Defeating Adventism #88 – Seventh-day Adventist Bible Prophecy Rejected and Proven False

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This video was an after thought and based on the observation of the complete lack of Christian recognition of any Seventh-day Adventist prophetic interpretation of Daniel eight or nine. Not one of the Christian scholars I examined support any meaningful understanding of the Seventh-day Adventists. Seventh-day Adventists interpretation of the events of Daniel 8 and 9 are completely outside the bounds of Christianity and have been proven false in both Defeating Adventism #’s 86 & 87. Adventism is not Christian.
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Excellent point about not getting all caught up in trying to figure out the minutia of prophecy. It seems that many people who do often get overly enthusiastic, sometimes to the point of being strange and divisive towards others. (William Miller and his followers are a case in point).
For sure there is a place in our studies about knowing our own eschatology as well as that of others (to give every man an answer), but as you say there are a lot of "Prophecy Nuts" out there.
When the disciples asked “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” Christ Himself said unto them *"It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power"* (Acts 1:6-7)


Do Adventists participate in some sort of a competition where they decided who's the most ignorant one among them, like a kind of Darwin award?
For with each new video from AA, it appears to be the case indeed.


I salute the hard work, intellectually curiosity and honesty about your disposition towards prophesy. I commend the sacrifice and industry you dedicate to bringing forth these powerful refutations of this diabolical subterfuge called Adventism.

You are a credit to your master👏


"An unwillingness to yield up preconceived opinions" is EGW's direct reference to the Uriah Smith bifurcation of Galatians 3-23-24. Again in true SDA fashion inserting ideas and actual text where it does not exist to promote your own opinions. The biblical text does not differentiate between moral and ceremonial law and in fact according to Judaism there is no difference between moral and ceremonial laws, they are just laws so according to the bible they all vanished. There is no other way around this except for Uriah Smith's opinion that has been engrained in SDA's by the White Estate as fact. Careful what you believe SDA's.


Prophesy is the hallmark of Christianity. It was prophesy that foretold the coming of Christ and it is prophesy that tells us how it will all end.

We must study prophesy and subject it to biblically consistent scrutiny. Look at how much damage the mis-use of prophesy has caused with Adventism?

Adventism was founded on the dubious self serving mis-use of prophesy and Ellen White told lies from the blast of the whistle till her demise.

We must study prophesy and be like the sons of Issachar who knew what the times and seasons would bring forth.

Without prophesy we are lost. Only God can and will give knowledge to those who seek him. Christianity is a highly cerebral discipline and will require diligent study. Unfortunately most Christians prefer the predigested conclusions of their favorite charismatic ecclesia.

We must study to show ourselves approved. Thank you James for the hard work and effort in study you put into these refutations of the abominable witness of Ellen White and her Adventist accolytes.


To all who are nervous about finding a non-SDA congregation:

Belief in Jesus IS proclaimed and salvation by faith alone IS espoused by SDAs.

But even more loudly proclaimed is: Get ready for Jesus to come! This message they
knowingly and deliberately direct toward already-saved Christ followers.

So the sub-message within the message is: You are not ready!

Get the menace? The gospel is insufficient! Free costly grace doesn't get the job done!
Before you can be admitted into heaven you have to Stand Before God Without a Mediator!
The One who said "I will never leave you or forsake you" must leave you and forsake you.
And you must go through a time of trouble the like of which has never been seen before
upon the face of the earth.

All without Christ!

Not the devil, though!

Thus does the most subtle evil heart of the SDA heresy reveal itself with all its maggots
wiggling. It removes from you your certainty of salvation in one fell blow:
For if you are not ready for Jesus to come you are NOT saved!

"What then, " asks this born-again Christian, "do I still lack?"

Replies the SDA evangelist:

1. You must accept the fact that your salvation was not complete on the cross or when Christ sat down at the right hand of the Father -- but it only began to be completed in 1844.

2. You must start keeping the Sabbath in order to obtain the seal of God and stop your
Sunday worship, for that is the mark of the beast.

3. You must pay me tithe.

4. You must stop drinking wine.

5. You must remove your wedding band from off your finger and never mind that suddenly
threatened husband of yours!

6. You must stop eating pork and all other unclean meats. (Never mind that Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7:19.) In fact, before Jesus can come you must stop eating meat altogether, for, "Those who persist in eating the flesh of dead animals will go from God's people to walk with them no more." --EGW. (It's okay to WEAR their hides, though.)

7. And not only that, but you have to accept Ellen G. White as God's only latter-day prophet
and as the sole infallible interpreter of Scripture, as one who has authority to add to and take away from Scripture.

8. Be re-baptized! -- by immersion.

9. Let others defend you and your country by killing in wartime.

10. Etcetera (such as send your kids to SDA schools) ....

THIS is what you must do to be saved. And even then you won't be, for you haven't preached this so-called "gospel" to the entire world yet, have you? For Christ cannot come till you do!

Legalism? Pharisaism? You decide.

Christianity it is not.


How to order Books telling the truth about Ellen G. White.

1. White Out, by Dirk Anderson
2. Prophetess of Health, by Dr. Ronald Numbers
3. Life of Mrs. EGW, Her Claims Refuted, by D. M. Canright
4 The White Lie, by Walter Rea
5. White Washed, by Pastor Sydney Cleveland

I'm sure you can find them online. There are other books of suggestion as well.


Hi Jim,
You state that "There are SDAs that are going to hell with a bible in their hand"..Maybe it should be a bible in one hand and the great controversy in the other...


Sir William Miller was a Baptist, not seventh day Adventist.


I do not belong to the Adventist church. However, the fact that our calendar has been changed by the Roman Catholic Church is undeniable as is the changing of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. There is a warning about this in Scripture. The Catholics themselves see this as their mark of authority over God’s Commandments. Study history for yourself - the Council of Laodicea, the Council of Trent, the various papal encyclicals. The fact is that we Protestants have become lazy and have completely forgotten that the Counter-Reformation is still in full swing. How else can you explain a Supreme Court without a single Protestant on it? Fifty years ago, that would have been unthinkable. But my main point is this: Where is the Christian love and charity throughout this tirade? And how can you condemn the Adventist movement as a whole? Remove the plank from your own eye first! The way I read Scripture, as long as you believe you are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ - and certainly Walter Veith and his church does - you are saved. However, saving faith always produces works! That is what out tea sipping holier-than-thou churches have forgotten. James is very clear on this. We are all lost sheep who have gone astray! So please, rebuke doctrine when it is necessary, but do so in a fair manner, befitting a Christian. And one more thing…… beware of intellectuals. Erich Kittel produced the most extensive set of Greek theological dictionaries that are in use in seminaries all over the world. I saved my money and bought them, only to find out later that he wasn’t a Christian. He was an occultist charged by Hitler to justify the Jewish question! Shocking. The books are only good to be burned. Since when do you allow your enemy to teach your children? But that is exactly what we Protestants have allowed to happen. Judgement is going to rain down on us as a consequence. Every Blessing, Oliver


If SDA's only realized that EGW actually agreed with Waggoner and Jones including with vision to back it up in 1890 that the White Estate has suppressed from members about rightlessness by faith alone and that the law was done away with completely including the moral mosaic laws based on Galatians 3-23-24 a real biblical passage that has been hard for them to explain around. This is also why EGW went to Australia for 10 years. Her and Uriah Smith had a permanent falling out over the laws being abolished at the cross. See for yourselves SDA's. 1st Selected Messages P. 234 paragraph 5. This completely destroys all things SDA by White herself. So who is the EGW SDA's know and love today? A manufactured one from the White Estate to continue bringing in the sheaves.


... The "decree" that you've stated from Nehemiah ( the 445 BC date ) wouldn't work for the start date, in the calculations, "unto Messiah The Prince" and His being "cut off", within the accurate AD timeline, according to Daniel 9 : 25 - 26.
490 years - 445 BC = 45 AD .... and/or ... 483 years - 445 BC = 38 AD ... ( = too late of dates in the 1st century timeline )


Thanks for taking the time to painstakingly study these Adventist doctrines of Daniel and Ezra. I was an SDA for 30 years and never even took the time to learn this stuff because it's so boring! But your research helps me understand how to better refute Adventists and their end time prophecy. Thanks!


You are absolutely correct in asserting that SDAs do not believe in the scriptures. I came to this conclusion when I stopped reading the writings of EG White and the pioneers and focused on the Bible alone. Keep up the good work. 🙏🙏🙏


ELLENESQUE INSIGHTS (direct from the throne of God):

That angels will bear little babies to their saved mothers arms in the resurrection. On the other hand, the babies that are from unsaved mothers will be consumed in a moment. Also, slaves and heathen that never heard of salvation will be quickly burned up. Other unsaved persons will burn various lengths of time depending on the amount of sins they have committed.

The devil wants the lost to bear their own sins as much as possible, so that he will not have to suffer so much. Furthermore, whenever a Christian repeats a confessed sin, all the sins of his life will be held against him, even though forgiven initially.


Yes there will be many Adventists going to hell, wondering how they got there


I like the point you made about at the end of Daniel's 70 weeks; prophecy would come to an end (Daniel 9:24). If the Adventist doctrine that the 70 weeks were completed in 34 AD, is correct, then all of the prophecies in the New Testament after that date are false as well as Ellen White. This appears to be a no-win situation for the Adventist--either the 70 weeks did not end in 34 AD and the investigative judgement falls apart or the 70 weeks did end in 34 AD and Ellen White is a false prophet.


You did not teach anything.
Only said but did not give us the references.


You said that the prophesy so give me the right interpretation, when it begins and when does it end? Just a question no argument.


In my language your overtune is known as" straat meid manier van praat".
Sabbath day the SDA preach is God's day so I don't care about all you have to say!!!!
You waving around a bunch of books is not going to stop me from believing in God, the Sabbath and the Second Coming.
My is prayer that God help me to hold fast until that day He comes and I be amongst those who will be casting their crowns at His feet and amongst whose will sing the song that the angels will not even know.
We are advised and encouraged to look wholly unto Jesus for beholding and doing His will we shall be saved.
We are also not to look to men for our salvation, for men could be misleading, we are to study His Word because thru reading His Word and prayer for His guidance, He will lead us to the right path.
Wonder what he is going to tell us when the Sunday Law is introduced!!!
Will he still be saying the SDA Church is all wrong?
