Astral Projection/Out of Body Experience - Talking With a Deceased Friend

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In this experience, I had the chance to spend some time with a friend who passed away a couple of years back.

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Astral Projection has proven to me that there is undeniably life after death and because of that I no longer fear death. I also want to thank you for giving me your words of wisdom to strengthen my capabilities to astral project.

I use to think astral projectors was a mental community but now I know the truth.

I give my absolute love to all of you.


When they’re older and wiser please do let his kids know about astral projection..i’m 24 and i have lost both my parents at a time i obviously needed them most, but i couldn’t help but feel a huge relief when you mentioned that the passed on loved ones become a part of you and not only do they watch over you but rather experience what you as a living being experience...i’m sure it will comfort them as much as it comforted me..thank you so much


I met my grandmother in a projection and it felt soooo real, I genuinely believe I connected with her energy.


This keeps happening to me, most in the fall and a lot lately (October and November 2023). I am falling asleep or already asleep and start to hear this loud sound like I’m under water or on a jet moving incredibly fast and feel this vibration in my brain and ears. Suddenly in a snap I’m somewhere else and talking to my dead mom or grandmother (last night). I’ve heard songs I haven’t heard in years and woke up with it word for word in my head and they had a deep meaning. Idk why it keeps happening to me especially lately but it wrecks me the next day as it’s quite emotional especially with how vivid and real it is. I know that it’s real but hard to explain it unless you knew the people but it’s real…


5:06 your friend’s description of how there’s no walls there legit made me tear up.


I've seen my mother a few times since she passed away, & the experience has been similar to your description. The only difference, is that she seems to have more travel freedom than your friend. The "no walls", thing is definitely the same:)


It's very interesting what you said. Because in the Gita it says those in this realm, after they have enjoyment is exhausted, they return to this physical plain again. This process goes on again and again because of our attachments. We are born again to fulfill the attachments. But the ultimate destination of the soul iis to gain the weapon of detachment. This way we can go back to the supreme Godhead where we were originated from and where we belong. ❤


That sounds amazing! I really need to take AP practice more serious, I feel like it will help answer a lot of my questions.


I've been astral projecting since I was 14. I'm also shot through a black tube! Its forward going to the astral planes and backwards being pulled very firmly back into my body. Today I met with my Mom who died 11 years ago and it was amazing


This story is simply incredible! Thanks for sharing, Mike. I've said it before but I'll reiterate it, I believe you are going to be one of the greatest OBE Traveler of our time. Comparable to Robert Monroe. You are so down to earth and real. Such a breath of fresh air compared to some of the other stuff here on YouTube. Keep it up Mike, I can't wait to hear your next experience!


Hey mike, thanks for the tips yesterday. I had a successful astral projection experience last night. And foucusing my senses worked like a charm. The experience was incredibly lucid. I'm so glad I found out about this practice 2 years ago it has changed my life.


I once read a story written by Pam Dawber, (who played Mindy, on Mork and Mindy), and she claimed she dreamt of seeing her recently deceased friend. They were having a conversation and her friend kept telling her over and over to try and remember this when she wakes, as she'll only remember it as a dream, but it was really happening! I had a friend tell me that he dreamt that he met his future son before he was born! He knew his wife would have a boy, (and she did), and that they decided in advance, the he was going to reincarnate as his son!


Just amazing, this is what I've been trying to do when I have an Astral projection, I have met my mother and my sister who passed and did asked some direct questions to my sister but on my mother's experience I just observed and acted as if she had not passed though she looked to be 25 and she said she was 25 in really she died at 80 something years of age ...


Very amazing experience! I can relate I have had two projections where I have had a few experiences of seeing friends that have died. There are no words spoken but a feeling that there ok and happy, also visions like your seeing their thoughts like a dream. I do believe were all connected energy wise. So amazing that you were able to have a speaking conversation and a glimpse of the other side. I think I projected because they were visiting, but it is something that just happens.


That reminds me of an experience i just had! I'm not good at starting projections, but I do have spontaneous ones. I'm still getting over the fear, but one morning i got vibrations and felt the lifting sensation. I thought I was going to keep rising but instead it felt like someone was dragging me out by pulling on my feet. Really scary and I ended it. I always end it before actually separating because of fear :/


This was beautiful and everything you say is what I believe in. We live in di-vision (divided vision), have symmetry and two sides to everything like a mirror. We live in an illusory mirror in an endless loop with only time being the end out of it this dream. Your friend is right. When there are less walls there is less you and me. We come from one source of pure white light and we are shattered fragments of it reflecting and mirroring each other. That's all what a personality is, a mirror of its surrounding. And you get to experience the mirror and separation. But the truth is we are one consciousness that separated because it got bored. Welcome to the real dream. Welcome to the matrix, God.


Thanks for sharing your awesome experience, Mike! I've done a lot of research on NDEs and the after life and the explanation that your friend gave about not missing his family is very consistent with what I've learned. They are definitely more closer to their family than they were in the pysical world because they feel and see everything their family members are going through. Not sure if your friend went through the life review process, but that's something they usually go through, where they learn from all their experiences, which helps their soul grow and evolve. Then you can just hang around in the spirit world or plan out your next journey with your spirit guides and/or soul group. BTW, have you spoke to your friend's wife about this?


Thanks for sharing your experience. Cool thing what your friend was telling that there are no walls and don’t miss people. I reconize it a little bit here in the fysical world 😃


Very interesting video... I've been trying to visit my deceased Uncle but I haven't developed the control to see him. Maybe if I just let go of trying so hard to see him I'll one day stumble across him.

Thanks for sharing your adventure!


I like to tell an experience I had, while in an ayahuasca ceremony, just a few weeks ago. At one point I was confronted with exactly the same experience you describe that your deceased friend explained to you, about not missing the people while you are in his state. But the difference was that my mind swinged back and forth between “completely feeling to be close to somebody, purely with the mind” and “feeling the distance and lack of contact while in this physical reality”. I swung back and forth and always at the point that I experienced the “distance” (=desire to be with somebody), I just couldn’t grasp or understand that only moments before I was assured that just thinking of somebody brings you as close as you want to the person you are thinking off. This went on for quite a number of times, until I just gave up. But the memory of the experience stayed with me. And now I see this video where you bring this topic up. What a coincidence. In my ceremony, I had no feeling whatsoever that I had died. Just to be clear on that. I have seen amazing stuff about myself, in aya ceremonies and one day I hope I can revisit and explore the stuff I have seen about myself more deeply with lucid dreaming or obe’s. I tend to think both approaches (aya / obe-ld) are overlapping and complementary. Just as reading a book and getting inspired by it helps in exploring in certain directions.
