Can Honey Work Better than Antibiotics?

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Thoughty2 (Arran) is a British YouTuber and gatekeeper of useless facts. Thoughty2 creates mind-blowing factual videos, on the weirdest, wackiest and most interesting topics about space, physics, tech, politics, conspiracy theories, and opinion.
#Thoughty2 #Honey

Writing: Blaise Hesselgren
Editing: Jack Stevens
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I had a sore throat this morning and ate a spoon of honey and Ginger and I feel much better.... And thoughty2 drops a video about honey....


He should have mentioned that the honey you can buy in a grocery store isn’t always really honey but rather a mixture or a chemically treated version of it. Just like olive oil from the market isn’t really pure olive oil but rather a mixture of oils that contains a percentage of real olive oil! Pure organic (locally harvested) honey has all the benefits explained in this video but grocery store honey (very often) does not!


When my husband was in hospital, a world class medical center, a particularly nasty wound was finally treated w/ topically applied medical grade honey. It worked.


Priceless video.
For the past fifteen years or so, I've been producing videos generally for plaintiff's attorneys. Many of these, as you can imagine, are detailing the neglect and abuse often seen at extended care facilities (Nursing Homes). Keep in mind, many of these facilities do a wonderful job helping supply the needs of elderly or severely disabled people, but that's beside the point.

One of the most common causes for complaint, one that often results in death is the development of decubitus ulcers or "bed sores." Often starting at he sacrum or base of the spine or on the heels, these wounds start out as little reddened, sore places on the skin and can develop into "Stage Four" ulcers that eat right down to the bone. Horrible, horrible wounds complete with drainage, necrotic tissue, stench and eventually infection of the blood stream causing death.

These wounds are horribly difficult to treat, with all kinds of advanced care and debridement not even slowing the progress. But you'll never guess what is showing miraculous results... honey. The worst wounds are being coated with medical grade (no botulism) honey or bandages soaked in honey and we're often seeing wounds reverse course giving hope and a much needed comfort to those least likely to get any other relief.

It is amazing - almost to the point of doubting random occurrences and serendipity - how many things are out there if we'll just open our eyes to the possibilities.

Thanks again for a very educational and entertaining piece!


this guy is a genius with sound effects and random swearing. makes the whole video experience next level.

keep this up.


Just make sure the label states Pure, Raw, Unprocessed or similar. If it doesn't, then it's not. Most commercial "honey" is a mix of sugar, artificial flavor and a little bit of actual honey, often as little as 5% just so they can still call it honey.


My granddad kept bees. You could sometimes recognise which flowers they'd been pollinating by smell. They were fond of lavender.


I'm disappointed that this video isn't sponsored by honny


My friend's husband had some serious issues going on with his ears. He went to all kinds of doctors and specialist who of course prescribed anti-biotics. They didn't work and he was suffering so much from it. My friend then decided to use Manuka Honey and garlic for his ears. She said he felt relief immediately and is now pain free. Pretty awesome.


That's part of the reason I'm a bee keeper. I love honey and working with the bees could also be considered a bit of a "food for the soul" as well. Nectar is regurgitated but it's from the bee's honey stomach, not quite the same as what we think of as vomit but I suppose it's close enough. Oddly enough I have no problem eating bee vomit.


I really hope we can save bees, I can't live without honey.


My wolfdog escaped her pen one day when I went shopping. In the few hours I was away from home she got horrifically injured on her paw. The vet said it looked very much like she had been caught in a steel trap. The bones in her foot had been partially pulverized, a portion of it had to be amputated and the remainder was basically a flaying. They tried to sew it up, but the swelling and position made it difficult. The vet was not super hopeful about being able to get it healed. I changed her bandages twice a day and filled the wound up with raw honey. Except for the partial amputation, you can not tell anything happened. She healed beautifully. The vet was so impressed that he started telling his other patients about raw honey. We use it for all open wounds in my family. It’s good stuff.


When I was a student nurse I did a placement out in the community. I had a patient with severe necrotic ulcers all over his body! You could get a whole finger in some of the ulcers! It was so sad. We used Medical grade Manuka honey to treat his ulcers. I was amazed at how perfectly it worked. Not only did infection subside but the wounds healed so fast. Faster than any antibiotic and standard medical intervention.


"And your nan" - LMAO I DIED


Hey Thoughty2 here's a little bit of information. When I was 40 y/o I lived in a small Florida town. I got bitten by a dog on my inner thigh. It was a nasty bite. When I arrived at a doctors office he examined the wound, cleaned it out and packed the wound with a white paste. he gave to me the pill bottle that stored the paste. I was instructed to clean and repack the wound with the paste twice a day. Here's the kicker. The paste was made by mixing 50/50 Crisco shortening and powder Sugar. The dog bite never got infected and was healed up in 3 weeks.


Not only better subjects

Even better humour and jokes


The fact that “A slightly less insightful study” looked like a citation made it funnier


Hi Thoughty2, I like your videos quite a lot, and I learned a lot in this video. I wanted to point out, however, that it is inaccurate to call honey "bee vomit" as the "honey stomach" in which the bees take in the nectar is not a digestive organ. The honey stomach is an expandable organ that bees carry either water or nectar back to the hive with. It is physically attached to the digestive organs but has a valve that is one way, in that it will not allow partially digested food, back through the bee, such as when a human vomits. This honey stomach adds an enzyme into the nectar that changes it chemically by converting the sucrose in nectar (disacharride) into fructose and glucose (two monoshaccharides). It is transferred to different bees a few times before getting deposited into the honey cell, but never enters the digestive tract. It is then dehydrated until it is below 20% water and capped with wax to preserve the low water content that makes honey so "magical". That being said, great video and keep it up!


Dont forget the bee sting itself, , many ppl swear by deliberately being stung on arthritic joints to ease the pain and improving mobility.
Bees are amazing creatures, and the way there hives work is truly fascinating


I've used honey for years, not just for sore throats/colds etc, but also for treating wounds,
Along with propolis dissolved in alcohol which can be gargled.
