Is honey really better than sugar? | Dr. Sarah Berry

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It's well known that too much sugar can have a negative impact on your health. So are natural sugar alternatives like honey a healthier way of getting that sweet taste?

But are sugar alternatives really natural?

Jonathan is joined by Dr. Sarah Berry to explore this topic.

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Eating less sweet food is more important than whether it’s sweetened with cane sugar or honey.


As a recently diagnosed diabetic (3 months ago) I have simply abandoned added sugar and sweeteners and at this point I would never want to go back. The only sugars I get are from unsweetened dairy, fruit etc, although I do avoid dried and tropical fruits. I eat wholegrain noodles, rice and pasta (50g portions), lentil pasta, quinoa and strictly only sourdough pumpernickel and no other bread or breaded products. Also no starchy veg like potatoes, corn or squash. My blood sugars have come right down, as have triglycerides and I've lost 2.5 Stone/15Kg in 3 months.


No mention at all of the antibacterial, antimicrobial properties or polyphenol content of honey..these things alone make honey a far superior & healthier option than any refined sugar or sugar alternative


I've spent the whole video totally absorbed by that one strand of hair bouncing around on Dr Berry, most prominently from 2.41 onwards. I love her hair. That is all.


@0:55 if we we’re actually getting our sugar from sugarcane that would be true; however most sugar today comes from GMO beets.

Here are the facts : The United States imports 30% of its sugar, while the remaining 70% is extracted from domestically grown sugar beets and sugarcane. More than 1 million acres of sugar beets are cultivated annually in the United States, with a market value at harvest exceeding $1 billion.[5] GM sugar beets are grown by more than 95 percent of the nation's sugar beet farmers. Of the domestically grown sugar crops, over half of the extracted sugar is derived from sugar beets, and the rest from sugarcane.

The glyphosate sprayed on GM beet fields significantly reduces weed growth, and thus has decreased the demand for migrant workers, who have historically been employed as seasonal workers to pull weeds on conventional sugar beet farms in the United States.[6]

According to Monsanto, more than 37, 000 acres of Roundup Ready sugar beet have been planted in Canada.[7]


It depends on the source of pollen, bees don’t avoid pesticides, except when they die.


This is where deception reigns. It is a scientific fact the sugar is inflammatory and honey & maple syrup are not. That fact could mean a world of difference in a person's life.


Even the regular honey is quite expensive, for a bit of colour and sugar with a drop of honey. I bet the food industry has lots of fake honey out there.


We have bees at home and make our own honey so is more of a family meaning to us :) we love it


I do think because of the sweetening power of honey, you can use far less of it when baking. I usually cut the amount in half compared to what the recipe calls for. Stevia is also far sweeter than sugar so you can cook with far less of it. They make organic stevia that does not have erythritol in it too.


In the beginning I felt awesome exchange whitesugars to fructose. But after a while It was the alternative sweetners like honey and coconut sugar, and sweetfruits that made my health go bonkers, because it was "safe". I had such anger issues was ashamed of my self. I had no emotional endurance. Hormonal issues, I thought I was in premenopausal. Only bleeding one day and sweating so much every day I needed towels to put in my bedto dry it up some. Specially worse before my period. Going lowcarb totally changed all of that. Got o much energy. I got happier and I went through of the thoughest periods in my life where one even after another slapped my face during a year. But I managed that like nothing thanks to stopping all these sweet stuffs


Plus: most honey we can buy is not actual honey, it’s fake honey made out of sugar! If your honey is cheap, well now you know why…


You have it backwards. Honey is not a "sugar alternative". Sugar is a honey alternative.


When my Type One diabetic son had a seizure from low blood sugar, the paramedics told me to rub honey on his gums if it should happen again since the honey would immediately raise his blood sugar. Unfortunately, I have had to do it twice, and it worked perfectly each time. Just rubbing it on his gums raised his glucose levels. He probably was ingesting a bit of it too.


Got to remember most store brought honey not from a farm is processed and consists of corn syrup in order to make it cheaper to buy


Would it have been better if Sarah Berry had spoken more spontaneously instead of reading from a paper? Well, maybe. The content would be the same, but it would seem a bit more "natural". 😀


Doesnt chewing sugar cane not raise your blood sugar much, and honey much less than white sugar.


Her implication seems to be honey is as bad as sugar, but what about Raw Organic Honey with Propolis or Ikaria Honey? Honey is a Blue Zone food!


Always thought that everything in moderation is a good way to go. Try not to have too much sugar. Have a half teaspoon of honey in my morning porridge.


Its insane to say that honey is not good for humans it just blows my mind what are this people talking about
