How to remove GUILT from OCD

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It’s pretty natural for individuals with OCD to feel guilt. This guilt can make them believe that the intrusive thoughts and feelings must mean something great.

Let’s go through what to do when guilt hits you during your OCD.

00:00 Guilt and OCD
0:53 Why do I feel guilty with my OCD?
2:43 Danger of guilt with OCD
3:38 What causes guilt with OCD?
6:35 Is my guilt real with OCD?
8:06 Compulsions with guilt OCD
9:17 Treatment for guilt with OCD
13:05 Online OCD Program
13:28 Question for you!

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Do you experience GUILT with your OCD?


I honestly want a lobotomy at this point, I’d rather forget and never have to deal with it ever again


Don’t try to figure things out . Ocd wants you to do that . Have to learn to let it go


It's not just the guilt it's the past keeps on replaying in my mind. The heat increases the rumination


I have OCD about every little detail of everything... I want this gone. Even my own thoughts aren’t my own anymore.


OMG WHY is there a legit bully in my head????😂😂 wow thank u this was a terrific video! Kill it with kindness I guess!


THIS. This was my kryptonite. I was so depressed and wanted to die from the suffocating guilt associated with my OCD. Thank God I overcame that (mostly).


You are so right when you said it is OCDs last resort to convince you of something, I don’t think that there is a strong enough person in the world who can just move through shame like that. It’s almost impossible for it not to catch your attention when the guilt leaves a lump in your throat and a knot in your stomach, it’s like your brain literally just goes for the kill so you don’t even have the option of ignoring. Crazy stuff.


i’m not sure if this is an OCD symptom but i’m always feeling extremely guilty. like not just a bit i mean A LOT. it’s like my brain just doesn’t like me being at peace 😔 like i’ll remember things that have happend in the past and boom there i am laying awake at night literally shaming myself. and the thing is this happens every month like i’ll be happy for a bit and then i’ll remember something. i really wish i wasn’t such an over thinker because it’s really killing me inside.


I have sexual intrusive thoughts and it's killing me. Beastiality, incest, a really crazy fixation with dicks even thought I consider myself gay, etc. Some days are better than others, but currently most of them are bad. It's gotten to the point that I try avoiding my brother, dad, grandpa, etc. Whenever I'm close to them I feel anxiety. I love them and I want this to stop. When I remember the times when I didn't have this problem I feel extremely sad.


This is exactly what I go through, except that I ALSO feel guilty and really bad when sometimes I don’t mind those intrusive thoughts, am being positive, and/or don’t feel guilty, so it’s like a never-ending cycle of suffering. I’ll continue watching the video ‘cause I’m pretty sure it’s gonna help me. Big thanks to you! Keep it up 🙏🏻


I go from guilt to guilt, remembering all my bad actions or mistakes, and feeling like its a never ending pile I need to confess until no-one would want me or be hurt by me.


Sadly I slipped back into OCD a few weeks back. I've had it in many guises but each time you still believe it! Good luck everyone. Feel the guilt. Great vid 👍


You have changed my life!!! Everytime I want to do a neutralizing behavior I always think nope!!! Sit with the discomfort and enjoy the ride! I'm constantly telling my deep anxiety- sorry buddy you're stuck with me and nothing you can do about it, like I'm the boss! Keep making the videos and you should come out with a book soon! Take care!


I feel massive guilt towards my pocd and even the possibility of liking the thoughts. I've had lots of guilt come up recently now that I've started doing erp therapy. The thoughts get so confusing sometimes, ocd likes to lie. I try to allow the guilt to stay if it wants but I do find it depressing. I'll try what you suggested though. Thank you.


These past few weeks I’ve been going through a tough OCD lapse and the shame of being back where I started almost felt like too much to bear. But today feels a little bit lighter and your videos were a part of that. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I’ve been suffering from OCD symptoms since the age of 12. It’s ranged from all sorts of things like obsessive hand washing & fear of walking past dogs dirt in the street in case I caught a disease and went blind. Also I got thoughts saying I wanted my mother dead which I felt awful about. I used to read stories about young children going missing in the newspapers then thoughts came into my head saying I wanted awful things to happen to them. It was really terrifying at the time and I still feel guilty when I think back to it all. I’m a good person and I’ve never harmed anyone in my life.


I struggle with mostly mental compulsions and realized this is a huge part of it. of course guilt is involved, but it's like you acting and reacting in this way is what makes it feel like it's real.


I've been struggling with intrusive thoughts with over 2 years now, started when I was 13. I feel like I can't escape them and sometimes they are like "flashbacks". And I just learned about OCD a couple of months ago. All the time before I thought I was a monster. I never talked to anyone about this because I thought they would call me disgusting and crazy and would reject me. I never talked to a professional and the therapists around my area have no time for me at the moment. And my brain clutches on every little negative and intrusive thought and makes me feel guilty, like I'm not worthy and I'm inhuman. I didn't know OCD was a thing. I was 13 and I thought I was a monster. Damn. That's why mental health matters so much. Mental health should be teached at schools. Thank you for this video! 🙌


His tone, his attitude is great. He makes so much sense. None of my previous therapists have made this much sense. God bless you
Man. 💙
