InPresence 0039: Politics & Consciousness with Jeffrey Mishlove

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InPresence host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). For many years he served as president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people were supported and encouraged in developing inner intuitive abilities.

Here he points out that in over 30 years of television and video production, he has generally avoided both politics and current events. However, given the necessities of our time, he may move more in this direction. He takes issue with Karl Popper's argument that those who believe in tolerance should be intolerant of intolerance. He discusses Hegelian dialectic. He indicates that in political discussions, facts should take precedence over both logic and emotions.

(Recorded on March 23, 2018)

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This is a very much needed message these days. I am appalled, shocked and overwhelmed by how viciously people attack each other these days because of political differences, how easily they reject friends and even family members who disagree with them politically. This is insane. We are sinking deeper into darkness each day.


Thank you for addressing the political through the one & only lens that can guide us to peace: respect for all beings. There is no "other" and we are all One. Humanity and the Earth are a single Soul. May we wake up to this truth soon. The political landscape will naturally transform radically as a result. Namaste!


"Facts" suffer from the old 'blind men and the elephant' phenomena. All of the blind men were all correct, from their perspective, but the facts that the blind men acquired differed substantially. We must do the best we can with what we have while admitting that we have limitations. Intolerance, presently, exists on both sides of the political spectrum and both sides can present valid facts to support their points of view. But our points of view are subjective and we need to understand that.


Both parties are stuck in playing for the corporate military oligarchy. It's made to keep people arguing about bs.


Without passing judgement on any political party or previous administration, I must say that as a Canadian many of us are literally gobsmacked at what is currently happening in the United States. At a time when we know so much, have attained so much intellectual/technical achievements and have the historical sins of our fathers/mothers as a reference point as 'how not to live our lives and treat others', there is so much chaos, anger, disenfranchisement and cavernous divide among people. The most hope I experienced for the future was recently witnessing the collective mobilization of the children/youth who protested against gun violence. They have shown a kind of heroism and professionalism that many of our adults have failed to do. These children still seem to know how to do the right thing... even in the face of tremendous adversity.


I had the same experience of anti-Semitism as a child in a small rural English town. Somethings are universal....

Oh, if you know anyone how does Hegel & The Kabbalah (my uni thesis, such as it was, rooted there) — that'd make a great interview, imho.


If you're punching your fellow countryman over a differing political there's a serious problem.


i'll revisit this subject later.
i have an important lunch date,
so i must go.


Hey Jeff. Take a look at Jordan B Peterson. I think politicsl.views are affected by personal tenperament which can be measured with the big five aspects scale


I don't see how politics can not be a part of the realms of consciousness, science, psychology, etc...As you pointed out, emotions run even higher in politics than in other human beliefs-practices, but the emotional mechanisms are similar throughout.
The issue of tolerance/intolerance seems to me to be part of the psychology of polarities. You sound as though you have chosen the side of "what you resist, persists" in opting to avoid intolerance at all. If you think every position has a diametric opposite, does the whole result in a zero-sum process (so that every position has its place in the world)? Isn't the tension between opposites a mechanism of evolution? I guess you said that when you referred to Hegel's dialectic.
From my perspective, the current political conundra are the current culmination of processes that have been ongoing. Because of their psychological makeup, some people want to control everything in their environment, while other people want to be left alone to do what they want. After not too long, the force structure (c.f., "Power vs. Force", David R. Hawkins) starts to distort the form of society, and stresses increase. Then, more people want to get some control for themselves, and they take more interest in politics. There is much more to say about this, and I think the Integral Model (Wilber), Spiral Dynamics (Beck), and Integral Yoga (Aurobindo) have some good insights and things to say about political psychology and processes.
As for "facts": surely after all the discussions you have had around the nature of reality and our perceptions of it, you must agree that facts are not so easily come by as to use them as the final arbiters or the highest truths. It seems rather more likely that facts are the lackeys of beliefs. Not to say some facts are not more stable than others, but they are still more in the realm of Maya than of Brahman.


I agree. Facts should not care about your feelings. However, facts are socially laden and different studies and think tanks seem to come up with different facts. So what facts do we trust. And these days if facts go against the politically correct narrative they can be deemed hate facts. Interesting times...


Well one can always agree to disagree, having said that, Maga all day everyday! Just my 2 cent's! Luv ya though, Dr. Mishlove! Thank you once again for all your dedication & for shedding light on all these subject matters that really matter in life!! Brilliant as always!


Politics- The necessary evil.
Funny how you got "trump" in there at least five times.


cant believe i missed this 2 months would just encourage you t stand up for the human rights of all are people who suffer everyday...horrible atrocities....and are demonised and punished if they speak up or protest for their human demand my human rights demand it ...and i enforce my boundaries against any am a multi culturalist...but against as i would be against the destruction of know the best jewish people...i am friends with them...Gilad Atzmon...Norman Finklestien...Ariel Gold....Max so many others...Miko Peled....on and on....its our duty to speak up....and i would defend you understand this is not the right platform nor your particular swa dharma....carry on are doing your dharma...and doing it well....i approve


Ron Paul. Regarding the illusion of the 2 party system, most Congress people work for whoever pays them the most money, and that is not their constituents. When greed runs the show the process of representative government breaks down. Liberal Democrat SJWs can be incredibly intolerant. And you seem to be painting the issues in black and white. Approving of multi-culturalism does not in any way imply approving of the horrendous immigration policies of the US or EU. For an intelligent man you are espousing surprisingly simplistic approaches to very complex situations. I am forced to give this video a down vote, something I never thought I'd do with this series.
* I like it much better when you stay away from politics.


The purpose of government (politics) is for ensuring well being of people, today governments are just for maximum profit (politicians), Schwartz expressed it very beautiful in one of your videos. So being part of politics, isn't in a way poluting ourselfs ? Kind of confusing ! I see it as the system is being


2:18 You're sure he's not faking extreme views? Most extremists are doing that- they are working for the other side and trying to make their opponents look bad.
