Joe Wicks First Steps To Fitness | Workout 1

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‘First Steps To Fitness’ is a brand new workout series for anyone at the very beginning of their fitness journey.

Maybe you have never exercised before or are returning from a long break or injury - this series has been created just for you.

There are 6 workouts in total. Aim to do 3 workouts in the first week and 3 in the second week.

Take some rest days in between. There is no rush to complete all 6 workouts, if you need more rest days between each one then take it.

You’ve got this 💪🏼

Let me know in the comments what you think or if you have any feedback.


Рекомендации по теме

I am 63, you and your wonderful, positive workouts are a blessing from heaven for me! A grateful nana!


Does anyone else just get scared to start as they know how unfit they have become? 😏


Just started this today. I broke my wrist last year and haven't done exercise for a long time. I finally weighed myself this week and discovered I'd gained 2 stone in a year, through lack of activity and overeating with depression. I have decided enough is enough and taking my first steps to get back into fitness and this was a great way to re awaken my muscles. Thanks so much Joe


This is exactly what I need after suffering an injury back in January and neglecting my fitness regime for over two months. Thanks, Joe :-)


Thank you Joe. I was doing really well with the workouts during lockdown and beyond. Unfortunately I've had some personal stuff going on in the last year or so that's affected my mental health and its made my anxiety quite bad. I've pulled my finger out today and started this round of exercises to get me back into the swing, as my energy levels have took a major hit. I'm glad I did this one today.🙏🏼


Thank you. I tend to start then stop when it comes to exercise. Trying to be consistent so will keep at it. Need the motivation!


I'm back on a health kick after not really exercising for about a year. Feel so sluggish and have no energy as well as an aching body but chose your videos Joe as remember doing your PE classes with Joe with my children which I really enjoyed! Here is to a fitter and healthier me! :)


So glad that I did it. Thank you so very much Joe x


I've added this to my daily tasks. I have 3 St to lose. Low impact is best for me as I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. Thanks Joe. 😊


Oh this looks great… I’m recovering from a ruptured Achilles still under going treatment but this looks a great option to getting moving again but carefully 🤞🏼


Thanks Joe, just come back from holiday, great to see the new fitness challenge. Loved it.


Thanks joe for all your wonderful workouts. I’m on workout 5 tomorrow. I’m getting married in May next year so I’m trying to tone up and also my friends wedding is coming up in 16 days time. I have lost 3 stone on slimming world but I did your workouts while trying to loose weight! Xx 😁😁


Brilliant thus is just what I needed to get going again, thank you


Thanks Joe, this is Perfect for me. Loved it!!


Thanks Joe am 71 and feeling bad about my weight at the moment....see you Wed


This is great! I do have issues with the ball of my feet though so I have a hard time trying to do certain exercises like lunges. What can I do to build up to it? Thanks for your help!


Thanks Joe can’t wait I’ve given myself a 365 day workout challenge I’m on day 5 and this will fit in great. I haven’t done anything for years and I’m very overweight, but I’ve been doing all sorts like just walking round the block and washing the car for an hour (yes I was sweating) as well as workouts just to make sure I’m doing something rather than nothing each day.


Have become very overweight over the last few years and it feels like a mountain to climb, but I bloody love feeling fit and strong. Thank you for helping me start to find my way back, Joe.


Thank you Joe this series will be great for me as I’m struggling to with my health at the moment and need exercises just like this to slowly start me off!


This is exactly what I need! I'm at a level of mobility and health where you can feel like you should do something more intense but lack of motivation is very difficult and ability as I'm so out of practice which much physicality, so I'm so pleased this entry-level is not intimidating and each exercise can easily be adapted to everyone's ability. Great job, very grateful.
