9 Life Lessons From Carl Jung (Jungian Philosophy)

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In this video we will be talking about 9 Life Lessons From Carl Jung. He found his own school of psychology, called analytical psychology and his philosophy is dubbed as “Jungian philosophy”. Its concepts can apply to many topics covered in the humanities and the social sciences.

So with that in mind, here are 9 important lessons that we can learn from Carl Jung -
01. Look inside yourself first
02. Integrate your contraries
03. Analyze your dreams
04. Learn to face reality
05. Be aware of superstitions
06. Think, do not judge
07. Avoid excessive pride
08. Be eager to grow older
09. Tell your story
I hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope these 9 Life Lessons From Carl Jung will add value to your life.

Carl Jung, together with Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, is one of the 3 founders of psychoanalysis which is a set of psychological theories and methods aiming to release repressed emotions and experiences - in other words, to make the unconscious conscious. Jung was born in Switzerland in 1875 and died in 1961, leaving behind great works in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology and religious studies. Jung had Freud as a mentor for a good part of his career but later he departed from him. This division was painful for Jung and it led him to found his own school of psychology, called analytical psychology as a comprehensive system separate from psychoanalysis. If classical psychoanalysis focuses on the patient’s past, as early experiences are very important in personality development, analytical psychology primarily focuses on the present, on mythology, folklore, and cultural experiences, to try to understand human consciousness. One of the most important ideas of analytical psychology which Jung founded is the process of individuation, which is the process of finding the self - something Jung considered an important task in human development. While he did not formulate a systematic philosophy, he is nonetheless considered a sophisticated philosopher - his school of thought dubbed “Jungian philosophy”. Its concepts can apply to many topics covered in the humanities and the social sciences. A good part of his work was published after his death and indeed there are still some articles written by him that to this day have yet to be published. Some of his most important books are: “Psychology of the Unconscious”, “Man and His Symbols”, “The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious”, “Modern Man In Search of a Soul”, “The Psychology of the Transference”, “Memories, Dreams, Thoughts”, and “The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious”. Besides being a great writer and a researcher, he was also an artist, a craftsman and even a builder. His contribution is enormous and there is a great deal we can learn from his works.

Research/Writing: Bianca-Adina Szasz

Narration/Audio Editing: Dan Mellins-Cohen

Music - Enchanting Inspirational Music - Royalty Free - This Moment

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Carl Jung said: “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens”.

We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.


To the *worthwhile person* seeing this, your dream is not dead. Don’t allow the past and current pains and hurts stop and define you. You’re more than a conqueror. Rise up and put yourself together. Keep pushing your future depends on it. I wish you all the best in life ❤️.


1. Look inside yourself first.
2. Integrate your contraries.
3. Analy ze your dreams.
4. Learn to face reality.
5. Be aware of superstitions.
6. Think do not judge.
7. Avoid excessive pride.
8. Be eager to grow old.
9. Tell your story.


"The healthy man does not torture others- generally it's the tortured who turn into torturers". That one really hits home. We need to protect all children from later becoming tortured souls and raise them to be healthy healers.


I'm 45 and still open to learning from others.
Learning is an ongoing exercise; good luck!


The best video ever! This is so fascinating and i adore Jung's work.
Im 16 and i am so grateful that i have so much time to learn about humanity and human's mind.


To me Jung was one of the brightest minds of 20th century. The way he understood human psyche was simply mind blowing.


Making the unconscious conscious is only a surface level explanation of his life's work. It was much deeper than that. Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Astrology, ancient philosophies....his work is an excavation of the soul. Nothing less.


Imagine if millions of young people actually learn and Practice the lessons from all of these philosophy and self improvement videos. We are an advanced generation. I've learned an unbelievable amount from these combined with books.


He combined rational and spiritual mind and mixed it perfectly


What an independent, daring soul. What I like most about Jung is that he recognized and developed from believing to knowing that God is the infinite wisdom.


At 48 I tried writing “who I think I am, ” it’s very difficult as I feel throughout the decades I’m different. I just keep writing in hoping that’ll I’ll be a little bit better each day.


Siegmund Freud: Classical Psychology (Past+Upbringing) -> Carl G. Jung: Analytical Psychology (Present+Myth)

Using Quotes as milestones

* 02:54 > Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. ~ C. G. Jung (So > Look into your heart. ~ Roxette :))
* 05:00 > Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration of the contraries. ~ C. G. Jung (accept your shadow)
* 08:00 > The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be, and not as he would like it to be, but as it is. ~ C. G. Jung (write dreams down)
* 10:20 > What you resist, persists. ~ C. G. Jung (accept that you might be the problem)
* 12:53 > Primitive superstition lies just below the surface of even the most tough-minded individuals. ~ C. G. Jung (be aware of snakes, whether real or imaginary)
* 15:42 > Thinking is difficult, that is why most people judge. ~ C. G. Jung (we rush to judge. learn about their motives)
* 17:44 > Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a stil, small voice says to us, "something is out of tune". ~ C. G. Jung (pride hides self-delusion. remain equanimous through good and bad)
* 19:56 > Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research. ~ C. G. Jung (it takes time "to grow feathers" and 40 seems to be the middle point between learning and experimenting. 42 = 84 / 2)
* 22:22 > The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories. ~ C. G. Jung (everybody wants to be heard.)

This resonates a lot, must be the age and circumstances.

To reader: you are a full human being no matter the situation and deserve true love. Sending you blessings. And if it feels bad, don't run away - try to write it out here. <3


Jung was a visionary an amazing man. I love him so much. Thank you for this.


“One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens.” ― Carl Jung

But pause before you leap because you never know what you may discover.


*Much of what holds people back in life is their unresolved feelings and judgments regarding their relationships, even relationships in the distant past.* These feelings and judgments act as a kind of dam, holding people’s feelings back, arresting them in place, influencing their perception of other people and disabling them from being able to be emotionally open and accessible to their children and to other people.

From: Healing Relationships

*Look around you at others, and their striving, their desperation, and the lack of depth and meaning that they demonstrate.* People around you will teach you the results of living life without *Knowledge.* In countless ways they will demonstrate this. *So do not be in judgment of them.* Do not condemn them, for they are teaching you to value your own integrity. They are demonstrating that nothing else will satisfy this or take its place.

From: Integrity

Both quotes by *Marshall Vian Summers*


Carl Jung is so interesting to me. Really great breakdown here!


Carl Jung's profound insights continue to resonate today, offering invaluable life lessons. From introspection to integrating our contraries, his wisdom guides us towards wholeness. Analyzing dreams unveils hidden truths, while facing reality fosters growth. Understanding collective consciousness and refraining from judgment enriches empathy. Embracing vulnerability and telling our story propel us towards individuation.


Look inside yourself (… a little, and then deeper and deeper until you get very deep), understand your personality as well as deep underlying scripts that underpin your character and ego, identify your imperfections and dark aspects as well as your strong and bright sides, accept yourself fully, explore the world, meet people, learn to distinguish between objective and subjective reality, accept people and the world as they really are, diligently build and tell your authentic story, but avoid arrogance, overconfidence in your views, and superstition and one-mindedness of any kind, … and do not take things so seriously or so personally, but immerse yourself openly and fully in every experience that life brings you, learn from each of them, because life is a service that expires pretty quickly


Jung was cool! He liked astrology, & the psychic psychology!
