3 Binitarian Challenges for Unitarians

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Can my Unitarian brothers and sisters answer 3 of the challenges from the writings of Paul. Let us know in the comments.

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Entire Series: Did Jesus Exist Before His Birth
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These are important questions to raise, and I can understand why you take the position you have. I think wisdom christology is a key part of Paul's theology that is missing in this analysis, so I would be interested in hearing how you flesh out (pun intended) the ways that Paul views Jesus as personified wisdom's embodiment. I published a full-length treatment on wisdom christology earlier this year, and I am presenting on the topic this October at UCA.

I'd be willing to come on the show and have a respectful dialogue, if you think you viewers would find that enjoyable. Open offer.


I and the Father, We are one. There are two beings, not three. The two, the Father and the son are one in unity purpose work and accomplishment.


In many ways, I find it easier to discuss Jesus's preexistence and deity with Unitarians than I do Trinitarians. Some Unitarians say that Jesus, after his resurrection, was granted the privilege of being united to the Father's spiritual essence, so as to function as the Life-giving Spirit. It's really easy. Pull up 1 Peter 1:10-11, and you have the Spirit of Christ predicting his own sufferings and glory to the prophets before his birth, and before his resurrection and glorification. He was already united to the Father in Spirit. What he became was lifegiving tonwhiever believe in him as the Messiah and God's Son. Ergo, Binitarianism. The key is finding commonality and then correcting the, in this case, minor differences. Also, put Galatians 4:1-6 together with 1 Peter 1:10-11, and Galatians becomes a clear Incarnational passage.


Proverbs 8:22-36, Psalms 45:6-7. Wonder how unitarians interpret these verses.


Yes brother, Unitarianism is a lot of bending and scripture twisting just as much as Trinitarianism. Atleast the JWs never denied his pre human existence. That's one thing I appreciated from them.


What trinity? God is one, not three. The one God operates through His Son to fulfill his eonian purpose.


Not one verse that says Jesus existed before he was born, He only exist in God word as a promise of God that God had planned from the beginning to bring Jesus into the world at the appointed time. Acts 2:22 Jesus is a man approved by God.


all these views deny Jesus words of man MUST be born again , if you believe that Jesus the man wasn’t born again, then He would have said man must be born again, except for me ? But that’s not what he said, you have to conclude he was born again. so he hade two births . And the scriptures teach he was born before David, He was a Son of God before he was a son of Man, His sonship is born from the mother of all living which Eve was named after Gen3:20 Christianity denies the beginning so they stay lost and say the image of God isn’t Adam and Eve and the begotten son, at this point all other forms of God become pagan mythology; the proof of this existence is that you and the woman you got pregnant are that child’s first God, they get what their parents give them, ‘ this is on the parents acting out that place. And they should teach that child that power, that is a God like power . That is the image of God when not corrupted All these points of view deny the reality of Who and what God is and get into some form of Babylon, Greek, Roman mysticism, when the invisible things of HIM from the creation of the world are Clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, EVEN his eternal power and Godhead; so they are without excuse… Ro1:20 man is in the process of claiming they can make up the birthright and attempt telling God what they are, in these end times the image of God will be restored. That is the Elijah message. Where corrupt Fathers and Mother repent and take their God given place. Be thou healed .


Jesus is not the agent of God in all things, Jesus is the reason and purpose and motive why God make all things, It was for Jesus to inherit. When it says God created alll things by christ jesus, it is not saying God used Jesus to create, it is saying by reason of Jesus God did the creating. big difference.


5:04 We are "conformed unto the image of his son" (Romans 8: 29) Being in the image of Jesus doesn't mean someone is Jesus. Adam was the image of God. Jesus, being God's son is the image and the form of God. NONE of this speaks of pre-existence as God or as the son. Paul never said "the Supreme Sent Son of God" but even if he did, Jesus is not the only Son of God he is "firstborn among many brethren" and of those sons of God he is Supreme. The One Who Descended and Ascended is a footnote by the author in which parenthesis were removed by translators, the author speaks of Jesus after his ascension and says "no man hath ascended unto heaven but he who came from heaven, even the son of man who is in heaven." Jesus had already died and rose and ascended when that was written. We are also "manifested" as sons of God (1 John 3 the entire chapter). Being "manifested" says nothing about deity nor about pre-existence.

8:56 Ironically you make the same mistake you claim others are making. You base an over reading on a false assumption, this is a form of circular reasoning. You believe that "God sent forth" means Jesus was in heaven and God "sent him forth (into the earth)" However, John was "sent forth from God" (John 1: 1-14). Many others are sent forth from God. "How shall they preach lest they be sent" asked Paul. Being "sent forth" does not mean you pre-existed and then God sends you into the earth. The very context of the text you quote denies your assumption for it verifies that he was born of a woman under the law and common sense dictates one cannot be "sent forth from God" until after one is born of a woman (and if he was sent forth before he was born of a woman then he's not born of a woman at all). He was sent forth from one place (Nazareth) to another Jerusalem and along the way he ministered for 1260 days and was crucified. None of your points say what you think they say.

I actually have seen enough. I know where you are going with this and your reading of scripture is complete eisegesis instead of exegesis. I've heard all your arguments before, they are nothing new and I have completely refuted most of them in my 400 or so videos on my youtube channel video series "The Trinity Deception."


Mario come back TO the truth of THE TRINITY~~


All things, the all, is the whole universe. God the Creator created the all through the Son..Rom11:36 Col1:16 Hb1:2 Jn1:3
