watch this if you feel like you have no value to offer.

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The Artists Way Book:

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The Creator Journal offers stories and lessons on creativity, business, and personal well-being from a full-time creator entrepreneur (800K+ followers and 40M+ views):

♡ What's in this video:

00:00 Introduction
00:27 Why I'm Afraid to Make New Friends
01:57 The 3 Tiers of Value Creation
03:54 Creating a Story Inventory
06:23 Withdrawing from Social Media
08:02 Why It's Hard to Be Yourself
09:44 Why I Don't Share Everything Anymore

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Vanessa your honest vulnerability takes courage. We appreciate you discussing a complex topic. Don't forget the value you bring to the people who aren't commenting too!


Being an entrepreneur and sharing your life online is hard. I decided it’s not for me. I quit social media. Got a regular job again. I pretty much became a private person. Life feels way better now.


I’m a young single mom. My husband joined the Airforce and the second he got out of bootcamp a few months ago, he gave me the “I can’t do this anymore” and left my 2yr old son and I to fend for ourselves on the other side of the US. He just abandoned us for his own freedom and he wanted to “enjoy his life”. I was a stay at home mom. So I had no money and had to beg people and him for it. No job, no education. Your videos inspire me and give me hope in how to create something and how to enjoy it and remain genuine. You’re teaching me how I can create an income but still enjoy my life with my son. You give ME and my son so much of value. Not just me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I’m not there yet. But one day I will be. And I thank you for all your videos for inspiring me and teaching me to go forward in all of this. Your content is the most genuine out here and it is helping me and my little family of 2.


I literally had this epiphany yesterday when I was looking at other successful black women in business to try and motivate myself to say that I can too but I just had to snap myself out of it because I felt like I could Never be them. And it’s true that I can never be them, I can only be me and create my life and success how I want it. I totally relate.


you dont know how many creators struggle with this and you have helped us all with this video... that graph. WOW. thank you.


as a creator, this one hit me. can't remember the times I've also cried or have insomnia because I don't think I have anything to offer, or if I even know anything at all. so thanks for being vulnerable and showing the real struggles of being a creator, Vanessa. I've learned that nobody is truly alone and withdrawing from social media is totally OKAY. We're playing the long game, and in the process, we need to learn how to be kind to ourselves.


You don’t need societies concept of value to be a friend, you’re inherently valuable as a human. Those who have you adore YOU, not your business.


I think what you need is a parent tapping on your back saying hey you got this I'm here with you


Vanessa, it was YOU who helped me feel comfortable about promoting my coaching business on Instagram! And pursuing it and sharing myself. Even now, YOU STILL TEACH ME that there's something powerful even in our lows. Every time you said, "I feel like I have no value." I just thought, I couldn't disagree more and how often do I think about that myself?" I love that I'm witnessing THIS part of your journey. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


as someone who went through a similar thing you might be going through a dark night of the soul. Don't fight it just lean into it and let the universe show you the next best thing


Great video Vanessa. I love that you talked about taking time to withdraw. One of the things I do, you might do this too, but I do long weekend sabbaticals regularly. Every 3-4 months, I rent out a hotel/airbnb and its only me. My wife stays back, but for me its time alone in the quiet. I shut off social media and get a pad and paper and just write. I sleep, I meditate, I rest and process information. I set new goals and make sure I am where I want to be. Its been a life changer for me and my business. Many times we forget to take time for ourselves to work through information and our own selves. Self care goes a long way. Appreciate you.


We love you your story and your journey. Every day you show up is another story of how you didn’t give up you didn’t doubt your purpose and you didn’t take for granted your gifts. Thank you for sharing this vulnerable side of existing within your purpose!


"Everything you think is wrong with you, is probably what everybody likes about you.

This is beautiful. Heart's with you Vanessa, you're amazing for sharing a part of you that would usually be difficult for someone else.


"Unconscious competence" We are "That Girl" without even realizing we are "That Girl"! 👑 This was really insightful, so many gems. Thank you so much for sharing, Vanessa. This was definitely valuable for me 💕


This really hit hard for me, thanks for being you and sharing x


Vanessa I’ve been with you for years and years, your honesty and vulnerability speaks to thousands of us, you’re NOT alone. I think you need a small but solid female friend group that allows you to feel free to be YOU, not “Vanessa the business owner”. You WILL find them (honestly, I wish I could be in that group!), in the meantime, do what brings you joy. 😊


Thank you for sharing! I've been following your journey for years now, and I have to say, I follow you for your authenticity, realness, and charm. You've become one of my favorite creators. You inspire me and introduce me to new ideas. Thank you so much for being YOU!


Girl you’ve done so much for us. Focus on being vs doing. It’s your time to be.


I love this video so much. I did The Artist's Way during the pandemic and it changed my life. I didn't even believe myself to be a creative person at the time, but after TAW, I decided to write a book! It was the best thing I've ever done and I was so excited when you mentioned writing in this video. It's such a wonderful and healing practice. I still write morning pages every day and it's been nearly five years. I'm really looking forward to following along with your new direction ❤


Remember we are people not robots. Just pumping out work is not who we are. ❤ We are more, we are love, we have quirks and like different things. We change and we dont change. Do not let earning money and all that corporate and political talk about value break you.
