Behringer XR18 & Midas MR18 Output Walk-Thru. All About X-Air Audio Mixer Outputs.

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A detailed walk-thru for setting up the outputs of the Behringer X-Air mixer for monitors, IEMs, stream feeds, and DAW recording. Tap points explained. Balanced mono connectors versus stereo unbalanced connectors explained. Analog and digital USB outputs explained in this tutorial. All the same operationally as on the Midas MR18. For musicians, techs, bands and anyone involved in mixing live or studio music using a Behringer mixer or Midas digital audio console.
The tutorial discusses, shows, and explains various hardware connections, X-Air Edit software setup options, and setup terms.
Much of this is also relevant to the Behringer X32 and Midas M32.
X Air Edit PC software is shown in the demonstration although Mac versions are also available from Behringer and Midas websites.
PC users will need to download USB Audio drivers from Behringer/Midas for using as a USB audio interface (to use the USB audio input and output connections). Apple's Mac supports this natively.
►Patreon Page where Patrons have access to script files, other PDF tutorials, Behringer X32/M32/XR18/MR18 channel and scene files, and other audio production information:
Affiliate Links:
►►Behringer Digital Mixers on Sweetwater Sound:
►►Amazon Affiliate Links To Equip Used/Shown/Mentioned In Video-
►Behringer Store on Amazon:
►Sony 7506 Headphones on Amazon:
Equipment used to make video:
►Sony ZV1 Camera on Amazon:
►ULANZI MT-33 Camera Tripod,Flexible Mini Tripod on Amazon:
► Neewer Camera Slider Carbon Fiber Dolly Rail on Amazon:
► 'Skater' Camera Dolly on Amazon:
►Stellar X2 (Narration Mic) on Amazon:
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"I earn from qualified purchases from affiliate links."
Suggested videos:
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►Five Typical Mistakes Made By Behringer XR18 Users
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►Connecting an MP3 Player to a Mixer:
►Patch Order and Input Lists For Live Sound:
►►Other Mixing series videos:
►5 Tips for Better Live Vocal Mixes:
►Mixing Live Bass Guitar:
►How to EQ a Kick Drum:
►How to EQ a Snare Drum:
►How to EQ Toms:
►►Other videos:
►Building An In Ear Monitor Rig Using the Behringer XR18 or Midas MR18:
►DCA's vs Subgroups on the XR18 / MR18:
►Behringer XR18 Monitor Setup Tutorial:
►Sending FX to Monitors XR18/MR18/X32/M32:
►In Ear Monitors On A Budget:
►Behringer X32 Monitor Setup Tutorial:
►Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About the XR18 (and MR18):
►Facebook Group:
0:00 Intro
0:12 Standard Outputs on the XR18
0:29 Analog Routing Options for the Behringer/Midas
0:40 Tap Point Chart for X-Air
1:21 Analog Output Tap Points Explained
1:52 Basic Monitor Output Tap Point Overview
2:07 Stereo and Mono Monitor Outputs
2:31 The Basics of Balanced Audio Outputs/Inputs
2:51 Balanced Audio Graphics
3:22 Unbalanced Stereo Explained
3:56 Setting Up A Stereo Bus
5:14 USB Sends
5:57 USB Tap Points Explained
6:06 Using the Routing Grid
6:47 Default Tap Points for USB
7:00 Changing the Default USB Tap Points
7:03 USB Tap Point Chart
7:15 What is sent where via the USB Send routing
7:40 Tap Point Options
The tutorial discusses, shows, and explains various hardware connections, X-Air Edit software setup options, and setup terms.
Much of this is also relevant to the Behringer X32 and Midas M32.
X Air Edit PC software is shown in the demonstration although Mac versions are also available from Behringer and Midas websites.
PC users will need to download USB Audio drivers from Behringer/Midas for using as a USB audio interface (to use the USB audio input and output connections). Apple's Mac supports this natively.
►Patreon Page where Patrons have access to script files, other PDF tutorials, Behringer X32/M32/XR18/MR18 channel and scene files, and other audio production information:
Affiliate Links:
►►Behringer Digital Mixers on Sweetwater Sound:
►►Amazon Affiliate Links To Equip Used/Shown/Mentioned In Video-
►Behringer Store on Amazon:
►Sony 7506 Headphones on Amazon:
Equipment used to make video:
►Sony ZV1 Camera on Amazon:
►ULANZI MT-33 Camera Tripod,Flexible Mini Tripod on Amazon:
► Neewer Camera Slider Carbon Fiber Dolly Rail on Amazon:
► 'Skater' Camera Dolly on Amazon:
►Stellar X2 (Narration Mic) on Amazon:
"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases."
"I earn from qualified purchases from affiliate links."
Suggested videos:
►Behringer XR18 / Midas MR18 Channel Walk-Thru Video:
►Cable Management For Live Audio:
►►Popular videos:
►Five Typical Mistakes Made By Behringer X32 Users
►Five Typical Mistakes Made By Behringer XR18 Users
►►Other Cable Information series videos:
►Analog Audio over Ethernet:
►Connecting an MP3 Player to a Mixer:
►Patch Order and Input Lists For Live Sound:
►►Other Mixing series videos:
►5 Tips for Better Live Vocal Mixes:
►Mixing Live Bass Guitar:
►How to EQ a Kick Drum:
►How to EQ a Snare Drum:
►How to EQ Toms:
►►Other videos:
►Building An In Ear Monitor Rig Using the Behringer XR18 or Midas MR18:
►DCA's vs Subgroups on the XR18 / MR18:
►Behringer XR18 Monitor Setup Tutorial:
►Sending FX to Monitors XR18/MR18/X32/M32:
►In Ear Monitors On A Budget:
►Behringer X32 Monitor Setup Tutorial:
►Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About the XR18 (and MR18):
►Facebook Group:
0:00 Intro
0:12 Standard Outputs on the XR18
0:29 Analog Routing Options for the Behringer/Midas
0:40 Tap Point Chart for X-Air
1:21 Analog Output Tap Points Explained
1:52 Basic Monitor Output Tap Point Overview
2:07 Stereo and Mono Monitor Outputs
2:31 The Basics of Balanced Audio Outputs/Inputs
2:51 Balanced Audio Graphics
3:22 Unbalanced Stereo Explained
3:56 Setting Up A Stereo Bus
5:14 USB Sends
5:57 USB Tap Points Explained
6:06 Using the Routing Grid
6:47 Default Tap Points for USB
7:00 Changing the Default USB Tap Points
7:03 USB Tap Point Chart
7:15 What is sent where via the USB Send routing
7:40 Tap Point Options