Fact-Checking BOLD Claims About SDA Made On @WithThePerrys
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0:00 - Introduction
2:23 - Setting the Record Straight
5:17 - What is the Great Controversy Worldview
13:06 - How did Ellen White’s authority get established
18:10 - Ellen White’s authority and the foundation of the SDA movement
22:15 - Why don’t SDA critics accept the challenge to remove Ellen White from their beliefs
28:10 - Does the SDA Church Still Believe in Ellen White
35:30 - EJ’s Official Proof for Ellen White
40:10 - More Official SDA Quotes on Ellen White
47:27 - EJ’s Clarification
49:20 - Deadlock
55:00 - Walter Martin’s Appearance on John Ankerberg
57:50 - Desmond Ford
58:50 - The Great Controversy Worldview
1:09:35 - The Adventist Jesus
1:14:00 - The Adventist Pioneers were not Trinitarians
1:27:54 - Satan was an archangel
1:30:33 - Lucifer’s Jealousy
1:31:36 - Jesus is Michael the Archangel
1:33:53 - Jehovah’s Witnesses Foundational Beliefs Influenced by SDA
1:40:38 - Charles Taze Russell and Ellen White
1:40:54 - Has EJ Lied Yet?
1:46:10 - The Clear Word Bible
1:47:00 - The Clear Word is an Official SDA Bible
1:50:40 - EJ is Lying About the Clear Word?
1:55:47 - Jesus is Not the Lord God Almighty
1:59:20 - Intro to Investigative Judgment
2:01:12 - Investigative Judgment
2:02:35 - EGW Endorsed Hiram Edson’s Visions
2:06:30 - Investigative Judgment
2:11:11 - EGW Cemented Doctrines in the SDA Church
2:16:10 - Review and Herald Publishing Association
2:19:35 - The Investigative Judgment is done with scrutinizing detail and precision
2:24:36 - Adventism is a Circus
2:27:14 - Misleading Quotes
2:31:58 - Satan Will Get You
2:35:24 - EGW: Jesus our example
2:36:44 - EGW: Jesus overcame as a man
2:38:22 - EGW: The law can be kept
2:39:41 - EGW: Man must overcome as Christ overcame
2:45:50 - Has the SDA Church Renounced These Teachings
2:48:46 - Tithing and Veganism are Tied to Salvation in the SDA System
2:58:40 - Ellen White on possessing eternal life
3:01:28 - What would you say to people who don’t believe in Ellen White
3:05:56 - Why is Adventism still dangerous if you reject Ellen White
3:09:19 - The entire Adventist system is filtered through the Great Controversy Worldview
3:11:35 - EGW says other ministers are only saved in ignorance of the 3AMs message
3:18:08 - Scapegoat Theology
3:25:00 - Stand Without a Mediator
3:27:03 - Probation
3:28:20 - Scapegoat
3:36:16 - Closing Thoughts
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