Defeating Adventism #78 – Seventh-day Adventist Fake Jesus has a Silver Trumpet in His Left hand

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Ellen White is well known for her bizarre and unbiblical dreams and visions (Gold Card Carrying Angels, Spirit Guides gifting Green Cords, etc.) and now she sees a “Jesus” with a silver trumpet in his left hand. This video is just the latest of many previous videos demonstrating the delusionary mind of Ellen White, her false visions and the fake “Jesus” of Adventism.

Defeating Adventism #67 – Occultic Dream of Ellen White – Seventh-day Adventist – Part 1 of 3
Defeating Adventism #68 – Occultic Dream of Ellen White – Seventh-day Adventist – Part 2 of 3
Defeating Adventism #69 – Occultic Dream of Ellen White – Seventh-day Adventist – Part 3 of 3
Defeating Adventism #64 – Seventh-day Adventists Angels Carry Gold Cards To Get Into Heaven
Defeating Adventism 45 – Seventh-day Adventists and the (Non-Biblical) Heavenly Council of God
Defeating Adventism #25–Changes to Ellen White’s First Vision of the 144,000 (Seventh-day Adventist)
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Your indepth research for these videos is remarkable. Having 2 sisters who are sda I do see how offended they become when I ask them to share in scriptures. Seems like their unusual loyalty to egw is above everything. I pray for my sister's understanding of their need of Christ and not a dead female false prophet.


DEAR FRIENDS, when we discover OBVIOUS errors, BLATANT heresy, KOOKY extra-biblical fables & verifiably DEMONIC doctrines... YOU SHOULD CELEBRATE! You can ESCAPE! Or correct your teachers!!! Should the truth be hidden??? Will Christ honor your vain imaginations? Your fables? Will he wink, and co-sign? Your fables about Christ keeping the sabbath? -John 5:17 Your fables about Noah inviting others on the Ark? -Genesis 7:1 Your DEMONIC doctrines, about eating meat? -1 Timothy 4:1-5 Your lack of authority to proclaim a "new" gospel? -1 Galations 8-9 l All the whining & hand wringing, would seem to indicate that you prefer darkness? Who can protect you... from scripture? -Hebrews 4:12 Can "present truth" (another adventist slang term) emerge... from the deception of ages? -Matthew 7:15-20



STEP ONE -Tell detractor, they are obviously ignorant of the scriptures.

STEP TWO -Tell detractor, sure... you quoted a few verses, out of context. Ones that support your thesis, while ignoring countless others.

STEP THREE -Tell detractor, I have all kinds of scriptures, that will bury your argument.

STEP FOUR -If detractor calls your bluff, cite some random scripture verse. One that has no relevance to the matter at hand.

STEP FIVE -Ignore or mock the detractors response, whatever it is. (it doesn't matter)

STEP SIX -Tell detractor, YOU ARE WRONG!

STEP SEVEN -Ask Doug Batchelor to lend you some money, for more fake meat.

STEP EIGHT -Ignore direct questions, and repeat steps in random order.


The Momons got the drop on the SDA folk.

Trying to defend E G White's prophecies is becoming a Titanic type of event of trying to stop the leaks.


I had an Ellen White follower lie to me for several years about what he truly believed. I hired him and he was my right hand man for over 3 years and never told me what he truly believed. He mentioned odd stuff here and there….. but never told me the truth. He even told me he was going to get a friend of mine to teach for him because everyone liked him. My friend was hungry but at the time he was shaken and looking for a new home spiritually. He was taken advantage of and misled him. He ended up splitting friends up and getting my friend to sell his home and move out of state with him……. He gladly did this so that he could have a follower to start his own small church. “Bible only “ is what he claimed while posting about and following Ellen G. White. He was a lier and felt nothing about it.


great video j white and Mary baker edie I think most of been friends
both mystics this church and the mormon is the same only difference
one goes to church on Saturday and the other Sunday
great research j


John described Jesus in Rev 1:13 - 16 . Nothing about a silver trumpet in his description.


Could you please email me that whole vision I didn't know about this I have not heard anything about this I have yet to find a vision from egw to be correct all lies


Have you noticed the structural similarities between her "first" vision and her green cord dream?


My Jesus is coming with a 🗡️ sword not a trumpet!


Do you have an email to share. Or is that just not a good idea??
BTW I'm also on the West Coast


God Be with you Jimbo
A diligent soldier for Jesus Christ you are !


I can only imagine how many phone calls the SDA governing body received today from members asking for help on this toffee.


Numbers 10:2, Make thee two trumpeter of silver; of a whole piece shall thou make them:that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.


John’s Vision of Christ (Jesus is at it again, on the wrong day!)


I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. ***10 On THE LORD'S DAY I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, 11 which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”

Why would Jesus appear to John, and teach him things on SUNDAY?!

Seems like Jesus is TOTALLY out of line...


Mr. Presenter.
Did YouTube remove an entire conversation?
Or, did you remove an entire conversation?
If you did so would you mind sharing why?


So sad Adventist people are so nice it’s so Sad that 99 percent of their doctrines are false


And I can just hear it now "just because it's not in The Bible doesn't mean it's not true" ....
Question of the day is - is seventh day adventism the bastard child of J.Smith.


SDA's like to claim that Jesus observed "all the covenant" laws. My understanding of it, is that it forbids ANY work. (on the sabbath) It seems very plain to me, that in John 5:17 Jesus acknowledges WORKING on the sabbath. Virtually says: Yup! Thanks for noticing! Any feedback?


Good job on this video. Great information 👍🏽
