InPresence 0040: A Synchronistic Opportunity with Jeffrey Mishlove

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InPresence host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). For many years he served as president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people were supported and encouraged in developing inner intuitive abilities.

Here he notes the ending of InPresence 0038: "What awaits you in your dreams? And, will you be ready for it when it comes?" Immediately after finishing that video, Jeffrey found an email from Dr. Julia Mossbridge in which she offered to provide a dream, answering a question, for individuals who pre-order her new book, The Premonition Code. Jeffrey, sensing a synchronicity, immediately accepted the offer and is now making it available to InPresence viewers as well.

(Recorded on March 24, 2018)

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Listening to this after experiencing a significant dream of my own this morning reminds me & encourages me deeply to ask and to listen to my Dream Director/Creators! Thank you. 🙏🏻


This is probably the coolest and most creative marketing idea I've ever heard.


Sounds like a good marketing approach for this type of book. I'm in :-) Also looking forward to reading the book.


I just smiled the whole time you were speaking. What a cool deal, that's great


That was so kind! I hope it helped lots of folks!


Don't know where else to thank you for such great programming, Doc. Just that you'll give vital "stage time" to Drs. Terence Palmer and Charles V. Tramont to address the important, yet often neglected and beyond controversial topics of spirit rescue, attachments, etc. (If someone close to me hadn't experienced both the difficulties and relief from their work, I'd probably scoff myself.) And, in your interviews, you do anything but pander. Your balanced format is why I've been able to convince skeptical, secular humanist pals to bust a move and peek at 'the great unseen'.

Cosmic times demand answers not found in unicorn coloring books: Even if QHHT has viability, the cult of personality springing up around the mere mention of "new earth" is cause for concern.

Gosh. I just realized I've accomplished being both effusive and curmudgeonly: Apparently I'm sixty after all. :-) God bless you, sir.


The neatest synchronicity happened last night. While is was in pre sleep last night, I was able to remember about 12 of my dreams! I had never remembered them before. But I know I dreamt them. Mundane for dreams, but so familiar and so distant also. I was listening to an episode about dreams yesterday. Are all of our dreams stored away in our memories?


In case anyone is struggling...

I preordered the book from the UK only the link in the blog didn't work for me, but I was able to preorder within Amazon UK and still able to email Brenna with my order.


This looks like a propitious time for me to comment that I have been working with precognitive dreams and code systems to predict the future for over 35 years. The first precognitive dream I had that I can recall was on the night after I had watched a TV movie based on Ursula Le Guin's "The Lathe of Heaven, " which was about "effective dreams." This was in the Summer of 1980. I dreamt that I was John Lennon. The dream ended with me (as John Lennon) being shot to death. Six months later, on Dec. 8, 1980 John Lennon was shot to death. I started reading everything I could about "psi" phenomena and I began to have many more experiences with precognitive dreams. Eventually I got the bright idea to try to use my ability to have precognitive dreams as a means to predict lottery results. Eventually I realized that it is too difficult to remember lottery numbers from dreams, even "lucid dreams."
The best I did was predicting 4 numbers out of 6. I decided to try developing a system which
would convert lottery number results into "code words" and try to predict the code words in my precognitive dreams instead of the actual numbers. I noticed fairly quickly that a couple of odd phenomena cropped up as I concentrated on trying to predict the lottery code words in my dreams.
First, I noticed that I was more likely to predict lottery code words around holidays or major news events or sports and entertainment events like the World Series or the Super Bowl, the Oscars or Grammy Awards. I had already heard Dean Radin interviewed on "Thinking Allowed, " telling you about the phenomenon of "field consciousness" and it occurred to me that my ability to predict code words in conjunction with "field consciousness events" was not a random coincidence. The other very, very strange thing that I discovered was that more often than one could reasonably dismiss as "random chance, " the lottery code words that would come up in conjunction with "field consciousness events" would tend to have some striking synchronistic connection with the "field consciousness event" that occurred around the time of the lottery drawing I was trying to predict. A very striking example was on the day of a solar eclipse the lottery code words generated by the lottery numbers drawn that day were SUN INVADER. On the first night of Hanukkah the word BRISKET came up. On a Friday the 13th the code word TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA came up. I developed a method of taking the lottery code word results and inscribe them in a poster that featured images relevant to the field consciousness event that occurred on the day they were generated by that day's lottery drawing. I tried experiments with other people where I would try to telepathically transmit the code words to these other people in the hopes that they might have a dream about the code words. While this might seem pointless, since the lottery results had already been drawn, I anticipated that there might be an incident in which one of the "telepathy recipients" would actually have a precognitive dream about a future lottery code word result. Here is a link to a YouTube video I made to explain the process of generating lottery code words from the lottery results, and how I would inscribe the words in a "lottery code word target" featuring images from the field consciousness events on the day of the lottery drawing. In this case the field consciousness event was the opening weekend of the film "Never Let Me Go":
I have designated this synchronicity of code words seemingly "appropriate" for the field consciousness event they came up for on the lottery draw date as the "ouija board effect."
I do not actually ever use ouija boards but it conveys a similar idea to what is happening here. I believe that somehow my own subconscious PK energy is tapping into the field consciousness to influence the lottery's random number generator to produce these meaningful "coincidences" or synchronicities.


Jeffrey, I loved to hear about Dr. Mossbridge's initiative, because I think it is possible for more people to develop this technique by lucid dream associate with "rapport procedures", what causes telepathic entanglement. Friendly, M


Julia- It does "sound nuts" but no more so than results of the two slit experiment. Thank you,


This is totally fun! About a week ago I started, as I have a few times in the past, writing down my dreams in hopes of further developing them for useful purposes. Then came the NTA "Inpresence 0038 Dream Possibilities" video. Now this suggestion, along with a related synchronicity Mishlove experienced, that we try receiving in a dream had by Dr. Julia Mossberg a specific personal message relayed to us from her should we pre purchase her book, "The Premonition Code." Pre purchases determines the publisher's publicity budget. We (potentially) get precognitive dream advise (I haven't a clue as to what to do with the rest of my life) and a book (under $10) and the author gets publicity for her book should their be enough pre orders. We'll see how it works!


I hope you fill us in when you get your answer Mr. Mishlove


Having other people dream for me sounds like having someone else meditate for me.


it's intersting that in the video with Pierre Grimes when he talks about the role of the philosopher king he say how much dreams are important


Awesome! will give this a try :) has anyone had their dates sent through?


I placed an order. The link didn't show up for me on Firefox, but it worked on Chrome (true of many things).


Sales pitch! Refer to your U.G. Krishnamurti video. Wake up my friend.


Thank you for following your dreams. I have made great use of your endeavors in deepening my understanding of consciousness research and the mind.

It is a few years old, but came along with my studying your references on Mind-Body discussions (and quite in keeping with my tendency to discover important people and ideas rather later than sooner).

Thanks again...Staying tuned.
