Fact-Checking BOLD Claims About SDA Made On @WithThePerrys

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0:00 - Introduction
2:23 - Setting the Record Straight
5:17 - What is the Great Controversy Worldview
13:06 - How did Ellen White’s authority get established
18:10 - Ellen White’s authority and the foundation of the SDA movement
22:15 - Why don’t SDA critics accept the challenge to remove Ellen White from their beliefs
28:10 - Does the SDA Church Still Believe in Ellen White
35:30 - EJ’s Official Proof for Ellen White
40:10 - More Official SDA Quotes on Ellen White
47:27 - EJ’s Clarification
49:20 - Deadlock
55:00 - Walter Martin’s Appearance on John Ankerberg
57:50 - Desmond Ford
58:50 - The Great Controversy Worldview
1:09:35 - The Adventist Jesus
1:14:00 - The Adventist Pioneers were not Trinitarians
1:27:54 - Satan was an archangel
1:30:33 - Lucifer’s Jealousy
1:31:36 - Jesus is Michael the Archangel
1:33:53 - Jehovah’s Witnesses Foundational Beliefs Influenced by SDA
1:40:38 - Charles Taze Russell and Ellen White
1:40:54 - Has EJ Lied Yet?
1:46:10 - The Clear Word Bible
1:47:00 - The Clear Word is an Official SDA Bible
1:50:40 - EJ is Lying About the Clear Word?
1:55:47 - Jesus is Not the Lord God Almighty
1:59:20 - Intro to Investigative Judgment
2:01:12 - Investigative Judgment
2:02:35 - EGW Endorsed Hiram Edson’s Visions
2:06:30 - Investigative Judgment
2:11:11 - EGW Cemented Doctrines in the SDA Church
2:16:10 - Review and Herald Publishing Association
2:19:35 - The Investigative Judgment is done with scrutinizing detail and precision
2:24:36 - Adventism is a Circus
2:27:14 - Misleading Quotes
2:31:58 - Satan Will Get You
2:35:24 - EGW: Jesus our example
2:36:44 - EGW: Jesus overcame as a man
2:38:22 - EGW: The law can be kept
2:39:41 - EGW: Man must overcome as Christ overcame
2:45:50 - Has the SDA Church Renounced These Teachings
2:48:46 - Tithing and Veganism are Tied to Salvation in the SDA System
2:58:40 - Ellen White on possessing eternal life
3:01:28 - What would you say to people who don’t believe in Ellen White
3:05:56 - Why is Adventism still dangerous if you reject Ellen White
3:09:19 - The entire Adventist system is filtered through the Great Controversy Worldview
3:11:35 - EGW says other ministers are only saved in ignorance of the 3AMs message
3:18:08 - Scapegoat Theology
3:25:00 - Stand Without a Mediator
3:27:03 - Probation
3:28:20 - Scapegoat
3:36:16 - Closing Thoughts

#cults #cultic #adventism #sda #answeringadventism
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some of the topics referenced in the chat


"We are not to receive the words of those who come with a message that contradicts the special points of our faith. They gather together a mass of Scripture and pile it as proof around their asserted theories. This has been done over and over again during the past fifty years. And while the Scriptures are God’s Word, and are to be respected, the APPLICATION OF THEM, IF SUCHA AN APPLICATION MOVES ONE PILLAR OF THE FOUNDATION that God has sustained these fifty years, IS A GREAT MISTAKE. He who makes such an application knows not the wonderful demonstration of the Holy Spirit that gave power and force to the past messages that have come to the people of God. 20LtMs, Lt 329, 1905, par. 19

Ellen Gould White, Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 20 (Letter 329, 1905), (Ellen G. White Estate, 1905), 1

SDA Encyclopedia – Christian Connexion

Has the SDA Church ALWAYS taught the Trinity?

Ellen’s bold claims!


Thank You for showing us that your testimonies are fair, unlike those of the debunkers. I have learned to fact check everyone at least every now and then, especially if they are showing snippets and claiming things about something without showing it. (It never enough to show a car door and then tell how bad the car not shown is) Thank You Myles and EJ for continuing even under attack.


I wonder how many SDA’s will really listen to this whole video?! 🤔 Most of them comment without even watching and listening.
Thank you for all you guys do!


Found your channel after that podcast. Keep it going


CMB I so agree about how strange it is to hear Adventists introduce themselves as “Adventist Christians” I’ve always thought ‘why is it necessary to say that?’ 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a former SDA of 27 years I absolutely used to have the great controversy worldview too!! EVERYTHING in the Bible is filtered and understood through that worldview!!


Interesting, so if the Adventist position is incorrect, how do you gentlemen explain the current movement within the USA for the push of a defacto church and state union?


Orthodox Christianity believes and spread the Gospel of Jesus and. SDA were given a false gospel msg by EGW


Whew! Oh My Goodness! I Get my plug pulled in the chat almost every time when The Live Chat Is Over. Usually something rather profound, IMO, Snortles & Chortles! Are you giving a notice that I'm just missing in the midst of my concentration? Blessed Be!


Really love these deep discussions between you 3 - being formers - you totally understand adventism & all it’s misleading doctrines
As formers we can see the errors because the veil has gone- unlike those who are still within adventism - praying for the many lovely people in adventism who are mislead without realising it 🙏🏻


Thank you guys for your excellent work in teaching truth.


I’m honestly looking forward to the rebuttals the SDA church representatives have and I wonder how many methods of fallacies they’re going to deploy in order to keep the followers blind or at least comfortable with living in cognitive dissonance. But ultimately, I’m excited for even one person’s eyes being opened by the Holy Spirit, and turning to come into the fullness of the faith of orthodox Christianity and being saved 🙏 May God continue to bless you alls ministry.


So glad this is all being discussed and especially clarified from all the SDAs who got unhinged in the comments of that instagram reel!


No female prophets named in Scripture (Miriam, Deborah, Hulda, Anna) ever had a vision or dream. Only men were given the divinely ordained role of leadership prophetic authority and given visions and dreams per Num. 12:6; 2 Peter 1:21; Amos 2:11, etc., not women! Four prophetesses never gave more than one message, never wrote anything down, never spoke publically, never addressed a mixed group, never charged a fee for service. Only Miriam attempted to usurp Moses' prophetic leadership authority, and God, in anger, sentenced her to a death sentence.

Proverbs. 30:5, 6 condemns EGW for adding to God's word.


Ivor myers is waiting for the invite E.J.! He posted waiting for the invite! you made accusations of which people have responded to you even quoting you and you have not responded. Let’s GO especially you Myles. Ivor is ready to battle this foolishness.


Link for e-book
The Investigative Judgment and the Everlasting Gospel by Dr Des Ford


Thank God for this channel, an eye opener to the deceived SDAs .


5:17 Is there good vs evil in our world? If anyone of you were to give a bible study on the war between good and evil in our world today, what would the title or theme of your bible study be?


Great work I always love listening to you guys because you do your research and present very well. It’s always solid and biblical . Thank you for that.

Hey Myles Would you mind removing the hat the pope hat from Ellen? We do know she is the pope of Adventism but we don’t have to show it. It looks like a mockery. We still want to be respectful to all religions who walk in their erroneous ways, as Jesus would do. We have the gospel so we should do better

Don’t be like Adventist who like to call Catholics, a beast😅 remove the hat, man!
Again, great stuff! 🎉🎉🎉


the bible is about Jesus christ whoever GOD SEND Who gave you right to speakright to speak about the chuch and the hold is not leading you you will fall
