Defeating Adventism #102 – Seventh-Day Adventist Chronology (Dan. 7:25) Proved False Yet Again
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Seventh-day Adventists believe themselves as having the key to the book of Daniel and are so deluded as to think their understanding of Daniel is biblical, which it is not. This video will take down yet another point on the Seventh-day Adventist bible chronology chart. Seventh-day Adventists believe that Daniel 7:25 is the Papal System and that this Papal System was given such power in Daniel 7:25 so as to change the Sabbath. This absurd teaching and its placement on the Seventh-day Adventist bible chronology chart will be show to be utterly foolishness.
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Current Coptic Pope (Wikipedia
List of Eastern Orthodox Popes
Current Eastern Orthodox Pope
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Wikipedia List of Coptic Popes
Current Coptic Pope (Wikipedia
List of Eastern Orthodox Popes
Current Eastern Orthodox Pope
Map Detailing Muslim Conquests from 630-750 A.D.
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In 1303 the French King Sent Goons to Attack and Kidnap the Pope
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