Drink. Water. Like 5/100 times, that’s the whole problem. You’re dehydrated.

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It's not our fault! We were conditioned not to drink water because we weren't allowed to use the toilet at school!


Man, I didn't know true dehydration until I started breastfeeding. I'm drinking easily a gallon or 2 per day, and my skin is still dry and my sides hurt. But I can't stop peeing and my hungry baby just turned the milk into a bigger and more hungry baby (before anyone asks, yes he drinks full bottles of formula too)

Edit: not diabetes either. But thanks for everyone's concern 😅


I had terrible kidney stones at 20 from how little I drank and holding my pee so much during high school. Doc said my stones took years to form being how big they were.
I drink so much now! And as a teacher I never tell my kids they can't use the restroom if they've gotta go


Not kidding I recently went to my doctor convinced it was my kidneys because I ruled everything else out. After many many tests he told me I was 33 and needed a new mattress if I didnt want to feel 80.
Turns out he was right.
Turns out the root of my chronic neck and shoulder pain was my pillow.


Also, stretch. That area is a common area for sciatica pain. It it feels like an electric shock whenever you move, you might mage sciatica.
Stretch nightly and look up stretches for the sciatic nerve. Be sure to stretch the muscles *_around_* the pain as well as the ones that hurt. That will help prevent it from coming back!


Not me! When I was 5 years old I got severely dehydrated (5 year old me was in kindergarten and thought she'd experiment with what happens if you don't drink water for a day 🤦) was in horrifying pain, couldn't eat and had to go to the hospital and stay for several days- and it was almost CHRISTMAS and since I was still recovering then we ended up not going to the family Christmas party. Long story short I learned very young what happens when you get dehydrated and I have been DEDICATED about drinking water and staying hydrated ever since. 😂👍


This was an exceptional, uplifting, spiritual video. You are a force for good, thank you:)


I blame the 3-second drinks at school all our lives 😂 I had to teach my body how to feel thirst. Now, I walk around with Emotional Support Vat (read: Stanley dupe) filled with 40 oz of tea 😂 I know tea isn't the most hydrating, but like you said, there's water in it 😅


I have back issues, more often than not I need a stretch! Strengthening the core would help, but who has time for that?😂😂😂 I hope you feel better!!!


....not me taking this video as a reminder to drink water and then proceeding to drain the water bottle next to my bed, the only water I've drank all day, at 1:30 in the afternoon....😅


Ay, something I have experience with, unfortunately! Not even that long ago!

Undiagnosed UTI + Dehydration + Having to be out in a southern US summer = extended hospital stay because my kidneys almost gave up, working at about 1/5th of what they should and declining more.

Was literally one more bad bloodtest away from getting put on dialysis when my kidneys somehow came back from their "extended vacation". Freaked out the doctor more than it would've if they'd failed outright, from his reaction- And frankly stuns me that they work so well now, when I replay that look of shock in my head.

I was like 23-24? I'm only 27 now, and it wasn't long ago, so that's my best guess- Lesson learned, quite harshly!

If you don't like the taste of your tap water (I don't blame you depending where you are-) get a filter for your tap, it helps IMMENSELY. Lemon is also helpful if you really need some sort of flavor-


the worst pain I've ever experienced was a kidney infection. for the love of all that is good and wholesome: stay. hydrated.


That curly hair! LOVE IT!! Going natural Is The Way.


In college days at a convention, i gave myself the most severe dehydration related headache because i was only drinking soda... most of it caffienated....

My friend i went with forced me to drink actual water... 2-3 bottles and about as many hours later, i felt much better.

This is what it took for me to start thinking of Water as the thing to handle headaches, not just thirst or dry lips. (Years of the "123 save some for me" probably has me conditioned not to feel thirsty often)

i am still usually underhydrated, but I have learned the wisdom of putting water in my face if i have a headache or puffy eyes in the morning.


I’m Gen Z and I finally found the stuff my mom drink when I was a kid!!! Nature’s Way joint movement is a game changer when you’re feeling like the tin man!


Just went to the doctor. All I drink is Mt. Dew. She just looked at me and said, no more Dew. 😮 I don't think so, it's my only addiction but I'm going to try to drink more water and I'll add ice to my Dew even though it makes it watery. 😂😂 It really did scare me, so I absolutely drink more water. ❤


Adhd problems def, out of sight out of mind, I make sure to have water in sight at all times I can manage. Helps so much, multiple bottles too 3-4 is my norm.


I’m a pepper too, sweetheart! And that’s what I say every day! Especially since one of my neurodivergent symptoms is I have a lot of difficulty drinking water. So I always use lots of ice! 🤣❤️


So true! When I worked at a girl scout camp we treated most things with water. Headaches, muscle aches, and bellyaches. And it worked!


As someone with both chronic pain and kidney stones (and I've had some truly horrible ones), I feel you! Though, back pain there isn't really from dehydration. For most people it's likely musculoskeletal pain unless you already have another condition. It often comes from constantly bending over, lifting, twisting, and/or carrying extra weight in the middle (which I also deal with). I deal with a lot of back and hip pain due to fibromyalgia, lupus, and part of my lumber spine being fused to my sacrum, so I've had to figure out some non-pharmaceutical relief measures over the years. If you're having sudden, acute pain, always contact your doctor first. If you know you don't have any acute or specific injury, I recommend the following:

1. Invest in heating pads. Heat relaxes the muscles. I like the XL ones that have a plug into the pad instead of a loose cover. I use these when sitting for awhile (I sit in an office most of the time), and I lie on them at night. Ensure you use one with an auto-off feature and have it in a low heat setting if you're going to lie on them at night. I use heating pads 365 days a year.

2. Acupressure mats. These mats are covered pointy plastic prongs. They can take a bit to get used to, but you lie down on them, and the pressure of each point stimulates blood flow that can help the muscles relax. It's also a nice distraction tool, in that your brain becomes more focused on the pressure of the mat that it forgets about the back pain. I use these when I'm particularly desperate for relief. TENS units also work on the premise of distracting your brain from the back pain.

3. Specific exercise and stretches. It's sort of a given, but I do recommend looking up specific physical therapy exercises for back pain (or whatever area is bothering you). Most of these are low-intensity stretches that shouldn't cause injury, but still be careful. You can always ask your doctor for a physical therapy referral, but I don't know many people who are gung-ho about going.

Ice can help back spasms, but I've found that it isn't as helpful for nerve or muscle aches. However, it's always worth a try if other remedies aren't working.

Lastly, It's unfortunate, but NSAIDS just aren't a long term solution despite it being the only real medicine most people have access to in the US. Tylenol doesn't really help body pain unless it's taken with other drugs (and it can also very easily cause acute liver damage from even small overdoses). NSAIDS like Aleve or ibuprofen may help initially, but they destroy the lining of your stomach which leads to painful stomach ulcers if you use them multiple times a day, everyday. They are meant to be temporary medicines, but many people have nothing else. :/

If the pain is burning or tingles in general, that's a sign that it's nerve related and you should see a doctor. NSAIDS don't really help this type of pain, but there are specific prescription medicines that might work like gabapentin or pregablin (Lyrica).

Thanks for reading my ramblings.
