They may seem to be really talkative.
Very neutral personality.
Passive aggressive personality.
Has a really good sense of style.
Creativity is really unique.
Very sensitive personality.
Very deep emotions on the inside.
True extraverted sensing.
Love to explore alone and spend time with few people. (friends)
Really hate noises and conflicts.
Love quite place with good environment.
Logical people is good but not too much for an ISFP 😆.
Loves history, culture, and art.
The most easy going people of MBTI.

They don't like being on the spotlight.
But because of their uniqueness they can standout and be on the spotlight.

ISFP " adds beauty in the world." 💖❤️🎭


I should make a video of me talking about being a ISFP lmao there’s literally no videos about us


Me: Logical argument.
ISFPs: Yes, but no.


Eyy I'm isfp, the thing u said about our emotions not being good or bad but like a variety of extremes, nothing can speak the truth more tbh


I’m INFP, husband is ISFP. Being with him is super duper fun, like having a perpetual stayover with my best friend where we stay up late at night cracking up, go on all sorts of spontaneous outings, and create art and music together. He is definitely both super sweet and intensely fiery, and tries to follow me when I muse about all the ways of bettering humanity and stuffing symbolism in to everything, after which he says “I just wanna make people laugh.” Hehe


I, an ISTP, have always thought of ISFPs as my emotional equivalent. Instead of seeking to understand the world through a logical lense, they do so through an emotional version. Where the ISTP tries to understand things, the ISFP seeks to understand the feelings of those things.


my poor sister (isfp) is always upset by the *severe* lack of isfp content in the community. the rest of the family has the more “popular” types (infp, intj, enfp) and she always feels left out. so glad i can send her this and make her see that her type is an important one! 💕


I wish I had a ISFP friend, to me they seem super cool to hang out with. Maybe they could teach me how to get tf out of my head from time to time lol, I'm so envious of Se


My mother's an ISFP. I'm an INTJ. I'm working on building myself a financial plethora, but my mother just doesn't care about that big of a goal 😂 she's the best


I'm an ISFP, and one of my best friends is an INFP. What you're saying makes perfect sense, you can often tell the difference between the two looking at how their parent function interacts with their hero function. The ISFP will have an almost "aesthetic morality" where good and bad are seen in terms of beauty and ugliness or harmony and friction. Instead, The INFP has a more traditional morality, closer to a philosophical view of the world. These two types can often annoy each other, despite their similarities, the ISFP will be annoyed at the "intuitive leaps" the INFP will make to reach an abstract conclusion, and the latter will be annoyed by the ISFP lack of interest (and criticism) for those abstract conclusions! However, if both parties are able to move past these differences, a truly exquisite transfer of knowledge can happen, they make great travel companions, the ISFP informing the other about the sensory beauty around them, and the latter informing the other about the history and culture of a place.


when i saw your face i didn't expect to hear a british accent


I can see what you mean when you mentioned ISFPs might mistype as INTJs. Some aspects between us are a bit difficult to distinguish. I had to watch twice thinking, "Well shit, I might be an ISFP." Lol


I was finally correctly typed as an ISFP. I thought I was an INFP for years, but I was wrong.


Lots of protagonists in fiction are ISFPs. What quality is it that makes them such obvious heroes? I imagine it’s the idealisation of the Fi values + the Se physical adaptive-ness. #ENTP


What i really love and feel intriguite about isfp, is their simplicity and fun way to aproach life, also the jokes they make sometimes, sounds very smooth and flowed. Ah! And also their look, like very veery calm, such a inner security that they have. I have some close friends Isfp (girls and boys) and all of them have that <3 (my experincie as infj)


Thank you for this. I'm in my 40s, I've tested repeatedly and keep getting INTJ, but I know that before the age of 13 or 14 I was definitely not an INTJ. I decided to test again, this time I answered the questions as I would have done as a 13/14 year old and my result was ISFP all the way. People who knew me then, agree I was an ISFP. So I realized that life experiences by the age of 13/14 made me conclude that being myself wasn't going to work for me and buried those parts of myself and I focused on strengthening the weakest parts of myself, which is why I come across as INTJ. Now that I figured this out I'm trying to figure out how to get back to being my genuine self while holding on to the beneficial INTJ qualities that have helped keep me on track thus far. Your videos are insightful and helpful. Thank you


Very accurate. You say you don't understand us, but you were spot on. But I will say, I can be pretty organized, probably because Fi is a judging function.


"Leading by example, and letting others follow if they want to." Literally my whole motto. Great video!!!!
