The New Testament is Binitarian

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It might surprise you to know that the New Testament is far more binitarian than trinitarian. Apart from a few passages that seem to be trinitarian, the New Testament writers were overwhelmingly binitarian in their writings. It might also surprise you to know that the post-apostolic fathers were binitarian and never spoke of the Holy Spirit as a third person in the godhead. In this video, we're going to examine several New Testament passages that teach a binity, and then we'll talk about the so-called trinitarian passages.

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I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

14 He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15 All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. (Jn 16.12-15)


I do stand as a Binitarian with a nuance the Holy Spirit was in the beginning with the father as the LOGOS, the Spirit is not mentioned because he inspired the Apostle not to speak of him, JESUS is important to be lifted up, seeing JESUS is representing (Figuratively not literally) the holy spirit...

If one accept JESUS they are accepting the Holy Spirit, seeing the Holy Spirit is the deity that indwelled JESUS, telling JESUS what to teach


Question. If the Father and Son share the one sprit(Holy Spirit). You conclude that means that the Holy Spirit cannot be a separate person from them. Because it clearly states the spirit is a mix of the 2. But if you think about it man was made in the image of God. Then God realized it was not good for man to be alone so he took the man’s rib and created women. Through the union through the man and the women they made Children. Or for simplicity a child. Now the Child consist of DNA from both the Father and Mother (Son). Even though child is made up of the Father and the Mother. We still understand that the Child is it’s own person with its own personhood. So through that marriage of the 3. They are ONE family consisting of 3 persons that are made up of only the father and the mother. So the family really only consist of the 2 but still makes sense to say there are 3 persons in the relationship. And it’s still rational to say that the man and the women’s “being” is what makes up that child. Can it be said that the Child is the Holy Spirit? Being made up of the 2 and still have its own identity. I agree with what most you say here but this thought popped in my head. Curious your thoughts on it or any objections. Thanks.


In the name of the Father and the Son, that is Holy Spirit (alternative translation)


This is WAYYY OFFF.... Jesus only ever referred us to the Father. He said the Father would be dwelling in us. He said that the Father did the Works. He said the Father sent Him.


Brother youre close to the truth. Although the early church (before nicea) believed in the antinicene trinity, Tertullian was just the first to coin the term trinity, but heres the deal--Tertullian actually believed that there was a time when the Father wasnt a Father, or a Judge. He was the Most High God, and then became a Father, through Jesus' natural and first begetting, naturally through the first use of His eternal Word.

Check out brother Chris Lasalas debates and videos on the antinicene trinity or the divine monarchy/ subordinationism of the Son.

His are the clearest and most consistent modern teachings I have seen on this subject. Im glad to see you seeking the truth out for yourself! God bless.


furthermore the Holyspirit is the author of the whole bible testifying about the son who in turn testifies about the father. The authors of the bible wrote as they were moved by the spirit, not from their own authority.


Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, Rom 16.27, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 3.2, Rev 3.12.


I hit the send button by error. So this version covers which beliefs are dead in the water three times: in 1. Genesis creation. 2 in Jesus' baptism. 3. In the Great Commission. My name is Paul and I'm sending this on my wife's phone. My exposes are s


psalm 110:1 shows Jesus is not Jehovah.


trinity = father + son + holy spirit

God is love and for love to exist, there has to be a LOVER who has LOVE for a BELOVED

this is what the bible teaches, you dont have to believe it but if you dont you should be intellectually honest with yourself and admit you are not following the true Christian bible.


Unfortunately NOBODY accepts the Jesus' words, not even "christian" Churches do that. If you read Jesus' words with an open mind and ACCEPT THEM, then it is clear that:
1. Jesus is the ONLY OWNER and KING of heaven, not the Father (reiterated many times).
2. How is 1. possible? Jesus explains that the Father is A SPIRIT ("God is a spirit"). This means the Father is actually MISSING, "nobody ever saw God" "the world has not KNOWN you". The Father is not seen because AWAY in a DIFFERENT DIMENSION, INVISIBILITY has nothing to do with it. The missing Father is able to be here with his words and actions, but NOBODY is actually here. This is why He is said to be "a spirit" (only in this spirit-form He takes actions in the universe, not personally). This is why is Jesus the King of heaven, not the missing Father.
3. accordingly, Jesus sits in heaven on the right hand of THE POWER ( "ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the RIGHT HAND OF POWER and appearing in the clouds of heaven." The power is merely a "THING")
4. Jesus is ONLY WITH THE FATHER (reiterated dozens of times by Jesus), never with TWO persons!! I.e. NO TRINITY exits.
5. Since the Father with Jesus is A SPIRIT, He is sometimes called "Holy Spirit" by Jesus (see the speech about the TWO blasphemies, directed to Son and Father). I.e. NO THIRD divine person exists.
6. "One (almighty) God is "strangely missing", but an "additional One" - Jesus - is now here. It is clear that we are talking about the SAME ONE GOD "He who has seen me has seen the Father." "I am in the Father and the Father in me".
7. the only DIFFERENCE between the Father and the Son is that the SON IS NOT ALMIGHTY: He reiterates to be like a NORMAL person, with no power at all. This is why Jesus sits "next to the power", He has no OWN power. Thus for any miracle Jesus must turn to the almighty Father "thank you for hearing me".
