How to Parry with a Katana | Sword Fighting

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This is an example of how to parry. As he comes in from a ski, as I meet his blade, I want to take a position that gives me a good leverage advantage, and from there I come around. And then, maybe, I can enter in. Once I get inside, I can start to manipulate his arms, his legs, and just get inside his dangerous area here, which is our objective. So again, as he comes in, I can meet him here at the suba, which is good leverage for me. And then I might come around here this way and take here, and then I can enter in. Utilizing my elbows to block, bring the blade across. But I'm just guarding here, using everything that is available to me.

So that's an example of how to use parrying.
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So what do I do if my opponent, like, moves?


Will my opponent also be frozen in time?


Hey guys, I think this guy isn't a expert of swordsmanship, I think this guy just watched an awful lot of anime.


"...utilizing my elbows to block.." *cuts his nose off*
"...and I'm just guarding him." *kicks guy into camera stand*


I don't watch this guy for education, I watch him for entertainment.


Sure, you'll have time to take 3 steps around your opponent. Its not like he will keep moving or attack again. This guy is a joke. Hey Howcast. I just make some shit up, I can I have a series of videos too.


To those that want to know real defenses.

The swords are too fast to react even for expert of experts . So hitting the blade with your own is a way to block it. Don't stand there holding the sword up or down, you need to actually hit the moving blade of the enemy.

There are no what you call technique here, its more like a skill or a strategy. The point is, there's this strategy in locking the enemy's blade.

For instance,

If the sword comes in from left to right, you go for the sword from up to down and got the sword away. So it'll end in what we call a cross. However, won't your blade be on top of the enemy's blade? And won't it meant that you locked his blade outside that he can't slash at you while you are free to follow-up your attacks? Thats a blade lock skill. Its simple and effective.

And you know what? I'll give you a tip of how to develop techniques that work. You need something simple enough that you can do it subconsciously without thinking and it need to have good power and speed. Like, if a knife slash at you, you grab his arm, get his arm back and then grab his shoulder and push him so that he fall etc these won't work. If a knife slash at you, you have two options to either retreat or to take it head-on. Taking it head-on means you need to step in and block the attack by launching your own powerful punch. Thats it. No need for some flashy technique, just simple thinking .


Thanks, I now have cancer.

But good job finding stationary badguys.


This would work I suppose...

If you’re opponents had a seizure mid fight


I seem to have accidentally clicked on a video demonstrating how to die in sword combat.


I knew when I saw the title that it would be full of dark souls comments lol, parry king peeve


Now if only I could convince my opponents to stand in place while I walk around them.


This guy watches too much naruto he knows nothing about real historical sword fighting this sucks


proficient katana users don't parry with the edged part, they parry with the back of the blade witch is stronger


never have a american tell you how to use a katana  


I want to start a petition to have all of this guys idiotic "how-to's" off of the internet.


Really? You don't have the slightest idea what you are doing. Everything you are doing is completely out of range. Common for the untrained. What does a real swordsman do with an attack that is out of range? Nothing. It seems these days that the cartoon people are the biggest propagators of "information". Footwork nonexistant, up in your shoulders, no koshi, no tai sabaki, no understanding of chusen, bad use of Do people pay you for this? (another sign of a nonteacher). Not venting. Offering. If you want to learn, look me up, if you can find me. (first test) Tora Mitsu


DAMN! ...

Okay, first rule: Do not parry if you don't have to, your blade will dearly thank you for that I can tell you. With that blooper of an "attack" (lolz) you could just walk out of the way easily and chop off every bit of the "attacker's" (roflz) body you like. You could also leave you Katana completely out of this. Give it a sweet rest and let a sloppy kick make the job.

Now second rule: IF you really insist on parrying that fail of an attack then I would dearly recommend using the BACK of the blade in a backward motion to the side. Y? Now there are two very good reasons for that: Firstly - the back of the blade is usually the hardest and thickest part, so using it has got very positive effects on the longlivity of the blade. Secondly - using the back of the blade in a backward motion has the o so wonderous effect that the sharp edge of the blade is always directed at your opponent making a counter attack very easy for you.


If someone happened to lunge forward and you were able to react in time to block it, wouldn't it be wiser to slap it with the flat away from you and then next strike at their exposed head and neck to end the fight?  You seriously think you are going to "disarm" a sword wielder?


This is great if I ever fight someone who's only allowed to attack once per fight.
