CARL JUNG - WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE #philosophy #carljung #spirituality

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The question “What is the meaning of life?” is as old as humanity itself.

But Carl Jung managed to find the answert to this dilemma during his lifetime.

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Symbolism is so underrated in the west, except in certain circle s. 😊


I love this short and the array of symbolism you chose


I need blessings and good wishes. Let everybody's consciousness unite


Very true... And it's a beautiful path ... I can never choose any other path, it's priceless


Absolutely agreed. In my own experiences, I can wholeheartedly confirm that for me to grasp just a semblance of what life means to me, I needed imperatively to understand how close I was to Death and the pain of losing myself until through that experience over time, I found myself and therefore, I found what my Spirituality means to me in ways only I can understand.

Once that understanding is made aware, not a single soul on this Earth can convince me otherwise, and try they might and try they do.

I cannot un-know what I know; and that runs the gamut of good/bad, ugly/beautiful. For me, it’s meant to be this way.


ALL is within us all. WISDOM and power. GOD IS ALL- there is only GOD EVERY THING IS MADE OF GOD.


And when one finds the holy grail, one also finds the “attempted pickup” notes from previous passerby’s. One finds reflections of himself in those notes as well, and so trudges back into the world to bring out more of the light.


What a wonderful narrating voice! The accent just puts me over the top. It worked, I'm dazed!


When jung was asked does he believe in the Christian God he answered by saying it was difficult to answer. He said that " he knows" not that he thinks or believes. God bless


I had a kundalini rising in which energy was released from the base of my spine and rose up through my chakras triggering a four-month dark night of the soul that was the forging in the fire for me, that the alchemists talk about, The dark night cleared past karma and trauma. Stoicism and other philosophers say that we choose how to respond to things, so all fear-based emotions are a choice.

Emotions are like rising platforms in a video game that we can choose to jump on and off. If we jump onto an emotion, like it’s been said that all of life is a stage, we will then play the part of that emotion, ie: the angry, the jealous etc. We want to cultivate a frequency of gratitude and love and watch how our outer world changes for the better because just before the now moment is complete potential energy.

Just like quantum physics says consciousness dictates reality, if I’m in a state of love, the universe will begin to bend to this frequency and a better life will result. This takes time and practice. Remember that fear and all it’s secondary emotions are choices. We have to ask why we are addicted to depression, anger or self-loathing. It’s most likely from early programming, but once we shift our internal energy, loving ourselves, which leads to loving others, we will effect our outer reality. As above, so below


Some times you might think you are doing goodness but in fact you might not be. And likewise a moment when you think something is evil, it might not be.
It's how the self proclaimed righteous commit horrible deeds against others and think they are godly inspired.


As wonderfully articulate as this is, I don't think it borders on the meaning of life. In fact, I'd say the meaning of life is much more simple and self evident than what the video shows


Literally the question we all think that will never have an answer too I don't believe were allowed to know the actual answer im an ocean in a drop


there is nothing in the Universe that is not a double edged sword. a cup of water can sate you or drown you. your shadow can comfort you or trip you. the singularity created us.


Many assume good and evil permeates this and every realm. We only believe this b/c we don't understand what it is to percieve other dimensions. In higher realms there is no need to learn lessons. You don't need to experience evil in order to appreciate good. Like the phrase known to be uttered by God....I the underlining UNITY and we strive to arrive at that resolution.


Jung is a legend 💯 His seemingly obsessive interest in dichotomies has always fascinated me! 😍 & if you ever need a big slice of humble pie read (or attempt reading) *Synchronicity* Jung’s mind and writings are without-a-doubt genius.


Where there is supposition, there is opposition. The Tao has known this and informs this from the first breath. In then out and back again


‘’Both’’ to all those existential questions… there, solved 😎


There is nothing such as good or bad. There is only now! Life is now, this moment in time. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Know yourself deeply and you will know the now .


Testimonies from people with early rapture visions of the spirit realm. They ask Jesus what the meaning of life is and he laughs because so many people ask him that when it is obvious. The meaning of life is love. God is love. Everything we do is meaningless without it.

1 John 4:16
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
