Inside the Mind of a Narcissistic Psychopath

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You said it, *evil* ! Pure *evil* on two legs .


That must be why they change the rules all the time. What's acceptable one day is totally wrong the next.


My ex-husband! Feeling satisfaction when confusing, humiliating, lying, and hurting people while pretending to be either neutral, nice, or victim.


" doing something wrong.. and not caring and doing it anyway... Is the defonition of evil.. " scott peck...


This sounds like my narc soon-to-be-ex and is exactly why I'm leaving him and fighting for custody of our kids. He will pretend to be someone amazing and generous and wonderful in public and to the court and the kids' therapists, but he will be someone completely different behind closed doors. Not providing food, playing manipulative and gaslighting mind games with our kids, using triangulation to get his way. I had to break ties with almost everyone we knew jointly, and I actually lost a long time friend and mentor because of his lies and triangulation. He is an evil, sadistic monster that has destroyed my life and our kids' lives during this divorce and continues to act like he's seeking help and trying to be a good dad. But he doesn't actually care about anyone else but himself and his money. It makes me want to vomit. Now he has a new supply with a young daughter. It makes me so angry and heartbroken to think he is going to do this to someone else and their child.


I know exactly what he's talking about and have seen it! In my own "family" I've orphaned myself. It really is evil!


Yeah sounds like a lot of people in p.o.a (positions of authority) such as cops, pastors, prophets, teachers, judges, lawyers, managers, doctors and therapists!


Everyone who is capable to do, should fight narcissism with all skills.


By that definition of dark triad behavior, that is exactly
who runs our world these days


That’s exactly what my narcissistic psychopathic ex did to me. He pretended we were soulmates, love bombed the hell out of me and said many times that I was the love of his life, all a mask of pure deception, a manipulation tactic to make me fall hard for him, and I did, he lured me right in to his trap. When I finally discovered the monster hiding behind I was left totally shattered. I was a cockroach to him, meant absolutely nothing. These “people” are indeed another breed, totally vile.


I remember some primary school mates that instigated people into doing things.... You later find out they never did those things themselves.


Dear Richard Grannon,
Your knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of this filthy human disorder and nightmare, is truly a blessing and gift of courage that God has made as You. Thank you for sharing your brilliance that helps me and others exhale by your validating data. Thank you for giving the fitting details in which to hear our experiences outside so many chambers of shame, confusion, and distress. Thank you very much!❤


Yep- I always used to say to my ex, before I learnt about narcissism, that he was either crazy, gay & homophobic or plain evil 👿. Actually it turned out to be all three-lol. Took me years to learn about and accept and accept my losses (including the children he turned against me with lies) from cutting him out of my life. I am happy now however I’m still working on not thinking about the fall out. There is nothing I can do but wait and hope others will come to understand and see it and him for what it is


My ex-husband is a narcissist psychopath. He has to exert his power on his significant other and his female employees. He's done it as long as I've known him. Always a new victim. He changes up his spiel over time with experience. He never follows his own stringent rules. It's crazy. I saw it the whole time and knew it was crazy. The fact that I was in it so long, knowing it was totally wrong, is crazy.


Everyday Evil is Everywhere. My sisters definition to a T.


Your video’s made me realise that my relationship isn’t right.


I was raised by it my mother was a malignant narcissist bordering on that dark triad she was literally arrested for murder at one time but did get out of it either way looking back it was absolutely pure evil she is not a human being there's nothing there that resembles that of a human being there is no compassion empathy a void an empty void with this demonic entity living in it there was nothing there except of course for her victimhood when it suits her I can see it I can recognize it now that I'm older by the way if you ever meet someone and there's a pause like this little eerie silence where you can almost feel that person sizing you up trying to figure out some way of hurting you and making sure they don't let you know anything about them be careful


I’ve met and was part of a community of about 400-500 people with 2 dark triads as “leaders” the lower downs are the severely psychologically damaged ones either narcs bpds or flying monkeys all of who have a history of childhood or adult trauma then the lower downs to them are the ones who don’t know themselves & just follow along (was me) following the lead of the toxic ones I’ve also seen mass psychosis & toxic family dynamics played out in the group scapegoat & golden child scenarios & the most shocking part of it is everything I’ve just said is 100% truth and is still going on now


This is the video I conclude myself leaving. Don't need to hear much else. I knew it was something worse than the regular thing. But to have it validated helps. Just isn't right. I am inspired to help people out of this myself too somehow.


That's pretty accurate description of politicians. They will convince you to believe in their cause and what they say, meanwhile doing all way different.
