5 Signs It May Be Time to Declutter Your Closet

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Declutter with me in my closet today! Decluttering can be a daunting task, but it's important to tackle it if you want to feel more organized and comfortable in your own space. In this video, we'll discuss 5 signs that it may be time to declutter your closet.

If you're looking to declutter your closet but feel stuck, this video is for you! We'll discuss the different types of decluttering, how to approach it, and how long it can take. After watching this video, you'll have a better idea of what needs to be done and how you can start decluttering your closet today!

★ Is Clutter Actually a Sign of THIS? ★

★ Permission to NOT Declutter (decluttering photos part 1) ★

★ Real Life Minimalist Home ★

★ Decluttering ONE MESS is GOOD ENOUGH ★

★ The Most Powerful Decluttering Word ★

Article: I Said Yes to Clutter!
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Hello! I'm Erica Lucas, a Minimalish Minimalist. On this channel, I share videos about making life simple one day at a time. I'm passionate about sharing ideas and inspiration for you to simplify your life, so if that's something you are interested in let's do it together. You will find videos about decluttering, minimalism, simple living, and intentional living. I'm glad you are here today. I hope my videos help inspire you in some way. Thank you for watching - it means so much to me.

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You really struck a chord that I needed to hear this morning. My closet is at least 1/3 full of clothes which are not one but TWO sizes too big. And there is a church donation center within two miles of my home. TODAY IS THE DAY. Thank you.


Earlier this month i went to clean my room and i had no space for my 'active' basket of clothes. Wish I took a before pic. So for a long time I have been living out of my laundry basket. It would go on the floor at night then on the bed in the day. I had 2 suitcases on the floor not fully unpacked from April. A full hamper of who knows what in the bathroom and a 2nd hamper in the bedroom 3/4 full of who knows what and the other 1/4 was stuff I actually wear. I couldn't put anything away because the closet and dressers were full of things that didn't fit. Clothes in the closet even had a layer of dust! So I purged. When I took everything out of the closet that didn't belong I had 5 things hanging. So far filled 1 1/2 totes of clothes one size smaller, 2 1/2 trash bags of donations, 2 grocery bags of textile donation, and 1/3 of my office closet is clothes that I enrolled a friend to help me sell (with an expiration date). Everything is put away. The hamper in the bathroom was gone through and now only has clothes that need to be washed before donating. The closet was repainted and reconfigured the wire shelving system. This closet I thought would never be seen by or make a difference with anyone but me inspired at least a dozen people (so far) to take back areas of their home.🤩😎 AND I have a team helping me put together a Facebook declutter support group and I have a waiting list of people wanting to join. We have somehow been brainwashed that our spaces don't matter and all the while they are keeping us small.


Hello Erica, I try to sell every decluttered item before I give it away for free. I have a dedicated space for the decluttered items so they can not find their way back to my closet. I sold stuff for a litgle over 1.000 Euro this year and I really need the money as I am on maternaty leave. Some presents for the little one go directly to the sale pile if they don't fit or we already have such an item. The baby is only 6 months old so I can handle it this way. I don't want the baby to be overwhelmed wirh toys as I was as a child.
Honestly, it feels so good to look at the list of sold items. It's great!
I really like your videos, Erica!


Dealing with the DISCOMFORT...whatever that encompasses for each of us, is HUGE.


What I love most about your channel is that you've taken us along with you through your process & your progress every step of your decluttering journey, even the emotional moments. As a result, viewers, particularly those new to the process, get a clearer understanding of what to expect on the pathway to a minimalish life. You have so many great & inspiring videos, & this is one of your best. Also, you look especially gorgeous in this video.


Hi Erica, that was an awesome video! I love the idea of one item at a time! ❤️ It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes: "You can't lift a thousand pounds all at once. Yet, you can easily lift one pound a thousand times. Tiny, repeated efforts will get you there" - Marcandangel


i always find something to declutter after watching one of your videos. I'm going to take the silk blouse that I have NEVER worn out of my closet right now and put it in the donate box that i keep in my car trunk.


That sweater is very flattering on you. Love your channel and how you have helped people in your own journey! 🎉😊


I heard a useful quote yesterday: “A house is like a container for your life” -Kumiko Ouchi, architect, Small Design Studio, Tokyo. I’m reframing as I pack to move: if I’m not using it, wouldn’t read it again, don’t like wearing it—it’s not really part of my life. Therefore, it shouldn’t be taking up space in the Container of My Life. Kinda goes with the “Fantasy Me”: what does Real Me actually need? It’s not easy, but I also believe that letting go one thing at a time is the way to go 😊


This was timely for me. I did this with my clothes a week ago. But I was still having to "shove" things in order to look at what I had. Today is laundry day and I just went to the closet to collect some hangers. And it hit me all at once why it was that I was having to "shove" things...all of those empty hangers from what I "decluttered" last week are still in the closet! I needed to declutter the hangers! Thank you so much for sharing your journey of 3 years with us!


I Just got rid of 1 dress yesterday put in my donation bag i didn't realized I have a trash bag full of donation ready to go you just don't really realize how quickly a bag can fill up on a week or 2 to just taking small steps every day.


Lately I’ve been using a system of 3 baskets that I keep on top of my closet. Clothes too big/too small/and quarantine. Every few months I revisit the baskets and let stuff go. In the too small I still have a few things that don’t fit but on a weight loss journey it’s a nice NSV to try something on and now it fits. That being said, many times I’ve tried it on, it fits, but I still decided to let it go. The baskets make it easy to try living without it to see if you miss it.


I've been going at my closet 1-5 items at a time for awhile now. Today I decided to take a harder look so I reorganized by type of clothing. Now I'm retired and I just don't need the same type or amount of clothes. I've also lost 40 lbs recently so I have lots that I can't wear now. Organizing by type really helped me see what I have, now I need to go back tomorrow and use your "pick what to keep" method to declutter some more. I will have to quarantine some clothes as I have lost and gained so much weight over many years that it doesn't make sense to get rid of clothes that are just one size bigger. Although, I'm getting down into clothes two sizes smaller than I was wearing a few months ago and they've been in my closet for quite a few years and it's not that great to be putting on worn out clothes. Hmmmm.... time to think good and hard.


I recently decluttered my fall/winter clothes. We had a relative come to visit and I told her to take whatever she wanted. She got nice new things, and I have no guilt! You could also invite friends and relatives- especially those on a limited income - to come shop. Everyone wins.


interesting that you would be talking about clothes today. I was having a hard time figuring out what to wear this morning and noticed a shirt I used to just love and wear all the time. I tried it on and it didn't fit right. The decision to declutter this item came easy so I went with it and promptly put it in the donate box. Going with the natural flow of things and not fighting seems to work well for me. These small habits have improved my life over the past year. Thank you, Erica, for inviting us to journey with you.


I laughed out loud when you referenced the clothes ‘smoking in the bathroom’! I have some clothes hanging backwards in my closet that need expulsion! Also, kudos on only driving around with that stuff in your trunk for a week! 😂


Thank you! 🙏❤️ I would love to hear more about why not to deal with selling, and just letting go instead 😛🙏🙏🙏


This is such a great idea i been doing this with my clothes lately if I put it on wear it the whole day and i don't like how it looks don't like the feel of it i declutter it..


I would add that if there is something in the laundry that you skip adding to a load repeatedly that it’s probably an item you can declutter (unless you are skipping it because it’s out of season).


It's really interesting having seen your journey with decluttering because your things (and all the constant mess) stressed you out, but getting rid of it was stressful for you at the beginning!

Your progress was so striking when you did your "messy minimal house tour". It was obviously just a house where kids live and not a "where can you even start on a mess like that?!"
Your house is so much more inviting and peaceful now!!!
