How To Make Super Soft Milk Bread (Tangzhong Method) | Detailed Recipe

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Tangzhong is a roux. A mix of flour and milk that is cooked together. This is the thing that give the bread its texture. The softness of this bread is unbelievable. This dough is also very versatile. You can use it to make burger buns or little dinner rolls.

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He is a master baker. Unlike other influencers on Youtube who really are not masters of baking or cooking, their recipes often come out not quite right. If I want to learn something, I want to learn it from the masters. I've been trying out many of his recipes and all came out great. You can tell he had tried and tested his recipes. Big shout out to Chainbaker!


THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! Tangzhong is what's been missing from my life. I love baking bread, but my loaves always came out bland, tasteless, and generally boring. The occasional challah would come out ok, but ever since I've been watching your channel, I am getting more and more brave. This morning, I started a loaf of this wonderful tangzhong bread. I didn't shape mine like yours, I just made it loaf shape and put it in a loaf pan. OMG - it is AMAZING! Thank you! I will keep watching, and learning from you.


Damn after making steam buns for 8 years for my food truck your videos have helped me the most, my buns are now perfect every time now by learning from your channel! Awesome knowledge my man


I made four variations of your recipe. One with whole wheat flour, another with kibbeh wheat (I guess people call it burgul or cracked wheat), and two more with sesame seeds, one with and one without whole wheat flour. All came out excellent, combining the fluffyness with different flavors! I tried to divide the dough in three and also four parts instead of two, it was very beautiful! Also, no more "ass bread" for nicknames over here (;

I enjoy your teaching style because It is always better to learn the "why" rather than "how"... right? Love your videos!


Made this into ten 40 g rolls. With the double glaze egg wash— perfection! Thank you, CB !!


This bread is so underrated!! I just finished making my 2nd “loaf”. Not only does it turn out amazing, it’s NOT as sticky as most other recipes I’ve worked with (most are 75% hydration for tangzhong)!! Thank you so much!!


I’ve made this recipe about 5 times this winter and scaled it up by 4 for Christmas no problem your recipe is spot on. Can not thank you enough for your knowledge and sharing it for free on YouTube. Bout to make this recipe yet again for a dinner party tonight. I hope you know your recipes are bringing a lot of smiles and happy tummies to my friends and family 😊😊.


About to attempt your recipe, I’m new to the baking world. Been reading the comments and noticed you actually replied to questions(very helpful for people like me) Thank you and bless you 🙏


I love that he makes it in a small tin for two rolls rather than a huge 9x13 or full-size tin!


I did this two times and it was nothing like the one in the video 🤨 Every sweet-ish bread I try ends in disaster.
However, I decided to keep at it and tweak it until I get somewhere. I would like to thank CB for explaining us how stuff works and how the different ingredients affect the final product.
From my observations I figured that maybe my yeast did not have enough moisture. Then I saw your video on what happens when you add egg to bread.
So what I did was this:
1. made double the Tangzhong and measure it when I added it in the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. This way I was sure to have the right amount.
2. Added 10ml extra of milk.
3. Added an egg yolk, because the yolk had a wonderful effect in your side by side test.
4. Replaced the 20g sugar with 30g maple syrup, which would give me about the same amount of sugar (more or less) plus some more water.
5. Kneaded it for about 10 mins, just to be on the safe side. It was still a bit sticky, but not much. It was nice and stretchy too and I had absolutely no problem shaping it tightly.

It worked! It still doesn't look like yours, but it's a great little bread, well puffed, soft, with very small air bubbles inside. Everybody liked it and I will be making it again.
I know I'm moving more towards Panettone than plain milk bread, but I find I don't mind 😃

All this to say that flour matters a lot and if you are doing everything right and still don't get good results, then maybe it's worth trying to tweak the recipe until you can get it to work for your specific ingredients.
Happy baking everybody and again thank you CB for all your wonderful videos!


I would love to see you recreate this recipe using your cold fermentation no knead technique!


I've took them out of the oven an hour ago. They're still a bit warm, but I couldn't resist, so I try one: really good! Te texture is soft and light, and the taste is amazing. I multiply your amounts by 7 because I want to give some as a gift to a couple of neighbours. And what a present they'll be!!!
Just a question: can they be left in the fridge for cold proofing? I'm always with little time to make the process all in one day (today I took a day off in my work for personal reasons, so today I had the time to bake it), and the cold proofing is always a solution.


Tangzong in Chinese character 湯種 means hot water starter. Bread made with tangzong will has not just soft texture but kept hydrated and fresh for longer. Therefore it’s a good idea to use tangzong in making bread with a bread making machine. I shared the idea long long time ago ‘It silly, you clever, how to make great bread with a bread machine' The answer is adding tangzong. At that time it was impossible to make good bread out of a bread machine. The bread came out dry and not soft enough. My idea was so popular and widely spread out on line that I even got invited by a publisher to publish a recipe book about bread making machine. 😂

Anyway I haven’t been making bread for a long long time. I lately fond your bread making videos and enjoyed watching them very much. I felt like making bread again. Thanks for sharing indeed. ❤️


BTW, love this recipe. Really easy, flexible use cases from dinner rolls, to garlic bread, to a bun for burgers or hot dogs, it's just a well rounded bread.


Also I MADE THIS IN MY food processor (nutri bullet)!! Made the roux and put it in the fridge. Next morning, added it, the dry ingredients, then the wet and pulsed maybe 10 times. It was as smooth as if I’d kneaded it by hand! I slapped it out onto my counter and kneaded it a good minute to finish off and it came out beautifully!!! ❤


Life is good now with your bread recipes. 😋 Thank you so much for your expertise.


This recipe makes the BEST dinner rolls. Just divide into 6 (70 g) balls instead of 2 halves.

@ChainBaker you da man.


I made this bread twice. The second time, made a sponge with the main dough ingredients. I did not include all the flour, I also left a bit of milk to disolve the sugar and the salt. End result was amazing, you should try it. The japanese technique and the sponge preferment went very well together


I love you, Chainbaker. And not in a creepy way. More like a novice bread maker loves a master bread maker. ;)

Thank you so much for all the work you put into your videos; they're among the very best on YouTube! I've learned a ton from you and always look forward to your content.
