Tapping: How and Why Does It Work | FasterEFT | Cindy Shumaker

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In this video, Cindy Shumaker explains how and why tapping works and how it can help you improve your life. Tapping is a simple and effective way to help you calm the brain's fight or flight center, creating a calmer, more peaceful feeling.
While the techniques used in my videos have created impressive results for many people they are still considered experimental with no guaranteed outcome for any one individual.
You agree to take full responsibility for your own physical, mental and emotional health and consult your physician and/or therapist regarding your use of any of the techniques used in these videos.
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To Your Success!
#eft #tapping #fastereft
While the techniques used in my videos have created impressive results for many people they are still considered experimental with no guaranteed outcome for any one individual.
You agree to take full responsibility for your own physical, mental and emotional health and consult your physician and/or therapist regarding your use of any of the techniques used in these videos.
grief, stages of grief, dealing with grief, complicated grief, grief and loss, dealing with grief, what is grief, mental health, grief anger, how long does grief last, tools for grief, processing grief, grief meditation, grief anxiety, how to grieve, eft tapping, fastereft, eft tapping for anxiety, emotional freedom technique, eft tapping for healing, limiting beliefs, life coach, grief coach, calming engineer, eft practitioner, eft, personal development, cindy shumaker, robert smith, neuroscience, mindfulness, from grief to gratitude, grief journey, grief counseling, 5 stages of grief, coping with grief, hope, emotional pain, kati morton, doc snipes, brad yates, unresolved grief, therapy in a nutshell, acceptance, coping strategies
To Your Success!
#eft #tapping #fastereft